Planetary Boundaries(International Edition)

Can our planet continue to support the current scope of human activity?


Planetary Boundaries(International Edition)课程:前往报名学习

Planetary Boundaries(International Edition)视频慕课课程简介:

Can our planet continue to support the current scope of human activity?


Planetary Boundaries(International Edition)课程列表:


Welcome to the course

-Pre-Course Survey

--Pre-Course Survey

-Introduction and Self-assessment


--How to Follow this Course

--Video: Welcome to Planetary Boundaries and Human Opportunities and Self-assessment

--Personal Self-Assessment on Sustainable Development

--Quiz Question1

Module 1. The Big Picture

- Lectures and course activities

--Lecture 1 of 3. Welcome to the Anthropocene

--Video: Welcome to the Anthropocene - IGBP

--Lecture 2 of 3. The quadruple squeeze

--Lecture 3 of 3. The Great Acceleration

--Quiz Question 1

-Homework exercise

--Homework Exercise 1. An Urbanizing Planet


--Homework exercise 2. TED Talk by Johan Rockström


Module 2. Welcome to the Anthropocene

-Lectures and course activities

--Lecture 1 of 5. Humanity's period of grace: the Holocene

--Quiz Question1-3

--Lecture 2 of 5. Entering the Anthropocene

--Quiz Question 1-2

--Lecture 3 of 5. Non-linear thinking in the Anthropocene

--Quiz Question1-3

--Lecture 4 of 5. Imagining the Anthropocene

--Quiz Question1-3

--Lecture 5 of 5. Making the case for the Anthropocene

--Quiz Question 1

-Homework exercise

--Homework exercise 1

--Video: Net-Works Program

-Homework exercise

Module 3. Social-ecological systems and Resilience thinking

- Lectures and course activities

--Lecture 1 of 6. Social-ecological systems

--Quiz Question1

--Lecture 2 of 6. Feedbacks, interactions and regime shifts

--Quiz Question2

--Lecture 3 of 6. Example: Ecological surprises

--Quiz Question3

--Lecture 4 of 6. Teleconnections and inconvenient feedbacks

--Quiz quetion4

--Lecture 5 of 6. Earth-resilience and cross-scale interactions

--Quiz Question5

--Lecture 6 of 6. Tipping Points

--Quiz question6

-Homework exercise

--Homework Exercise 1


--Homework Exercise 2


--Homework Exercise 3

--Homework Exercise 3. Brian Walker, "The best explanation to resilience"


Module 4. Planetary Boundaries Framework - Part 1

- Lectures and course activities

--Lecture 1 of 6. Introducing the Planetary Boundaries framework

--Quiz question4.1

--Lecture 2 of 6. Justification for the Planetary Boundary selection

--Quiz question 4.2

--Lecture 3 of 6. Quantification of the nine Planetary Boundaries

--Quiz question4.3

--Lecture 4 of 6. Climate change

--Quiz question 4.4

--Lecture 5 of 6. Ocean acidification

--Quiz question4.5

--Lecture 6 of 6. Stratospheric ozone depletion

--Quiz question4.6

-Homework exercise

--Homework Exercise 1

--Homework Exercise 2

--Homework exercise 2

--Homework Exercise 3

--Homework exercise 3.1-3.4

--Homework Exercise 4

--Homework Exercise 4 Video - The Precautionary Principle

Module 5. Planetary Boundaries Framework - Part 2

- Lectures and course activities

--Lecture 1 of 6. Biodiversity loss

--Quiz question 5.1


--Lecture 2 of 6. Land and water use change

--Quiz question5.2

--Lecture 3 of 6. Interference with global N and P cycles

--Quiz question5.3


--Lecture 4 of 6. Aerosol loading

--Quiz question 5.4

--Lecture 5 of 6. Novel Entities

--Quiz question5.5

--Lecture 6 of 6. Synthesis and progress on Planetary Boundaries

--Quiz question 5.6

-Homework exercise

--Homework Exercise1


Module 6. Planetary Boundaries and Global Equity

- Lectures and course activities

--Lecture 1 of 4. Interactions between Planetary Boundaries

--Quiz Question 6.1

--Lecture 2 of 4. Issues of access and distribution: Peak everything

--Quiz question 6.2

--Lecture 3 of 4. Social foundations for Planetary Boundaries

--Quiz question 6.3

--Lecture 4 of 4. Reconnecting human development to the Biosphere

--Quiz question 6.4

-Homework exercise

--Homework exercise 1

--Homework exercise 2 Introduction

--Homework Exercise 2. Jon Erickson on Ecological Economics

--Homework exercise 3. Kate Raworth's Doughnut Economics

Module 7. Moving towards Global Sustainability within Biophysical and Social Boundaries

