

教育经历: 2004.6-2008.8: 美国德克萨斯A&M大学石油工程系,博士研究生,博士; 1994.9-1997.7: 中国科学院计算技术研究所,博士研究生,工学博士; 1987.9-1990.3: 中国石油大学(北京),硕士研究生,工学硕士; 1983.9-1987.6: 中国地质大学(武汉),本科生,工学学士。 工作经历: 2015.11-今:西安石油大学,教授; 1998.2-2000.3: 美国斯坦福大学石油工程系, 博士后; 1990.3-1994.8: 中国石油大学(华东)计算机系,助教、讲师。 研究领域: 油藏数值模拟, 油藏不确定性量化与开发优化 主讲课程: 本科生课程《油藏工程》,《采油气科学与技术》; 研究生课程《高等油气藏工程》。 代表性论著: 1. Ma, X., Al-Harbi, M., Datta-Gupta, A., and Efendiev, Y. 2008. An Efficient Two-Stage Sampling Method for Uncertainty Quantification in History Matching Geological Models.SPE Journal13(1): 77-87. 2. Ma, X., Datta-Gupta, A., and Efendiev, Y. 2008. A Multistage MCMC Method with Nonparametric Error Model for Efficient Uncertainty Quantification in History Matching. Paper SPE 115911 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 21-24 September, Denver, Colorado, USA 3. Talbert, M.,Ma, X., Datta-Gupta, A. 2008.Upgridding 3-D Reservoir Models in a Channel Environment. SPE Indian Oil and Gas Technical Conference and Exhibition, 4-6 March, Mumbai, India 4. Efendiev, Y., Datta-Gupta, A.,Ma, X., and Mallick, B. 2008. Modified MCMC for Dynamic Data Integration Using Streamline Models. Mathematical Geosciences 40(2)213:232 5. Ma, X., Al-Harbi, M., Datta-Gupta, A., and Efendiev, Y. 2006.A Multistage Sampling Method for Rapid Quantification of Uncertainty in History Matching Geological Models. Paper SPE 102476 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 24-27 September, San Antonio, Texas, USA 6. King, M. J., Burn, K. S., Wang, P., Muralidharan, V., Alvarado,Ma, X.and Datta-Gupta, A. 2006. Optimal Coarsening of 3D Reservoir Models for Flow Simulation, SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 7. Efendiev, Y., Datta-Gupta, A., Ginting, V.,Ma., X.and Mallick, B. 2005. An efficient two-stage Markov chain Monte Carlo method for dynamic data integration.Water Resources Res. 41 (12) 8. Efendiev, Y., Datta-Gupta, A., Hwang, K.,Ma., X.and Mallick, B. 2011. Bayesian Partition Models for Subsurface Characterization.Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Quantification of Uncertainty 9. Caers, J. and Ma, X.2002. Modeling Conditional Distribution of Facies from Seismic Using Neural Nets.Mathematical Geology34(2): 143-167. 10. Ma, X.and Yao, T. 2001. A Program for 2D Modeling (cross) Correlogram Tables Using Fast Fournier.Computers & Geosciences27(7) 763-774. Ma, X. and Journel, A. 1999. An Expanded GSLIB Cokriging Program Allowing for Two Markov Models.Computers & Geosciences25(6): 627-639.





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