新理念英语(English For You)

English For You以培养职场软技能为目标,以短小有趣的视频、音频和自拍微课为主要学习材料,以聚焦内容的活动为教学形式。我们不填鸭、不灌输、不应试。相信你会发现学英语还是比较好玩的。


新理念英语(English For You)课程:前往报名学习

新理念英语(English For You)视频慕课课程简介:

English For You以培养职场软技能为目标,以短小有趣的视频、音频和自拍微课为主要学习材料,以聚焦内容的活动为教学形式。我们不填鸭、不灌输、不应试。相信你会发现学英语还是比较好玩的。


新理念英语(English For You)课程列表:


Unit 1 Learning to learn



--Unit 1 Introduction

-Task 1: How to be a good language learner (Part one)

--New words for Task 1, Unit 1


--Being a good language learner

--1.1.3 How to be a good language learner (1)

--1.1.4 Round-up

-Task 1: How to be a good language learner (Part one)--作业

-Task 2: How to be a good language learner (Part two)

--New words for Task 2, Unit 1

--1.2.1 Lead-in

--1.2.2 How to be a good language learner (II)

--1.2.3 Round-up

-Task 2: How to be a good language learner (Part two)--作业

-Task 3: Making a SMART goal

--New words for Task 3, Unit 1

--1.3.1 Lead-in

--1.3.2 SMART goals

--1.3.3 Round-up

-Task 3: Making a SMART goal--作业

-Task 4 Making a mind map

--New words for Task 4, Unit 1

--1.4.1 Lead-in

--1.4.2 Making a mind map 1

--1.4.4 Round-up

-Task 4 Making a mind map--作业




-Quiz 1--作业

-Students' works




Unit 2 Building relationships



--Unit 2 Introduction 作业

-Task 1: Getting along with people from another culture

--2.1.1 New words for Task 1, Unit 2

--2.1.2 Lead-in

--2.1.2 Lead-in作业

--2.1.3 What is small talk?

--2.1.4 Making small talk: what topics are appropriate?

--2.1.5 Making small talk in English

--2.1.6 What if you get stuck?

--2.1.7 How to end a conversation appropriately?

--2.1.8 Cultural focus: personal space in cross-cultural communication

--2.1.9 Round-up

-Task 1: Getting along with people from another culture--作业

-Task 2: Dealing with goal-relationship conflicts

--2.2.1 Lead-in



--2.2.3 Reading 1: the turtle

--2.2.4 Reading 2: the shark

--2.2.5 Reading 3: the teddy bear

--2.2.6 Reading 4: the fox

--2.2.7 Reading 5: the owl

--2.2.8 Round-up

-Task 2: Dealing with goal-relationship conflicts--作业

-Task 3: Learning to mend relationships

--2.3.1 Lead-in

--2.3.2 Thunder rolls 1: guessing



--2.3.4 Thunder rolls 3: scolding

--2.3.5 Thunder rolls 4: making up

--2.3.6 Round-up

-Task 3: Learning to mend relationships--作业

-Task 4: Dealing with difficult people

--2.4.1 Lead-in: dealing with difficult people


--2.4.2 What is a difficult person like?

--2.4.3 Why so difficult?


--2.4.4 How to deal with difficult people: video 1


--2.4.5 How to deal with difficult people: video 2


--2.4.6 How to deal with difficult people: video 3


--2.4.7 How to deal with difficult people: video 4

--2.4.8 Round-up

-Task 4: Dealing with difficult people--作业




-Quiz 2--作业

-Students' works

--Asking for and giving advice

--students' work 1-making small talk 1

--students' work 3-making small talk 2

--students' work 4-making small talk 3

Unit 3 Traveling




-Task 1: What to prepare before a trip abroad

--New words for Task 1, Unit 3

--3.1.1 Lead-in


--3.1.2 Preparing for a trip in another country

--3.1.3 Round-up

-Task 1: What to prepare before a trip abroad--作业

-Task 2: How to make a room reservation online

--New words for Task 2, Unit 3

--3.2.1 Lead-in

--3.2.2 Making a room reservation online

--3.2.3 Round-up

-Task 2: How to make a room reservation online--作业

-Task 3: Preparing for interviews

--New words for Task 3, Unit 3

--3.3.1 Lead-in

--3.3.2 Visa interview procedures

--3.3.3 Tips for a successful visa interview

--3.3.4 Can she succeed in the visa interview?