-Lectures and course activities

--Lecture 1 of 7. Existing structures of global governance

--Quiz question 7.1

--Lecture 2 of 7. New and emerging perspectives on global governance

--Quiz question 7.2

--Lecture 3 of 7. A shifting development paradigm

--Quiz question 7.3

--Lecture 4 of 7. Energy - a promising pathway

--Quiz question 7.4

--Lecture 5 of 7. The Role and Risks of technology in the Anthropocene

--Quiz question 7.5

--Lecture 6 of 7. Cities: challenges and opportunities

--Quiz question 7.6

--Lecture 7 of 7. Feeding humanity in an urban world

--Quiz question 7.7

-Homework exercise




--Geoengineering Debate Part 1

--Geoengineering Debate Part 2


Module 8. Conclusions

- Lectures and course activities

--Lecture 1 of 4. Development of the Sustainable Development Goals

--Quiz question 8.1

--Lecture 2 of 4. Science in the Anthropocene

--Quiz question 8.2

--Lecture 3 of 4. Interviews. Reflections on taking action in the Anthropocene

--Lecture 4 of 4. Key messages and final remarks


-Post-course survey


Q&A Videos with course faculty (optional)

-December 2014 - January 2015

--About this archived Google Hangout

--Archived Google Hangout Video

--About this archived Google Hangout

--Archived Google Hangout Video

--About this archived Google Hangout

--Archived Google Hangout Video

--About this archived Google Hangout

--Archived Google Hangout Video

--About this archived Google Hangout

--Archived Google Hangout Video

-October 2015

--About this archived Google Hangout

--Archived Google Hangout Video

--About this archived Google Hangout

--Archived Google Hangout Video

--About this archived Google Hangout

--Archived Google Hangout Video

Planetary Boundaries(International Edition)开设学校:SDGAcademy

Planetary Boundaries(International Edition)授课教师:

Johan Rockström-教授-SDGAcademy-

Johan Rockström is a professor in Environmental Science with emphasis on water resources and global sustainability at Stockholm University and the Executive director of Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is an internationally recognized scientist on global sustainability issues, where he led the recent development of the new Planetary Boundaries framework for human development in the current era of rapid global change. He is a leading scientist on global water resources, and strategies to build resilience in water scarce regions of the world, with more than 15 years experience from applied water research in tropical regions, and more than 100 research publications in fields ranging from applied land and water management to global sustainability.


  1. 零基础学统计(2021秋)

  2. 3ds Max: A Quick Start from Zero to One(Round 2)

  3. 乐器演奏(主科)—排箫基本演奏法及经典乐曲解析(2021暑假班)

  4. 声乐(2021秋)

  5. 中国古诗词歌曲鉴赏(2021秋)

  6. 数学分析II(2021秋)

  7. 跳动的笔尖——美学美育教育之书法艺术(2021秋)

  8. 现代汉语(2021暑假班)

  9. 经典红色电影歌曲赏析(2021秋)

  10. 身边的物理化学(2021秋)

  11. Planetary Boundaries(Self-Paced)

  12. Shadow Play—Seeking the Lost Shadow of China(皮影戏)(Round 1)

  13. Transforming Our World(Self-Paced)

  14. 新型生物脱氮理论与技术(2021春)

  15. Social Welfare Theories and Practice(Spring 2021)

  16. Automation Control Theory/Fundamental of Control Engineering(Round 1)

  17. Basic and frontier development of Medical Molecular Biology(Round 1)

  18. Humanistic Mathematics(Self-Paced)

  19. 癌症知多少(2021春)

  20. Structural Geology(Round 1)
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