
Chinese traditional customs and arts are universal and comprehensive with a long history, The Pre-Qin wisdom, historical volumes, folk customs, literature and art, have nourished billions of Chinese people,and attracted world- wide attention. we try to lift its mysterious veil slightly,would you join us?




Chinese traditional customs and arts are universal and comprehensive with a long history, The Pre-Qin wisdom, historical volumes, folk customs, literature and art, have nourished billions of Chinese people,and attracted world- wide attention. we try to lift its mysterious veil slightly,would you join us?




Unit1 Glance of China

-1.1 Chinese knot

--Chinese Knot

--Study Materials

-1.2 The panda

--The Panda

--Study Materials

-1.3 Cheongsam


--Study Materials

-1.4 The Great Wall

--The Great Wall

--Study Materials

-1.5 Confucius


--Study Materials

-1.6 Four Great Inventions of Ancient China

--Four Great Inventions

--Study Materials

-1.7 Kung Fu

--Kung Fu

--Study Materials

-1.8 Traditional Chinese Medicine

--Traditional Chinese Medicine

--Study Materials

-Unit 1 test


-Discussion questions


Unit2 Chinese Food

-2.1 Baozi


--Study Materials

-2.2 The Tea Ceremony

--The Tea Ceremony

--Study Materials

-2.3 Tangyuan


--Study Materials

-2.4 Sugar Figurine

--Sugar Figurine

--Study Materials

-2.5 Sugar-coated Haws on a Stick

--Sugar-coated Haws on a Stick

--Study Materials

-2.6 The Alcohol

--The Alcohol

--Study Materials

-2.7 Chinese Eight Cuisines

--Chinese Eight Cuisines

--Study Materials

-2.8 Bowls and Chopsticks

--Bowls and Chopsticks

--Study Materials

-2.9 Hot-Pot


--Study Materials

-2.10 Dumplings


--Study Materials

-Unit 2 test


-Discussion questions


Unit3 The art of language

-3.1 Xiangsheng


--Study Materials

-3.2 Chinese Characters

--Chinese Characters

--Study Materials

-3.3 Chinese Dialect Groups

--Chinese Dialect Groups

--Study Materials

-3.4 Chinese Opera

--Chinese Opera

--Study Materials

-Unit 3 test


-Discussion questions


Unit4 Literature and Art

-4.1 The Poetry in the Tang Dynasty

--The Poetry in the Tang Dynasty

--Study Materials

-4.2 The Poetry in the Song and Yuan Dynasties

--The Poetry in the Song and Yuan Dynasties

--Study Materials

-4.3 Chinese Historical Tales

--Chinese Historical Tales

--Study Materials

-4.4 Chinese Fable

--Chinese Fable

--Study Materials

-4.5 Modern Chinese Novels

--Modern Chinese Novels

--Study Materials

-4.6 Chinese Painting

--Chinese Painting

--Study Materials

-4.7 Flower Arrangement

--Flower Arrangement

--Study Materials

-4.8 The Art of Calligraphy

--The Art of Calligraphy

--Study Materials

-4.9 Bada Shanren

--Bada Shanren

--Study Materials

-4.10 Xiang Qi ,the Chinese Chess

--Xiang Qi ,the Chinese Chess

--Study Materials

-4.11 Weiqi


--Study Materials

-4.12 Lion Dance

--Lion Dance

--Study Materials

-4.13 Chinese Folk Music

--Chinese Folk Music

--Study Materials

-Unit 4 test


-Discussion questions


Unit 5 Traditional Festival

-5.1 The Spring Festival

--The Spring Festival

--Study Materials

-5.2 Lantern Festival

--Lantern Festival

--Study Materials

-5.3 Tomb Sweeping Day

--Tomb Sweeping Day

--Study Materials

-5.4 Dragon Boat Festival

-- Dragon Boat Festival

--Study Materials

-5.5 Qixi Festival

--Qixi Festival

--Study Materials

-5.6 The Mid-Autumn Festival

--The Mid-Autumn Festival

--Study Materials

-5.7 Double Ninth Festival

-- Double Ninth Festival

--Study Materials

