当前课程知识点:Organic Chemistry >  3. Aldehydes and Ketones >  3.5 reactions >  reactions

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下一节:Acidity of the ɑ-hydrogens of carbonyl compounds,halogenation of ketones

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Organic Chemistry课程列表:

1. Introduction

-1.1 The development of organic chemistry as Science?

--The development of organic chemistry as Science?

--organic chemistry

-1.2 Structure formulas of organic compounds

--Structure formulas of organic compounds

--organic chemistry

-1.3 The structure of methane, ethene and ethyne: Hybridization?

--The structure of methane, ethene and ethyne: Hybridization?

--organic chemistry

2. Alkanes

-2.1 Nomenclature


--organic chemsitry

-2.2 Alkanes: Conformational analysis and physical properties

--Alkanes: Conformational analysis and physical properties

--organic chemistry

-2.3 Chemical reaction of alkanes

--Chemical reaction of alkanes

-2.4 Resioselectivity of the halogenation of alkanes

-- Resioselectivity of the halogenation of alkanes

3. Aldehydes and Ketones

-3.1 The basic

--The basic

-3.2 Synthesis of aldehydes and ketones

-- Synthesis of aldehydes and ketones

-3.3 Mechanism

-- Mechanism

-3.4 The addition of derivatives of ammonia,cyanide

--The addition of derivatives of ammonia,cyanide

-3.5 reactions


-3.6 Acidity of the ɑ-hydrogens of carbonyl compounds,halogenation of ketones

--Acidity of the ɑ-hydrogens of carbonyl compounds,halogenation of ketones

-3.7 Aldol reaction

--Aldol reaction

-3.8 Specific enol equivalents

--Specific enol equivalents

-organic chemistry

4. Carboxylic acids and their dervatives

-4.1 Structure and nomencature of carboxylic acids

--Structure and nomencature of carboxylic acids

-4.2 Physical properties of carboxylic acids

--Physical properties of carboxylic acids

-4.3 Chemical reactions of carboxylic acids

--Chemical reactions of carboxylic acids

-4.4 Carboxylic dervatives nomenclature

--Carboxylic dervatives nomenclature

-4.5 Nucleophilic addition-elimination at acyl carbon of acyl halides Amines

--Nucleophilic addition-elimination at acyl carbon of acyl halides Amines

-4.6 Nucleophilic addition-elimination at acyl carbon esters

--4.6 Nucleophilic addition-elimination at acyl carbon esters

-4.7 Nucleophilic addition-elimination at acyl carbon amides

--Nucleophilic addition-elimination at acyl carbon amides

-4.8 Carboxylic acid dervatives---nitriles

--4.8 Carboxylic acid dervatives---nitriles


5. Amines

-5.1 Nomenclature of amines

--Nomenclature of amines

-5.2 Preparation of amines

--Preparation of amines

-5.3 Reaction of amines

--5.3 Reaction of amines

-5.4 Reactions of amines with nitrous acide

--Reactions of amines with nitrous acide

-5.5 Reactions of arenediazonium salts

--5.5 Reactions of arenediazonium salts

-5.6 Reactions of amines with sulfonyl chlorides

--5.6 Reactions of amines with sulfonyl chlorides

6. Synthesis and reactions of β-dicarbonyl compounds

-6.1 Synthesis and reactions of β-dicarbonyl compounds (1)

--Synthesis and reactions of β-dicarbonyl compounds

-6.2 Synthesis and reactions of β-dicarbonyl compounds (2)

--Synthesis and reactions of β-dicarbonyl compounds

-6.3 Synthesis and reactions of β-dicarbonyl compounds (3)

--6.3 Synthesis and reactions of β-dicarbonyl compounds (3)

7. Carbohyrates

-7.1 Intrduction to carbohyrates

--7.1 Intrduction to carbohyrates

-7.2 Haworth formulas of some important monosaccharides

--7.2 Haworth formulas of some important monosaccharides

-7.3 Chemical reactions of monosaccharides

--7.3 Chemical reactions of monosaccharides

-7.4 Disaccharides and polysaccharides

--7.4 Disaccharides and polysaccharides

8. Pericyclic reactions

-8.1 Intrduction to pericyclic reactions

--8.1 Intrduction to pericyclic reactions

-8.2 Electrocyclic reactions

--8.2 Electrocyclic reactions

-8.3 Cycloaddtion reactions

--8.3 Cycloaddtion reactions

-8.4 Sigmatropic rearrangments (1)

--8.4 Sigmatropic rearrangments (1)

-8.5 Sigmatropic rearrangments (2)

--8.5 Sigmatropic rearrangments (2)

9. Aromatic Heterocycles

-9.1. Aromatic Heterocycles

--9.1. Aromatic Heterocycles

-9.2 Aromatic Heterocycles

--9.2 Aromatic Heterocycles


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