当前课程知识点:高级食品化学 >  2. lipids >  2.5 chemistry of fat and oil processing >  2.5 chemistry of fat and oil processing


2.5 chemistry of fat and oil processing在线视频

下一节:3.1.1 What is protein



0 introduction to food chemistry

-0 introduction to food chemistry


-1.1 Association and dissociation of water molecules

--1.1 Association and dissociation of water molecules

-1.2 Structures in pure water systems (water & ice)

--1.2 Structures in pure water systems (water & ice)

-1.3 Water-solute interactions in aqueous solutions

--1.3 Water-solute interactions in aqueous solutions

-1.4 Water activity and relative vapor pressure

--1.4 Water activity and relative vapor pressure

-1.5 Moisture sorption isotherms

--1.5 Moisture sorption isotherms

-1.6 Water activity and food stability

--1.6 Water activity and food stability

-1.7 Molecular mobility and food stability

--1.7 Molecular mobility and food stability


2. lipids

-2.1 classification of lipids

--2.1 classification of lipids

-2.2 nomenclature of fatty acids

--2.2.1 nomenclature of fatty acids

--2.2.2 nomenclature of fatty acids

-2.3 physical properties of lipids

--2.3 physical properties of lipids

-2.4 chemical properties of lipids

--2.4.1 chemical properties of lipids

--2.4.2 chemical properties of lipids

-2.5 chemistry of fat and oil processing

--2.5 chemistry of fat and oil processing


3. Protein

-3.1 Protein introduction

--3.1.1 What is protein

--3.1.2 Polarity of molecules

--3.1.3 pH, chemical bonding, Avogadro's Number

-3.2 Protein structure

--3.2.1 Primary structure

--3.2.2 Meet amino acids

--3.2.3 Secondary structure

--3.2.4 Tertiary and quaternary structure

-3.3 Protein as food

--3.3 Protein as food



-4.1 Introduction

--4.1 Introduction

-4.2 Some Carbohydrates

--4.2.1 Some Carbohydrates-lactose

--4.2.2 Some Carbohydrates-sucrose

--4.2.3 Some Carbohydrates-resistant starch

-4.3 Hydrocolloids

--4.3.1 Hydrocolloids-part one

--4.3.2 Hydrocolloids-part two


2.5 chemistry of fat and oil processing笔记与讨论


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