Electric Circuits

1. Online courses have a distinctive modularity, allowing students to learn and practice over and over again. 2. With the establishment of a complete network system for the course, the course selection, learning, practice and assessment can be completed on the platform.


Electric Circuits课程:前往报名学习

Electric Circuits视频慕课课程简介:

1. Online courses have a distinctive modularity, allowing students to learn and practice over and over again. 2. With the establishment of a complete network system for the course, the course selection, learning, practice and assessment can be completed on the platform.


Electric Circuits课程列表:


Chapter 1. Basic Concepts of Electric Circuits

-1.1 Systems of Units

--1.1 Systems of Units

--1.1 Systems of Units

--1.1 Systems of Units

-1.2 Current and voltage, reference direction of current and voltage

--1.2.1 Charge and Current

--1.2.2 Voltage

--1.2 Current and voltage, reference direction of current and voltage

--1.2 Current and voltage, reference direction of current and voltage

--1.2 Current and voltage, reference direction of current and voltage

-1.3 Power and energy

--Power and energy

--1.3 Power and energy

--1.3 Power and energy

--1.3 Power and energy

-1.4 Circuit elements, resistance, voltage source, current source, and controlled source

--1.4 Circuit Elements

--1.4 (2) Circuit elements

--1.4 Circuit elements, resistance, voltage source, current source, and controlled source

--1.4 Circuit elements, resistance, voltage source, current source, and controlled source


-Chapter 1. Basic Concepts of Electric Circuits

Chapter 2. Basic Laws

-2.1 Ohm’s Law

--2.1 Ohm’s Law

--2.1 Ohm’s Law 1

--2.1 Ohm’s Law 2

--2.1 Ohm’s Law


-2.2 Nodes, Branches, and Loops

--2.2 Nodes,Branches,and Loops

--2.2 Nodes, Branches, and Loops

--2.2 Nodes, Branches, and Loops

--2.2 Nodes, Branches, and Loops

-2.3 Kirchhoff law (KCL and KVL)

--2.3 Kirchhoff's Laws


--2.3 Kirchhoff law

--2.3 Kirchhoff law (KCL and KVL)

-2.4 Series Resistors and Voltage Division

--2.4 Series Resistors and Voltage Division

--2.4 Series Resistors and Voltage Division

--2.4 Series Resistors and Voltage Division


-2.5 Parallel Resistors and Current Division

--2.5 Parallel Resisitor and Current Division


--2.5 Parallel Resistors and Current Division

--2.5 Parallel Resistors and Current Division

-2.6 Equivalent transformation between Y connection and Δconnection of resistances;

--2.6 Wye-Delta Transformations


--2.6 Equivalent transformation between Y connection and Δconnection of resistances

--2.6 Equivalent transformation between Y connection and Δconnection of resistances

