当前课程知识点:有效交流 >  Chapter 13: Persuasive Speaking 第十三章:说服型演讲 >  Unit 13 Persuasive Speaking >  Chapter 4: Nonverbal Communication: Silent Language Speaks


Chapter 4: Nonverbal Communication: Silent Language Speaks

What functions may body language serve in your culture, such as pointing with the index finger, nodding  the head,folding the arms and the "ok" gesture etc.? Body language sometimes causes intecultural misunderstanding, would you please give some examples?



Chapter 1: Communication: Begin Right Here! 第一章:交流总介

-1.1 Elements of Communication 交流的要素

--Elements of Communication

-1.2 Core Communication Principles 交流的核心原则

--Core Communication Principles

-1.3 Why We Communicate and Communication Guidelines 交流的作用及指南

--Why We Communicate and Communication Guidelines


-Chapter 1: Communication: Begin Right Here!

Chapter 2: Communicating in a Multicultural Society and World 第二章:全球化世界与多元文化社会交际

-2.1 Intercultural Communication in the Global Community 全球化中的跨文化交际

--Intercultural Communication in the Global Community

-2.2 Cultural Identity and Stereotype in Communication 文化身份和思维定式

--Cultural Identity and Stereotype in Communication

-2.3 Culture Diversity in a Multicultural Society: Individualism Culture and Collectivism Culture 多元文化社会中的文化多样性:个人主义文化与集体主义文化

--Culture Diversity in a Multicultural Society: Individualism Culture and Collectivism Culture

-2.4 Culture Diversity in a Multicultural Society:Main Dimensions of Cultural Diversity 多元文化社会中的文化多样性:主流维度

--Culture Diversity in a Multicultural Society:Main Dimensions of Cultural Diversity


-Chapter 2: Communicating in a Multicultural Society and World

Chapter 3: Language and meaning 第三章:语言和语义

-3.1 Language and the Triangle of Meaning语言和语义三角

--language and the Triangle of Meaning

-3.2 Word Barriers to the Communication of Meaning语义交流中的词汇障碍

--Word Barriers to the Communication of Meaning

-3.3 Factors in the Communication of Meaning 语义交流中的影响因素

--Factors in the Communication of Meaning

-3.4 Culture, Gender, and Language文化,性别与语言

--Culture, Gender, and Language


-Chapter 3: Language and Meaning

Chapter 4: Nonverbal Communication: Silent Language Speaks 第四章:非语言交流

-4.1 Nonverbal Communication and Its Functions 非语言交流及其功能

--Nonverbal Communication and its Functions

-4.2 Types of Nonverbal Messages: Body Language 非语言信息的类型:肢体语言

--Types of Nonverbal Messages (Part I)

-4.3 Types of Nonverbal Messages: Other Languages 非语言信息的类型:其他语言

--Types of Nonverbal Messages(Part II)