-5.8 The Laba Festival

--The Laba Festival

--Study Materials

-Unit 5 Test


-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 6 Architectural Art

-6.1 Chinese Gardens

--Chinese Gardens

--Study Materials

-6.2 Courtyard House

--Courtyard House

--Study Materials

-6.3 Hutong


--Study Materials

-6.4 Huizhou Architecture

--Huizhou Architecture

--Study Materials

-6.5 Buddhist temples and pagodas

--Buddhist temples and pagodas

--Study Materials

-6.6 Chinese palaces

--Chinese palaces

--Study Materials

-6.7 Zhaozhou Bridge

--Zhaozhou Bridge

--Study Materials

-6.8 Buildings of Classical Learning Academies

--Buildings of Classical Learning Academies

--Study Materials

-6.9 Memorial Archway

--Memorial Archway

--Study Materials

-Unit 6 Test

--Unit 6 Test

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 7 Places of interest

-7.1 Terracotta Warriors

--Terracotta Warriors

--Study Materials

-7.2 The Potala Palace

--The Potala Palace

--Study Materials

-7.3 Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang

--Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang

--Study Materials

-7.4 Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang City

--Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang City

--Study Materials

-7.5 Shaolin Monastery

-- Shaolin Monastery

--Study Materials

-7.6 The Forbidden City

--The Forbidden City

--Study Materials

-7.7 Temple of Heaven

--Temple of Heaven

--Study Materials

-7.8 Chengde Mountain Resort in Chengde

--Chengde Mountain Resort in Chengde

--Study Materials

-7.9 Pingyao


--Study Materials

-7.10 Lijiang Old Town


--Study Materials

-Unit 7 Test

--Unit 7 Test

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 8 Chinese Cultural Relics

-8.1 Jade burial suit

--Jade burial suit

--Study Materials

-8.2 Bianzhong


--Study Materials

-8.3 Four-goats Square Zun

--Four-goats Square Zun

--Study Materials

-8.4 Along the River During the Qingming Festival

--Along the River During the Qingming Festival

--Study Materials

-Unit 8 Test

--Unit 8 Test

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 9 Folk Culture

-9.1 Table Manners

--Table Manners

--Study Materials

-9.2 Birthday Celebration Customs

--Birthday Celebration Customs

--Study Materials

-9.3 Chinese Wedding and Funeral Custom

--Chinese Wedding and Funeral Custom

--Study Materials

-9.4 Honor the Teacher and Stress Education

--Honor the Teacher and Stress Education

--Study Materials

-9.5 Social Etiquette

--Social Etiquette

--Study Materials

-9.6 Secretive Twelve Chinese Zodiac Signs

--Secretive Twelve Chinese Zodiac Signs

--Study Materials

-9.7 Filial Piety

--Filial Piety

--Study Materials

-9.8 Worship Rituals

--Worship Rituals

--Study Materials

-9.9 Gift Culture

--Gift Culture

--Study Materials

-9.10 Temple Fair

--Temple Fair

--Study Materials

-9.11 Honesty and Trustworthiness

--Honesty and Trustworthiness

--Study Materials

-9.12 Hundred Family Surnames

--Hundred Family Surnames

--Study Materials

-9.13 Family Roots

--Family Roots

--Study Materials

-9.14 The Spring Festival Couplets

--The Spring Festival Couplets

--Study Materials

-9.15 The Spring Festival Pictures

--The Spring Festival Pictures

--Study Materials

-9.16 Exchanging Red Envelopes

--Exchanging Red Envelopes

--Study Materials

-Unit 9 Test

--Unit 9 Test

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 10 Traditional Craft

-10.1 Chinese Paper Cutting

