








Unit 1 Course Introduction

-1. Lesson Preview

--Preview--Course Introduction

-2. What Is Academic Writing?

--Defining "Academic Writing"

-3. Why Academic Writing for Chinese Students?

--Why academic writing for Chinese students?

-4. Course Description

--Course Description

-Course Contents


-Unit 1 Course Introduction testing

Unit 2 Writing Process

-1. Lesson Preview

--Preview--The Writing Process

-2. What is the Writing Process?

--Defining the writing process

-3. Common Prewriting Techniques

--Prewriting techniques

-4. Drafting and Revising

--Drafting and revision

-5. Checklist for paper formatting

--Paper Formatting

-Unit 2 Writing Process testing

Unit 3 Brainstorming

-1. Lesson Preview

--Preview--Unit 3

-2. Finding a writing topic

--Finding a writing topic

-3. Listing


-4. Clustering


-Unit 3 Brainstorming testing

Unit 4 Planning and Outlines

-1. Lesson Preview

--Preview, Unit 4

-2. Functions of Outlines

--Functions of Outlines

-3. Making an Outline

--Making an Outline

-Unit 4 Planning and Outlines testing

Unit 5 The Five-Paragraph Structure

-1. Lesson Preview--Unit 5

--Preview--Unit 5

-2. Traditional Essay Structure

--Traditional Essay Structure

-3. The Keyhole Structure

--The Keyhole Structure

-4. Why Study the Traditional Essay?

--Reasons to learn the essay structure

-Unit 5 The Five-Paragraph Structure testing

Unit 6 Introductions, Conclusions, and Titles

-1. Lesson Preview--Unit 6

--Preview--Unit 6

-2. The Introduction

--The Introduction

-3. The Conclusion

--The Conclusion

-4. Introductions and Conclusions in Different Assignments

--Different Introductions and Conclusions

-5. The Essay Title

--The Essay Title

-Unit 6 Introductions…testing

Unit 7 The Thesis Statement

-1. Lesson Preview--Unit 7

--Preview--Unit 7

-2. Functions of the Thesis Statement

--Functions of Thesis Statements

-3. Position of Thesis Statements


-4. Components of the Thesis Statement


-5. Formulating Thesis Statements

--Formulating Thesis Statements

-6. Featuring Essay Types

--Featuring Essay Types

-Unit 7 The Thesis Statement testing

Unit 8 Paragraph Unity and Development

-1. Lesson Preview--Unit 8

--Preview--Unit 8

-2. Standard Paragraph Structure

--Standard Paragraph Structure

-3. Paragraph Unity

--Paragraph Unity

-4. Topic Sentences

--Topic Sentences

-5. Deductive and Inductive Patterns

--Deduction and Induction

-6. Supporting with Details

--Supporting Details

-Unit 8 Paragraph Unity and Development testing

Unit 9 Paragraph Coherence

-1. Lesson Preview--Unit 9


-2. Logical Connections

--Logical Connections

-3. Transitions


-4. Information Flow

--Information Flow

-5. Revising for Coherence

--Revising for Coherence

-Unit 9 Paragraph Coherence testing






长期从事二语习得和跨文化能力培养的研究,硕士生导师,开设的主要课程包括二语习得、研究方法和学术写作,2013年获得全军优秀教师、军队教育教学育才金奖,提倡中国外语教育要立足培养学生中介文化力(intercultural competence)建构能力,主要著作有《英语分级分层教育教学的探索与实践》(中国社会科学出版社,2015)。


  1. 外科护理学(2021秋)

  2. 电子音乐制作(2021暑假班)

  3. 数据结构与算法(2021秋)

  4. 物理学与世界进步(2021秋)

  5. 高级护理管理实践(2021秋)

  6. 大学语文(2021秋)

  7. 键盘乐器演奏—儿童初级钢琴教材教学指导(2021暑假班)

  8. 逐梦心言——手语的学习(2021秋)

  9. 天网追凶(2021秋)

  10. ACCA F7 财务报告(2021秋)

  11. 大学英文写作(上)(2021秋)

  12. 实验针灸学(2021秋)

  13. 计算思维导论(2021秋)

  14. 国际医学会议交际英语(2021秋)

  15. 测井综合解释方法(2021秋)

  16. 石油加工工程(2021秋)

  17. 计算思维导论(2021秋)

  18. 组织行为学——如何有效管理员工行为(2021秋)

  19. 概率论与数理统计(2021秋)

  20. 贸易实务英语(2021秋)
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