当前课程知识点:高级食品化学 > 1.Water > 1.6 Water activity and food stability > 1.6 Water activity and food stability
-0 introduction to food chemistry
-1.1 Association and dissociation of water molecules
--1.1 Association and dissociation of water molecules
-1.2 Structures in pure water systems (water & ice)
--1.2 Structures in pure water systems (water & ice)
-1.3 Water-solute interactions in aqueous solutions
--1.3 Water-solute interactions in aqueous solutions
-1.4 Water activity and relative vapor pressure
--1.4 Water activity and relative vapor pressure
-1.5 Moisture sorption isotherms
--1.5 Moisture sorption isotherms
-1.6 Water activity and food stability
--1.6 Water activity and food stability
-1.7 Molecular mobility and food stability
--1.7 Molecular mobility and food stability
-2.1 classification of lipids
--2.1 classification of lipids
-2.2 nomenclature of fatty acids
--2.2.1 nomenclature of fatty acids
--2.2.2 nomenclature of fatty acids
-2.3 physical properties of lipids
--2.3 physical properties of lipids
-2.4 chemical properties of lipids
--2.4.1 chemical properties of lipids
--2.4.2 chemical properties of lipids
-2.5 chemistry of fat and oil processing
--2.5 chemistry of fat and oil processing
-3.1 Protein introduction
--3.1.3 pH, chemical bonding, Avogadro's Number
-3.2 Protein structure
--3.2.4 Tertiary and quaternary structure
-3.3 Protein as food
-4.1 Introduction
-4.2 Some Carbohydrates
--4.2.1 Some Carbohydrates-lactose
--4.2.2 Some Carbohydrates-sucrose
--4.2.3 Some Carbohydrates-resistant starch
-4.3 Hydrocolloids
--4.3.1 Hydrocolloids-part one
--4.3.2 Hydrocolloids-part two