-- Chinese Paper Cutting

--Study Materials

-10.2 Printing and Dyeing

--Printing and Dyeing

--Study Materials

-10.3 Porcelain


--Study Materials

-10.4 Chinese Kite

--Chinese Kite

--Study Materials

-10.5 Colorful Lantern

--Colorful Lantern

--Study Materials

-10.6 Folk Toys

--Folk Toys

--Study Materials

-10.7 Writing Brush

--Writing Brush

--Study Materials

-10.8 The Art of Seals

--The Art of Seals

--Study Materials

-10.9 Chinese Embroidery

--Chinese Embroidery

--Study Materials

-10.10 Stone Carving

--Stone Carving

--Study Materials

-10.11 Abacus


--Study Materials

-10.12 Seal Carving

--Seal Carving

--Study Materials

-10.13 The Shadow Puppetry

--The Shadow Puppetry

--Study Materials

-10.14 Beijing Dough Figurines

--Beijing Dough Figurines

--Study Materials

-Unit 10 Test

--Unit 10 Test

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 11 Scenic beauty

-11.1 Mount Tai

--Mount Tai

--Study Materials

-11.2 Mount Huangshan

--Mount Huangshan

--Study Materials

-11.3 Mount Wutai

--Mount Wutai

--Study Materials

-11.4 Qomolangma


--Study Materials

-11.5 Zhangjiajie Forest Park

--Zhangjiajie Forest Park

--Study Materials

-11.6 Guilin Scenery

--Guilin Scenery

--Study Materials

-11.7 JiuZhaigou


--Study Materials

-11.8 Hulunbeier Grassland

--Hulunbeier Grassland

--Study Materials

-11.9 Huang guoshu Waterfall

--11.9 Huang guoshu Waterfall

--Study Materials

-11.10 Gulangyu


--Study Materials

-11.11 West lake

-- West lake

--Study Materials

-11.12 Qinghai Lake

--Qinghai Lake

--Study Materials

-11.13 Mount Lushan

--Mount Lushan

--Study Materials

-Unit 11 Test

--Unit 11 Test

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions




邱璟,南昌大学艺术与设计学院教授、硕导,高级工艺美术师,江西省委宣传部思想文化创意专家。主持多门精品在线开放课程,其中《中国民间艺术的奇妙之旅》、《时尚·魅力——大学生魅商修炼手册》在中宣部学习强国平台、中国大学MOOC、智慧树、超星尔雅等多个平台上线运行,《民间美术》为南昌大学“课程思政”示范课程,多部书画类作品被中国现代文学馆永久收藏。主持省级以上教学与科研课题多项,在 CSSCI 等核心以上学术期刊发表学术论文二十余篇,编写、出版多部学术专著、艺术设计类专业教材和国家职业技能鉴定考试复习指导丛书。主要研究领域为视觉传达设计和服装设计。


舒余安,南昌大学艺术与设计学院副教授、硕导、研究员,意大利威尼斯建筑大学客座教授(2016-2017),美国辛辛那提大学访问学者(2018-2019),TED演讲者(2016)。江西省精品课程《设计方法学》主讲人,南昌大学来华留学生英语授课《Design Methodology》课程负责人。先后在学术期刊发表学术论文10余篇,主持省级以上科研和教改课题8项,出版教材1本。先后在欧美国家做中国文化与设计系列讲座10余场,包括:“Chinese Culture”、“How to Use Chinese Culture”等(意大利威尼斯建筑大学建校九十周年校庆学术活动),“In the beginning was only a teapot”(意大利佛罗西诺内美术学院学术研讨会),“Cultural Design”(美国辛辛那提大学学术交流活动),“Chinese New Year”(美国蒙哥马利小学国际文化推广活动)等。合作设计的“葵叶灯”系列中国文化产品于2013年受邀参加“2013国际米兰设计周优良设计展”。






聂菁,南昌大学基础医学院讲师,硕士。讲授《人体解剖学》、《系统解剖学》、《断层解剖学》等课程。江西省省级精品在线开放课程《断层解剖学》课程负责人。先后在《International Immunopharmacology》、《神经解剖学杂志》、《中国临床解剖学杂志》、《解剖学杂志》等各类期刊发表学术、教学论文十余篇。主持江西省教育厅科研基金课、卫生厅青年基金项目各一项。主持南昌大学校级教改项目两项。参与多项国家自然基金项目、省级自然基金项目和省级教改项目。主要研究方向:人体解剖学教学、神经解剖学研究。


张千山,南昌大学艺术与设计学院教师, 广播电视艺术学硕士。教授课程:《视听语言》、《华语电影概观》、《影视剧写作》。《视听语言》多媒体课件获第十五届全国多媒体课件大赛三等奖,慕课《视听语言》课程认定为2019年江西省省级精品在线开放课程(本科),在中国大学慕课(MOOC)、超星尔雅等多家平台上线运行。


  1. 传统民俗与中华艺术(2021秋)

  2. 环境卫生学(2021秋)

  3. The Experiment for Mechanical Manufacturing Process Design and Simulation(Round 2)

  4. 医学免疫学(Medical Immunology)(2021秋)

  5. Chinese Language --Express to HSK(Round 2)

  6. Physiology(生理学)(2021暑假班)

  7. 矩阵分析(英文版)(2021秋)

  8. 食品分析技术(2021秋)

  9. Linear Algebra(Round 2)

  10. 财务管理(2021秋)

  11. 程序设计基础(2021秋)

  12. 交互设计(2021秋)

  13. 经济学视角看城市(2021秋)

  14. 医学人文(2021秋)

  15. 民法与生活(2021秋)

  16. 物理与人类未来(2021秋)

  17. 航空电机学(2021秋)

  18. 剖析肌肉结构,拥有健康生命(2021秋)

  19. 西班牙语初级(2021秋)

  20. 化学概论(2021秋)
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