As a key technology of artificial intelligence, the artificial neural network technology has been an important driving force of this new around of science and technology revolution. And the artificial neural network has been widely used in various fields, such as pattern recognition, image processing, path planning, speech processing, target recognition, automatic driving, robot engineering.
As a key technology of artificial intelligence, the artificial neural network technology has been an important driving force of this new around of science and technology revolution. And the artificial neural network has been widely used in various fields, such as pattern recognition, image processing, path planning, speech processing, target recognition, automatic driving, robot engineering.
-1.1 Structure and function of biological neurons
-1.2 Electrical activity of the nervous system
-1.3 Information storage of human brain
-Test for Chapter 1
-2.1 Development history of artificial neural network
-2.2 Characteristics and Applications of artificial neural network
-Test for Chapter 2
-Test for Chapter 3
-4.1 Architecture and Principle of Perceptron
-Test for Chapter 4
-5.1 BP Neural Network Architecture
-Test for Chapter 5
-6.1 RBF Architecture and Principle
-Test for Chapter 6
-7.2 Algorithm principle of Adaline and Multilayer Adaline
-Test for Chapter 7
-8.1 Discrete Hopfield Neural Network
-8.2 Continues Hopfield Neural Network
-Test for Chapter 8
-9.1 Architecture and principle of deep convolution neural network
-9.2 Several DCNN architectures
-9.3 Several Deep learning frameworks
-Test for Chapter 9
-Test for Chapter 10
-11.1 Architecture and principle of Elman
-11.2 Algorithm and Stability of Elman
-Test for Chapter 11
-Test for Chapter 12
-13.2 Principle and algorithm of SOFM neural network
-Test for Chapter 13
-Final exam for 《 Artificial Neural Networks Theory and Its Applications》
文常保,教授,博士/博士后。2012年到2013年在美国University of South Florida 从事访学研究工作。主持和参与国家自然科学基金、国家自然科学基金合作项目、国家教育部博士点基金、博士后科学面上及特别资助等基金项目20余项,申请发明专利及软件80余项。在电子、人工智能领域权威期刊学术刊物上发表学术论文60余篇。出版有著作、教材《半导体器件原理与技术》、《人工神经网络理论及应用》、《人工智能概论》及英文专著《Artificial neural network theory and Its application》。 兼职陕西省电子学会理事、西安市纳米科学技术学会理事、国家自然基金委员会项目评审专家、国家留学基金委评审专家,国家重大专项评审专家,科技部、工信部专项评审专家,教育部人才计划评审专家,教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心评审专家,中国博士后科学基金评审专家,千人计划评审专家,《中文核心期刊要目总览》评审专家,《现代电子技术》等期刊编委。
刘有耀,博士,教授。 主持陕西省高等教育教学改革研究项目1项,获得陕西省教学成果一等奖2项。主持国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、教育部科学研究重点项目、陕西省自然科学基金项目等省部级项目多项。在国内外期刊发表学术论文30多篇,获得国家发明专利3项。