-Chapter 4: Nonverbal Communication: Silent Language Speaks

Chapter 5: Listening, Feedback and Critical Thinking 第五章:倾听,反馈与思辨性思维

-5.1 A Fairy Tale and Trump’s Fish Feeding 童话一则及川普喂鱼

--A Fairy Tale and Trump’s fish feeding

-5.2 Critical Thinking 思辨思维

--Critical Thinking

-5.3 Listening, Hearing and Types of Listening 倾听,听及倾听的类型

--listening, hearing and types of listening

-5.4 The Process of Listening and Feedback 倾听的过程与反馈

--The Process of Listening and Feedback


-Chapter 5: Hearing, listening and critical Thinking

Chapter 6: Relationships 第六章:人际关系

-6.1 Functions of Relationships 人际关系的功能

--Functions of Relationships

-6.2 Communication Skills to Build Relationships 建立人际关系的交流技巧

--Communication Skills to Build Relationships

-6.3 Gender and Culture Factors in Relationships 性别与文化对人际关系的影响

--Gender and Culture Factors in Relationships

-6.4 Relational Conflict and Conflict Management 人际关系冲突与冲突解决策略

--Relational Conflict and Conflict Management


-Chapter 6: Relationships

Chapter 7: Group and Team 第七章:群体与团队

-7.1 What Is a Team 什么是团队

--What is a team

-7.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Teamwork 团队合作的优缺点

--The advantages and disadvantages of teamwork

-7.3 Group Roles 团队角色

--Group Roles

-7.4 Stages of Team Development团队发展阶段

--Stages of Team Development


-Chapter 7: Group and Team

Chapter 8: Leadership 第八章:领导力

-8.1 Leadership Styles 领导风格差异

--Leadership Styles

-8.2 Essential Qualities in Leadership 领导的核心素养

--Essential Qualities in Leadership

-8.3 Gender and Culture Factors in Leadership 性别与文化对领导力的影响

--Gender and Culture Factors in Leadership

-8.4 Leadership and Conflict Management 领导力与冲突解决策略

--Leadership and Conflict Management


-Chapter 8: Leadership

Chapter 9: Public Speaking 第九章:公共演讲

-9.1 Speech Anxiety 演讲焦虑

--Speech Anxiety

-9.2 Analysis of Audience and Yourself 分析听众和自己

--Analysis of Audience and Yourself

-9.3 Occasion of Speech 演讲的场合

--Occasion of Speech

-9.4 Purpose of Speech 演讲的目的

--Purpose of Speech


-Chapter 9 Public Speaking

Chapter 10: Researching, Supporting, and Outlining Speech & Presentation 第十章:演讲的研究、支持与大纲

-10.1 Research Offline and Online 线下线上的演讲研究

--Research Online and Offline

-10.2 Supporting Materials 演讲的支持材料

--Supporting Materials

-10.3 Organizational Method 组织方法

--Organizational Method

-10.4 Speech Outlines 演讲大纲

--Speech Outlines


-Chapter 10 Researching, Supporting and Outlining Speech and Presentation

Chapter 11: Preparing Presentation Aids and Delivering Your Speech 第十一章:演讲辅助准备及表达

-11.1 Brief Introduction of Presentation Aids 演讲辅助的基本介绍

--Brief Introduction of Presentation Aids

-11.2 Guideline to Apply Presentation Aids 辅助的使用原则

--Guideline to Apply Presentation Aids

-11.3 Problems You Don’t Want to Confront 演讲中最害怕的情况

--Problems You Don’t Want to Confront

-11.4 How Would You Solve These Problems? 如何解决这些问题

--How Would You Solve These Problems?


-Unit 11 Preparing presentation aids and delivering your speech

Chapter 12: Informative Speaking 第十二章:信息型演讲

-12.1 Brief Introduction of Informative Speaking 信息型演讲介绍

--Brief Introduction of Informative Speaking

-12.2 Effective Methods for Informative Speeches 信息型演讲的常用表达方式

--Effective Methods for Informative Speeches

-12.3 Things about Informative Speeches that You Should Know 信息型演讲的表述技巧

--Things about Informative Speeches that You Should Know


-Unit 12 Informative Speaking

Chapter 13: Persuasive Speaking 第十三章:说服型演讲

-13.1 Brief Introduction of Persuasive Speaking 说服型演讲的基础内容

--Brief Introduction of Persuasive Speaking

-13.2 How does Ethos Affect Your Persuasive Speech? 道德因素的影响

--How does Ethos Affect Your Persuasive Speech?

-13.3 How does Pathos Affect Your Persuasive Speech? 情感因素的影响

--How does Pathos Affect Your Persuasive Speech?

-13.4 How does Logos Affect Your Persuasive Speech? 逻辑因素的影响

--How does Logos Affect Your Persuasive Speech?


-Unit 13 Persuasive Speaking

Chapter 4: Nonverbal Communication: Silent Language Speaks笔记与讨论


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