








1. Drinking Water Treatment

-1.1 Introduction of water resource

--1.1 Introduction of water resource

--Discussion 1.1

-1.2 Conventional drinking water treatment

--1.2 Conventional drinking water treatment

--Discussion 1.2

-Task 1

2. Wastewater Treatment

-2.1 Introduction of wastewater

--2.1 Introduction of wastewater

--Discussion 2.1

-2.2 Introduction of wastewater treatment

--2.2 Introduction of wastewater treatment

--Discussion 2.2

-2.3 Physical unit process

--2.3 Physical unit process

--Discussion 2.3

-2.4 Chemical unit process

--2.4 Chemical unit process

--Discussion 2.4

-2.5 Fundamentals of biological unit processes

--2.5 Fundamentals of biological unit processes

--Discussion 2.5

-2.6 Suspended growth biological treatment processes

--2.6 Suspended growth biological treatment processes

--Discussion 2.6

-2.7 Attached growth biological treatment processes

--2.7 Attached growth biological treatment processes

--Discussion 2.7

-2.8 Anaerobic biological treatment processes

--2.8 Anaerobic biological treatment processes

--Discussion 2.8

-2.9 Nutrient Removal processes

--2.9 Nutrient Removal processes

--Discussion 2.9

-Task 2

3. Air Pollution

-3.1 Smog

--3.1 Smog

--Discussion 3.1

-3.2 Visibility and haze

--3.2 Visibility and haze

--Discussion 3.2

-3.3 Particle size

--3.3 Particle size

--Discussion 3.3

-3.4 Climate change

--3.4 Climate change

--Discussion 3.4

-Task 3

4. Solid waste pollution and treatment

-4.1 What is solid waste

--4.1 What is solid waste

--Discussion 4.1

-4.2 Issues in solid waste

--4.2 Issues in solid waste

--Discussion 4.2

-4.3Management of solid waste

--4.3 Management of solid waste

--Discussion 4.3

-4.4 Source control of solid waste

--4.4 Source control of solid waste

--Discussion 4.4

-4.5 Collection and transportation of solid waste

--4.5 Collection and transportation of solid waste

--Discussion 4.5

-4.6 Waste treatment technology

--4.6 Waste treatment technology

--Discussion 4.6

-4.7 Destination of solid waste treatment

--4.7 Destination of solid waste treatment

--Discussion 4.7

-Task 4

5. How to do a great research

-5.1 A brief introduction of research

--5.1 A brief introduction of research

-Discussion 5.1

-5.2 How to read scientific papers and management of references

--5.2 How to read scientific papers and management of references

-5.3 Research proposal (1)

--5.3 Research proposal (1)

-5.4 Research proposal (2)

--5.4 Research proposal(2)

-Task 5

6. Brief introduction of journal paper writing and publication

-6.1 What makes a great paper

--6.1 What makes a great paper

-6.2 Writing style of journal paper

--6.2 Writing style of journal paper

-6.3 Research article structure

--6.3 Research article structure

--Discussion 6.1

-6.4 Figures and tables

--6.4 Figures and tables

--Discussion 6.2

-6.5 Methodology(1)

--6.5 Methodology(1)

-6.6 Methodology(2)

--6.6 Methodology(2)

--Discussion 6.3

-6.7 Result

--6.7 Result

-6.8 Introduction(1)

--6.8 Introduction(1)

-6.9 Introduction(2)

--6.9 Introduction(2)

--Discussion 6.4

-6.10 Discussion and conclusion

--6.10 Discussion and conclusion

-6.11 Title

--6.11 Title

--Discussion 6.5

-6.12 Attribution

--6.12 Attribution

-6.13 Abstract and acknowledgement

--6.13 Abstract and acknowledgement

--Discussion 6.6

--Discussion 6.7

-6.14 Submission of academic paper(1)

--6.14 Submission of academic paper(1)

-6.15 Submission of academic paper(2)

--6.15 Submission of academic paper(2)

--Discussion 6.8

-6.16 Publication of academic paper

--6.16 Publication of academic paper

-Task 6

7. Academic communication

-7.1 E-mail expression

--7.1 E-mail expression

-7.2 The structure of presentation

--7.2 The structure of presentation

-7.3 The delivery of presentation

--7.3 The delivery of presentation

-7.4 Question and answer session

--7.4 Question and answer session

-7.5 Chairing a conference

--7.5 Chairing a conference




李安婕,香港大学博士,副教授,博士生导师,北京师范大学励耘奖学金优秀青年教师。主要从事废水生物处理新技术及新工艺、生物能源及剩余污泥资源化、环境微生物生态等方面的研究。主持和参与了包括国家自然科学基金、国家863高技术计划研究课题、教育部专项科研基金、香港研究资助局项目在内的多个科研项目,发表多篇SCI学术论文,主讲《环境生物技术》、《分子生物学原理与技术》、《环境工程专业英语》等课程,担任国际重要期刊Water Research, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Energy, Chemosphere, Journal of Environmental Science, International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, Ecological Engineering 等的审稿人。


北京师范大学副教授,博士生导师。2009年博士毕业于清华大学。 主要从事生物质资源化与固体废物管理领域的科学研究。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、博士点科研基金、博士后基金特别资助和一等资助等科研项目十余项,参与国家863课题、水专项、环保公益项目、科技支撑项目、环境标准项目等多项国家级、省部级项目。共发表学术论文近60篇,第一作者或通讯作者论文30余篇,其中SCI收录24篇,影响因子之和达134,单篇最高影响因子25。获得授权发明专利6项。担任Bioresource Technology、Waste Management等多个国际学术期刊长期审稿人。与丹麦技术大学、德国汉堡工业大学等多所领域内一流高校保持长期合作,并获2016年国家公派访问学者项目资助赴丹麦技术大学开展合作研究。曾获国际埃尼奖(Eni Award)2014年度候选提名,Resource Conservation & Recycling期刊2018年最佳审稿人,第十三届、十四届青年教师教学基本功比赛三等奖。






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