Modern Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Modern logistics and supply chain management comply with the development needs of the current era, and explain the technology and management methods of modern logistics, which helps the enterprises concentrate on their core business, improve their business process, and decrease costs, finally to sharpen and enhance their competitiveness. We sincerely hope all the friends will learn some theoretical methods and practical technologies in this area. Now let’s start the exciting journey of exploration with us!


Modern Logistics and Supply Chain Management课程:前往报名学习

Modern Logistics and Supply Chain Management视频慕课课程简介:

Modern logistics and supply chain management comply with the development needs of the current era, and explain the technology and management methods of modern logistics, which helps the enterprises concentrate on their core business, improve their business process, and decrease costs, finally to sharpen and enhance their competitiveness. We sincerely hope all the friends will learn some theoretical methods and practical technologies in this area. Now let’s start the exciting journey of exploration with us!


Modern Logistics and Supply Chain Management课程列表:


Chapter 1 Overview of modern logistics and supply chain management

-1.1 Modern logistics

--Modern logistics

-1.2 Process of modern logistics

--Process of modern logistics

-1.3 Supply chain management

--Supply chain management

-1.4 Advantages and challenges of SCM

--Advantages and challenges of SCM

-Chapter 1 ppt (1)

-Chapter 1 ppt (2)

-Unit Test 1

Chapter 2 Supply Chain Management

-Supply Chain Management

-Chapter 2 ppt

-Unit Test 2

Chapter 3 Logistics system planning---Warehouse location and layout

-3.1 Warehouse location

--Warehouse location

-3.2 Warehouse layout

--Warehouse layout

-Chapter 3 ppt

-Unit Test 3

Chapter 4 The application of artificial intelligence (AI) in logistics

-4.1 Introduction to artificial intelligence (AI)

--Introduction to artificial intelligence (AI)

-4.2 The application of AI in logistics

--The application of AI in logistics

-Chapter 4 ppt (1)

-Chapter 4 ppt (2)

-Unit Test 4

Chapter 5 Supply chain risk and emergency logistics

-5.1 Supply chain risk and its classification

--Supply chain risk and its classification

-5.2 Emergency logistics and emergency material scheduling

--Emergency logistics and emergency material scheduling

-Chapter 5 ppt (1)

-Chapter 5 ppt (2)

-Unit Test 5

Chapter 6 Big Data Analytics in Logistics

-6.1 Introduction of big data and big data analytics

--Introduction of big data and big data analytics

-6.2 Application of big data analytics in logistics and SCM

--Application of big data analytics in logistics and SCM

-Chapter 6 ppt (1)

-Chapter 6 ppt (2)

-Unit Test 6

Chapter 7 Demand Forecast of Supply Chain

-7.1 What is demand forecast?

--What is demand forecast?

-7.2 Basic methods of demand forecast

--Basic methods of demand forecast

-Chapter 7 ppt (1)

-Chapter 7 ppt (2)

-Unit Test 7

Chapter 8 Performance Evaluation of Logistics and Supply Chain

-8.1 Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)

--Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)

-8.2 SCOR


-8.3 Balanced Scorecard

--Balanced Scorecard (BSC)

-Chapter 8 ppt (1)

-Chapter 8 ppt (2)

-Chapter 8 ppt (3)

-Unit Test 8

Chapter 9 Distribution Optimization

-9.1 Modeling of Distribution Optimization

--Modeling of Distribution Optimization

-9.2 Algorithms for Distribution Optimization

--Algorithms for Distribution Optimization

-Chapter 9 ppt (1)

-Chapter 9 ppt (2)

-Unit Test 9

Chapter 10 Modelling and Simulation for logistics system

-10.1 Modelling for logistics system

--Modelling for logistics system

-10.2 Flexsim simulation software

--Flexsim simulation software

-Chapter 10 ppt (1)

-Chapter 10 ppt (2)

-Unit Test 10

Modern Logistics and Supply Chain Management开设学校:长安大学

Modern Logistics and Supply Chain Management授课教师:


胡卉教授的研究方向是物流系统规划与优化、应急物资调度和供应链管理。目前担任中国物流学会会员,WTC“客运规划与联程运输”技术委员会委员。近5年主持完成国家科技支撑计划项目、陕西省自然科学基础研究计划面上项目、西安市社科重大课题等纵向课题;发表高水平学术论文20余篇,其中SCI 4篇,EI 10余篇。全国大学生物流设计大赛一等奖、陕西省“挑战杯”一等奖指导教师。长安大学国家一流专业骨干,参与制定交通运输部行业标准1项,参编论著3本。








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  6. Calculus Ⅱ(Round 2)

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  11. “一带一路”沿线国家跨文化商务交际(2021秋)

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  19. 系统解剖学(2021秋)

  20. 动物遗传繁育(2021秋)
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