-Chapter 2. Basic Laws

Chapter 3. General Analysis of Resistant circuits

-3.1 Nodal Analysis

--3.1 Nodal Analysis


--3.1 Nodal Analysis

--3.1 Nodal Analysis

-3.2 Nodal Analysis with Voltage Sources

--3.2 Nodal Analysis with Voltage Sources


--3.2 Nodal Analysis with Voltage Sources

--3.2 Nodal Analysis with Voltage Sources

-3.3 Mesh Analysis

--3.3 Mesh Analysis


--3.3 Mesh Analysis

--3.3 Mesh Analysis

-3.4 Mesh Analysis with Current Sources

--3.4 Mesh Analysis with Current Sources

--3.4 Mesh Analysis with Current Sources

--3.4 Mesh Analysis with Current Sources


-Chapter 3. General Analysis of Resistant circuits

Chapter 4. Circuit Theorems

-4.1 Linearity Property

--4.1 Linearity Property

--4.1 Linearity Property

--4.1 Linearity Property


-4.2 Superposition

--4.2 Superposition

--4.2 Superposition

--4.2 Superposition


-4.3 Source Transformation

--4.3 Source Transformation

--4.3 Source Transformation

--4.3 Source Transformation

-4.4 Thevenin’s Theorem

--4.4 Thevenin’s Theorem


--4.4 Thevenin’s Theorem

--4.4 Thevenin’s Theorem

-4.5 Norton’s Theorem

--4.5 Norton’s Theorem

--4.5 Norton’s Theorem

--4.5 Norton’s Theorem


-4.6 Maximum Power Transfer

--4.6 Maximum Power Transfer

--4.6 Maximum Power Transfer

--4.6 Maximum Power Transfer


-Chapter 4. Circuit Theorems

Chapter 5. Resistant Circuits with Operational Amplifier

-5.1 Operational amplifier

--5.1 Operational amplifier

--5.1 Operational amplifier

--5.1 Operational amplifier

-5.2 Ideal Op Amp

--5.2 Ideal Op Amp

--5.2 Ideal Op Amp

--5.2 Ideal Op Amp


-5.3 Analysis of circuits with operational amplifier

--5.3 Analysis of circuits with operational amplifier

--5.3 Analysis of circuits with operational amplifier

--5.3 Analysis of circuits with operational amplifier


-Chapter 5. Resistant Circuits with Operational Amplifier

Chapter 6. Energy-storage Elements

-6.1 Capacitors

--6.1 Capacitors

--6.1 Capacitors

--6.1 Capacitors


-6.2 Series and parallel connections of capacitors

--6.2 Series and parallel connections of capacitors


--6.2 Series and parallel connections of capacitors 1

--6.2 Series and parallel connections of capacitors 2

--6.2 Series and parallel connections of capacitors

-6.3 Inductors

--6.3 Inductors

--6.3 Inductors

--6.3 Inductors


-6.4 Series and parallel connections of inductors

--6.4 Series and parallel connections of inductors

--6.4 Series and parallel connections of inductors 1

--6.4 Series and parallel connections of inductors 2

--6.4 Series and parallel connections of inductors


-Chapter 6. Energy-storage Elements

Chapter7. Time Domain Analysis of First-order Circuit

-7.1 The Source-Free RC Circuit

--7.1 The Source-Free RC Circuit

--7.1 The Source-Free RC Circuit

--7.1 The Source-Free RC Circuit


-7.2 The Source-Free RL Circuit

--7.2 The Source-Free RL Circuit


--7.2 The Source-Free RL Circuit

--7.2 The Source-Free RL Circuit

-7.3 Step Response of an RC Circuit

--7.3 Step Response of an RC Circuit

--7.3 Step Response of an RC Circuit

--7.3 Step Response of an RC Circuit

-7.4 Step Response of an RL Circuit

--7.4 Step Response of an RL Circuit


--7.4 Step Response of an RL Circuit

--7.4 Step Response of an RL Circuit

-Chapter7. Time Domain Analysis of First-order Circuit

Chapter 8. Sinusoids and Phasors

-8.1 Sinusoids

--8.1 Sinusoids

--8.1 Sinusoids

--8.1 Sinusoids


-8.2 Phasors

--8.2 Phasors

--8.2 Phasors

--8.2 Phasors


-8.3 Phasor Relationships for Circuit Elements

--8.3 Phasor Relationships for Circuit Elements


--8.3 Phasor Relationships for Circuit Elements

--8.3 Phasor Relationships for Circuit Elements

-8.4 Impedance and admittance;

--8.4 Impedance and Admittance


--8.4 Impedance and admittance

--8.4 Impedance and admittance;

-8.5 Kirchhoff’s Laws in the Frequency Domain

--8.5 Kirchhoff’s Laws in the Frequency Domain


--8.5 Kirchhoff’s Laws in the Frequency Domain

--8.5 Kirchhoff’s Laws in the Frequency Domain

-8.6 Impedance Combinations

--8.6 Impedance Combinations


--8.6 Impedance Combinations

--8.6 Impedance Combinations

-Chapter 8. Sinusoids and Phasors

Chapter 9. Analysis of Sinusoidal Steady-state Circuit

-9.1 Nodal Analysis

--9.1 Nodal Analysis

--9.1 Nodal Analysis

--9.1 Nodal Analysis


-9.2 Mesh Analysis

--9.2 Mesh Analysis


--9.2 Mesh Analysis

--9.2 Mesh Analysis

-9.3 Superposition Theorem

--9.3 Superposition Theorem


--9.3 Superposition Theorem

--9.3 Superposition Theorem

-9.4 Source Transformation

--9.4 Source Transformation

--9.4 Source Transformation

--9.4 Source Transformation


-9.5 Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits

--9.5 Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits


--9.5 Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits

--9.5 Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits


-9.6 Op Amp AC Circuits

--9.6 Op Amp AC Circuits

--9.6 Op Amp AC Circuits

--9.6 Op Amp AC Circuits

-Chapter 9. Analysis of Sinusoidal Steady-state Circuit

-final exam

Electric Circuits开设学校:昆明理工大学

Electric Circuits授课教师:






  1. Electric Circuits(Round 2)

  2. 操作系统(2021秋)

  3. Международное коммерческое управление(Round 2)

  4. 中国近代史(2021秋)

  5. Functional Experiments(2021秋)

  6. 消防基层政治工作(2021暑假班)

  7. Environmental Design for Everyone(2021秋)

  8. 基因组学(2021秋)

  9. Signals and Systems(Round 1)

  10. 城市景观艺术设计(2021秋)

  11. 秘书礼仪与职业形象(2021秋)

  12. 预测方法与技术(2021秋)

  13. 钢琴艺术及名著欣赏(2021秋)

  14. 电子政务(2021秋)

  15. 法律人看婚姻家事(2021秋)

  16. 5G与人工智能(2021秋)

  17. 灾害风险管理(2021秋)

  18. 设计构成(2021秋)

  19. 鞋类设计师的必修课——现代时装鞋类经典解读(2021秋)

  20. 产品开发设计(2021秋)
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