Life on Mathematics

This course is an extension of mathematical theory to the objective world, so more concrete ways are taken in the narration to avoid the difficulty of understanding because of the abstractness of mathematical content. We want to provide a new experience through this course, and get each audience find another way to enter the math world different from the classroom.We also hope that through the study of the course, every audience can enjoy the wonderful feeling of "zero distance in mathematics".


Life on Mathematics课程:前往报名学习

Life on Mathematics视频慕课课程简介:

This course is an extension of mathematical theory to the objective world, so more concrete ways are taken in the narration to avoid the difficulty of understanding because of the abstractness of mathematical content. We want to provide a new experience through this course, and get each audience find another way to enter the math world different from the classroom.We also hope that through the study of the course, every audience can enjoy the wonderful feeling of "zero distance in mathematics".


Life on Mathematics课程列表:


Chapter 1 How Long are Your Home Stairs? ——On Distance

-Part 1 The Story of Staircase Length

--The Story of Staircase Length

-Part 2 Can You Give A Formula by The Concept of Distance?

--Can You Give A Formula by The Concept of Distance?

-Part 3 Is The Length Which A Taxi Covers A Sort of Distance?

--Is The Length Which A Taxi Covers A Sort of Distance?

-Part 4 The Difference between Confidants And Friends

-- The Difference between Confidants And Friends

-Part 5 Mathematical Explanation of “Distance Produces Beauty”

--Mathematical Explanation of “Distance Produces Beauty”

-The PPT of Chapter 1

-Exercises of Chapter1

Chapter 2 How to Prove The Instability of Standing on One Foot? ——On Stability

-Part 1 Who Was Correct, Schwarzenegger or Horse?

--Who Was Correct, Schwarzenegger or Horse?

-Part 2 Why More Stable for Standing on 2 Feet Than 1 Foot?

--Why More Stable for Standing on 2 Feet Than 1 Foot?

-Part 3 The False Metaphor of Domino Effect

--The False Metaphor of Domino Effect

-Part 4 Mathematical Nature of Extreme Sports

--Mathematical Nature of Extreme Sports

-The PPT of Chapter 2

-Exercises of Chapter2

Chapter 3 The Disappearance of Ceres ——On Data

-Part 1 A story about lighthouse height

-- A story about lighthouse height

-Part 2 The method of least square

--The method of least square

-Part 3 The Disappearance of Ceres

--The Disappearance of Ceres

-Part 4 The logic of approximate equality

--The logic of approximate equality

-The PPT of Chapter 3

-Exercises of Chapter3

Chapter 4 Can Marriage And Happiness Really Be Calculated? ——On Balance

-Part 1 The Story about Game of Go

--The Story about Game of Go

-Part 2 Is “Elephant Opening” Conservative?

--Is “Elephant Opening” Conservative?

-Part 3 The Wisdom of Algebra

--The Wisdom of Algebra

-The PPT of Chapter 4

-Exercises of Chapter 4

Chapter 5 How Likely Are You to Meet With Mr. Right? ——On Yuanfen (Predestined Relationship)

-Part 1 The Odds of Our Meeting

--The Odds of Our Meeting

-Part 2 The secret of the key

--The secret of the key

-Part 3 The story of mathematical expectation

--The story of mathematical expectation

-Part 4 The everlasting charm of go-between culture

-- The everlasting charm of go-between culture

-Part 5 The mathematics of achieving the predestined relationship

--The mathematics of achieving the predestined relationship

-The PPT of Chapter 5

-Exercises of Chapter 5

Chapter 6 How Does Ballet Show The New Understanding of Human Form? ——On Ratio

-Part 1 The confusion about the Wedding dress

--The confusion about the Wedding dress

-Part 2 Why does everyone like pentagrams?

--Why does everyone like pentagrams?

-Part 3 Laozi’s doctrine and The beauty of Ratio

--Laozi’s doctrine and The beauty of Ratio

-The PPT of Chapter 6

-Exercises of Chapter 6

Chapter 7 How Is Chinese Characters Deconstructed by 4 Numbers? ——On Structure

-Part 1 Conflict about paint

--Conflict about paint

-Part 2 The way to understand the vast space

--The way to understand the vast space

-Part 3 What kind of structural mystery is hidden in food?

--What kind of structural mystery is hidden in food?

-The PPT of Chapter 7

-Exercises of Chapter 7

Chapter 8 Trouble in Temperament ——On Uncertainty

-Part 1 How do people produce scales?

--How do people produce scales?

-Part 2 The story of Fermat’s Last Theorem

--The story of Fermat’s Last Theorem

-Part 3 Han Xin Counting Soldiers and Chinese Remainder Theorem

--Han Xin Counting Soldiers and Chinese Remainder Theorem,

-Part 4 Why can't you remember your mobile number?

--Why can't you remember your mobile number?

