How to be an effective learner in universities? How to achieve academic success in higher-level study? How to participate in group discussion? How to deal with the deadlines? How to reach the professors properly? How to avoid plagiarism? This course aims to help you: To improve the language skills in English-speaking classes; To acquire the competence in study skills at universities; To cultivate innovative and cross culture perspective; To gain proficiency for international academic success.
How to be an effective learner in universities? How to achieve academic success in higher-level study? How to participate in group discussion? How to deal with the deadlines? How to reach the professors properly? How to avoid plagiarism? This course aims to help you: To improve the language skills in English-speaking classes; To acquire the competence in study skills at universities; To cultivate innovative and cross culture perspective; To gain proficiency for international academic success.
-1.1 Understanding higher-level study
--1.1 Understanding higher-level study
-1.2 What are study skills?
-1.3 Different types of teaching
--1.3 Different types of teaching
-1.4 Different learning tasks in universities
--1.4 Different learning tasks in universities
-1.5 CREAM Learning Strategies
--1.5 CREAM Learning Strategies
-1.6 Reflecting on your learning style
--1.6 Reflecting on your learning style
-1.7 Conducting independent learning
--1.7 Conducting independent learning
-1.8 Becoming a good time manager
--1.8.1 Becoming a good time manager
--1.8 .2Becoming a good time manager
--1.8 .3Becoming a good time manager
--1.8.4 Becoming a good time manager
-2.1 Participating the class
-2.2 Learning through lectures
--2.2 Learning through lectures
-2.3 Learning through seminars/tutorials
--2.3 Learning through seminars/tutorials
-2.4 Using the right style for effective communication
--2.4 Using the right style for effective communication
-2.5 Exchanging emails: connecting with professors, peers, professionals
--2.5 Exchanging emails: connecting with professors, peers, professionals
-2.6 Differentiating some high frequency phrases
--2.6 Differentiating some high frequency phrases
-3.1 Note-taking during lectures
--3.1 Note-taking during lectures
-3.2 Four “Uses” in note-taking
--3.2 Four “Uses” in note-taking
-3.3 Note-taking while reading
--3.3 Note-taking while reading
-3.4 Taking “active” notes
-3.5 Taking notes with visual images
--3.5 Taking notes with visual images
-4.1 Why do lecturers set group assignments
--4.1 Why do lecturers set group assignments
-4.2 Why are study groups better than self-study
--4.2 Why are study groups better than self-study
-4.3 How to make the process work well
--4.3 .1How to make the process work well
--4.3 .2How to make the process work well
-4.4 How to participate in group discussion
--4.4 How to participate in group discussion
-4.5 How do individuals become team players
--4.5 How do individuals become team players
-4.6 How to listen and share opinions in groups?
--4.6 How to listen and share opinions in groups?
-5.1 How to structure the presentation?
--5.1 How to structure the presentation?
-5.2 How to delievere the presentation?
--5.2 How to delievere the presentation?
-5.3 How to use visual aids in communication?
--5.3 How to use visual aids in communication?
-5.4 Interacting with Audience
--5.4 Interacting with Audience
-5.5 Leraning presentaiton skills from Steve Jobs
--5.5 Leraning presentaiton skills from Steve Jobs
-6.1 Carrying out literature search
--6.1 Carrying out literature search
-6.2 Two common speed reading techniques
--6.2 Two common speed reading techniques
-6.3 Active reading techniques
--6.3.1 Active reading techniques
--6.3.2 Active reading techniques
-6.4 SQ3R method
-6.5 Reading the literature Critically
--6.5.1Reading the literature Critically
--6.5.2 Reading the literature Critically
--6.5.3 Reading the literature Critically
--6.5.4 Reading the literature Critically
-7.1 Knowing about the writing processes
--7.1 Knowing about the writing processes
-7.2 Understanding the common features of academic writing
--7.2 Understanding the common features of academic writing
-7.3 Critical analytical writing VS descriptive writing
--7.3 Critical analytical writing VS descriptive writing
-7.4 Reasoning
-7.5 Presenting arguments in logical orders
--7.5 Presenting arguments in logical orders
-7.6 Linking ideas together
-7.7 Proofreading out loud
-8.1 The university as an intellectual community
--8.1 The university as an intellectual community
-8.2 Four types of academic misconduct
--8.2 Four types of academic misconduct
-8.3 What is plagiarism?
-8.4 How to create proper English citations?
--8.4.1 How to create proper English citations?
--8.4.2 How to create proper English citations?
-8.5 What plagiarism detection software to use?
--8.5 What plagiarism detection software to use?
李霞,南开大学外国语学院副院长公共英语教学部主任,副教授 博士。 国家级视频公开课 "圣经与欧洲文明"课程 主讲教师 国家级精品课,国家级精品资源共享课 大学英语 主讲教师 南开大学教学名师 天津市优秀教学团队"国际化人才培养教学团队"带头人 天津市第八届高等教育教学成果一等奖 第一完成人 天津市第七届高等教育教学成果一等奖 第二完成人 南开大学"魅力课堂" 主讲教师 第十届天津市高校青年教师教学基本功竞赛英语类一等奖 南开大学观摩课主讲教师 南开有效教学工作坊(NKET)有效教学系列课程 总负责人 主要研究方向: 高等教育课程设计与教学实施,跨文化交际教学
唐磊,南开大学外国语学院公共英语教学部讲师,中国大学MOOC《思辨式英文写作》课程负责人,全国高校教师网络培训中心新教师培训专项《有效教学之旅》网络课程主讲教师,英国高等教育协会(Higher Education Academy)高级研究员(Senior Fellow)。 教学获奖:首届南开大学教育教学奖励“优秀青年教师”奖;“首届中国外语微课大赛”全国总决赛一等奖;天津市第八届教学成果一等奖(第二完成人);2018年度天津市教学团队“国际化人才培养教学团队”(第二成员);南开大学2019年校级教学团队“南开大学有效教学(NKET)教师教学团队”带头人。 教学专长:思辨能力培养、基于MOOC的混合式教学、有效教学教师培训。 研究专长:英语教学、高等教育教学法、社会心理学。
时雨,南开大学外国语学院公共英语教学部讲师,中国大学MOOC《思辨式英文写作》课程主讲之一,全国高校教师网络培训中心新教师培训专项《有效教学之旅》网络课程主讲教师,英国高等教育协会(Higher Education Academy)研究员(Fellow)。 教学获奖:2018年度天津市教学团队“国际化人才培养教学团队”成员;南开大学2019年校级教学团队“南开大学有效教学(NKET)教师教学团队”成员。 教学专长:学术英语、思辨能力培养、混合式教学、有效教学教师培训。 研究专长:英语教学、高等教育教学法。
南开大学外国语学院英语教学硕士讲师(2008-2017年) 教学专长:学术性学习策略与技巧、学术性听说 研究方向:TESL、语言课堂教学法 获奖及奖学金:天津市第十一届高校教学大赛二等奖(2012年) 第一届SFLEP全国外语教学大赛优秀奖(2010年) 专业发展:EMI(英语作为教学语言)培训证书(英国驻华文化教育处颁发)(2016年)