--3.3.5 Round-up

-Task 3: Preparing for interviews--作业

-Task 4: Appropriate flight behaviors

--New words for Task 4, Unit 3

--3.4.1 Lead-in

--3.4.2 Annoying People on the Plane

--3.4.3 Round-up

-Task 4: Appropriate flight behaviors--作业




-Quiz 3--作业

-Students' works

--English conversation-- change the room

--English conversation-- book for more days

Unit 4 Buying and selling




-Task 1: Shopping for clothes

--New words for Task 1, Unit 4


--shopping for clothes ( part 1)

--Shopping for clothes (part 2)


-Task 1: Shopping for clothes--作业

-Task 2: Take this and leave that

--New words for Task 2, Unit 4


--Take this and leave that


-Task 2: Take this and leave that--作业

-Task 3: At the cashier desk

--New words for Task 3, Unit 4


--At the cashier desk


-Task 3: At the cashier desk--作业

-Task 4: Selling: Features and benefits

--New words for Task 4, Unit 4


--4.4.2 How to sell something successfully Part 1

--4.4.3 How to sell something successfully Part 2


-Task 4: Selling: Features and benefits--作业




-Quiz 4--作业

-Students' works

--Students' work 1

--Students' work 2

-Students' works--作业

Unit 5 Hunting for a job




-Task 1: Things we need to prepare

--5.1.1 Lead-in

--5.1.1. Lead-in 作业

--5.1.2 Guide to a successful job interview

--5.1.3 round-up

-Task 1: Things we need to prepare--作业

-Task 2: Finding your strengths

--5.2.1 Lead-in


--5.2.2 How to find your strengths


--5.2.3 Is he the Mr.Right?


--5.2.4 Good personalities are your strengths


--5.2.5 Are you qualified for the job?


--5.2.6 How to show your strengths in the resume

--5.2.7 Round-up

-Task 2: Finding your strengths--作业

-Task 3: Job interview: Frequently asked questions (FAQ’s)

--5.3.1 Lead-in


--5.3.2 Common interview questions


--5.3.3 At a job interview

--5.3.4 Round-up

-Task 3: Job interview: Frequently asked questions (FAQ’s)--作业

-Task 4: Job interview: preparing for interview answers

--5.4.1 Lead-in


--5.4.2 Good or bad answers?

--5.4.3 Tips for answering questions

--5.4.4 Round-up

-Task 4: Job interview: preparing for interview answers--作业

-Cultural notes: interview etiquette

--5.5.1 Lead-in


--5.5.2 Appropriate Vs. inappropriate behaviors

--5.5.3 Round-up

-Cultural notes: interview etiquette--作业




-Quiz 5--作业

Final Exam

-Final Exam






-Final Exam--作业

新理念英语(English For You)开设学校:深圳信息职业技术学院

新理念英语(English For You)授课教师:






刘恩祥,硕士,深圳信息职业技术学院应用外语学院副教授。担任《大学英语》《跨文化交际》课程的教学任务,参与十二五规划教材《English For You》(职程英语)的编写工作。
















程芳, 硕士,深圳信息职业技术学院应用外语学院副教授。参编“十二五”职业教育国家规划教材5本,发表CNKI论文6篇,主持或参与18项科研项目项,省级和校级精品课程2门,获省级教学之星比赛一等奖1次、省级教学技能大赛(教师风采比赛)二等奖1次、省级信息化课堂教学比赛二等奖1次、优质课比赛3等奖1次。先后获得“河南省职业教育骨干教师”(2007)、“深圳市优秀教师”(2018)称号。




  1. Economic law(Round 2)

  2. A Learning Course Thesis Research and Writing(Round 2)

  3. 新型染整设备(2021秋)

  4. Clinical Histology(Round 2)

  5. Data Structures and Algorithms(Round 2)

  6. PhotoShop数字图像处理(2021秋)

  7. 中国古代史通论(2021秋)

  8. 平法识图(2021秋)

  9. 数学建模(2021秋)

  10. Pathology(Round 2)

  11. 新理念英语(English For You)(2019春)(2021秋)

  12. 市场营销学(2021秋)

  13. 华文教育技术与实践(2021秋)

  14. 数理统计(2021秋)

  15. 品读经典:《诗经》《老子》《庄子》选粹(2021秋)

  16. 汉字书写(2021秋)

  17. 媒体大数据挖掘与案例实战(2021秋)

  18. 正常人体解剖学(2021秋)

  19. 民族健身操赏析与实操(2021秋)

  20. 道路工程材料(2021秋)
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