-The PPT of Chapter 8

-Exercises of Chapter 8

Chapter 9 For 4-arithmetic Operations, Can Computers Miscalculate? ——On Error

-Part 1 The awkward of buying shoes

--The awkward of buying shoes

-Part 2 Liu Xiang's grievance as a Runner-up

-- Liu Xiang's grievance as a Runner-up

-Part 3 How a large numbers annihilating a small numbers

-- How a large numbers annihilating a small numbers

-Part 4 Why the Grand Prix invite 11 judges?

--Why the Grand Prix invite 11 judges?

-Part 5 Digital characteristics of mistakes

--Digital characteristics of mistakes

-Part 6 The origin of “You can’t catch a wolf without sacrificing your child.”

--The origin of “You can’t catch a wolf without sacrificing your child.”

-The PPT of Chapter 9

-Exercises of Chapter 9

Chapter 10 Could Achilles Never Catch up with A Tortoise? ——On Limit

-Part 1 The fear of Matthew

--The fear of Matthew

-Part 2 Where does the thinking of a limit take us from the macro perspective

--Where does the thinking of a limit take us from the macro perspective

-Part 3 Does the limits of various human sports exist

--Does the limits of various human sports exist

-The PPT of Chapter 10

-Exercises of Chapter 10

Chapter 11 The Feminine Intuition of Princess Dido ——On Optimum

-Part 1 A story spread among the Phoenicians

-- A story spread among the Phoenicians

-Part 2 Can the functions we usually mention act as independent variables

--Can the functions we usually mention act as independent variables

-Part 3 The extremum of functionals

--The extremum of functionals

-Part 4 Is the curved roof just for beauty?

-- Is the curved roof just for beauty?

-Part 5 The mathematical principle in the construction of Chinese characters

--The mathematical principle in the construction of Chinese characters

-The PPT of Chapter 11

-Exercises of Chapter 11

Chapter 12 How Did Dirichlet Make A Discontinuity with Continuity? ——On Continuity

-Part 1 A story of the square table

--A story of the square table

-Part 2 Does the continuity make a discontinuity

--Does the continuity make a discontinuity

-Part 3 The continuity all is about one point and a collective characteristic

--The continuity all is about one point and a collective characteristic

-Part 4 An awkward situation of the Loch Ness monster

--An awkward situation of the Loch Ness monster

-The PPT of Chapter 12

-Exercises of Chapter 12

Final Test

-Final Test

Life on Mathematics开设学校:哈尔滨工程大学

Life on Mathematics授课教师:


沈继红 哈尔滨工程大学 教授,博士生导师。黑龙江省高等学校教学名师,中国工业与应用数学学会理事,全国大学生数学建模竞赛专家组成员,黑龙江省数学学会副理事长。主持国家视频公开课《数学零距离》,主持黑龙江省精品课《数学建模》。获得黑龙江教学及科研成果一等奖、二等奖共7项,组织培训大学生参加国内外数学建模竞赛获得好成绩。承担各类科研及教学项目20余项,发表150余篇科研及教学论文。


王淑娟,副教授,硕士生导师 黑龙江省精品课《数学建模》骨干教师,获得全国数学建模微课程(案例)教学竞赛一等奖1项,指导学生参加全国“深圳杯”数学建模挑战赛获“谭永基特别奖”1项,多次获得学校优秀主讲教师。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,主持黑龙江省教学改革项目1项,获得省部级奖项3项,发表各类论文20余篇。


王立刚 哈尔滨工程大学 讲师,硕士生导师 担任《线性代数与解析几何》等课程的教学,主编和参编了《线性代数与空间解析几何》和《线性代数与解析几何习题指导》等多部教材,多次获得本科生和研究生的优秀主讲教师奖励。主持国家自然科学基金1项,参与国家自然科学基金3项,主持黑龙江省教学改革项目1项。


戴运桃 哈尔滨工程大学 讲师, 硕士生导师 讲授神经网络方法、现代信号处理、概率论与数理统计等课程。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,主持高等学校基本科研业务费支持项目4项;参与国家自然科学基金项目2项、参与国防项目、国防预研项目等多项,出版专著一部;发表论文近40篇,其中SCI检索5篇,获授权发明专利14项,软件著作权3项。


  1. Life on Mathematics(Round 2)

  2. 复变函数(2021秋)

  3. Small Acupoints Help Your Health Better on(Round 2)

  4. 传播学概论(2021秋)

  5. International Shipping Practice’(CH/ENG)(Round 2)

  6. 教你学创意(2021秋)

  7. 中医护理技术(2021秋)

  8. Heat Transfer(Round 2)

  9. Roller Skating Course For Beginners(Round 2)

  10. 中国国情与文化概况(2021秋)

  11. 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论(2021秋)

  12. 中国服饰的前世今生(2021秋)

  13. 常微分方程(2021秋)

  14. 解密3D打印(2021秋)

  15. 高等飞行动力学(2021秋)

  16. 数值分析(2021秋)

  17. 创新设计梦工场(2021秋)

  18. 循证护理与知识转化(2021秋)

  19. 技术创新简史(2021秋)

  20. 工程流体力学(2021秋)
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