Creative Writing

Welcome to your creative writing class! Together we are sharing a remarkable journey. It’s a journey of self-discovery leading to self-expression. By becoming better writers, we improve our ability to communicate ideas and emotions to others. That is our goal in creative writing: to connect to ourselves and to connect with others.


Creative Writing课程:前往报名学习

Creative Writing视频慕课课程简介:

Welcome to your creative writing class! Together we are sharing a remarkable journey. It’s a journey of self-discovery leading to self-expression. By becoming better writers, we improve our ability to communicate ideas and emotions to others. That is our goal in creative writing: to connect to ourselves and to connect with others.


Creative Writing课程列表:


Chapter 1 Welcome to Creative Writing

-1.1 The Foundation of Creative Writing: The Senses

--1.1 The Foundation of Creative Writing: The Senses

-1.2 Building on the Foundation: Using the Senses

--1.2 Building on the Foundation: Using the Senses

-1.3 Multi-genre Creative Writing Prompts, Waking Up Attention, Using the Senses, Memory

--1.3 Multi-genre Creative Writing Prompts, Waking Up Attention, Using the Senses, Memory

-1.4 Connecting with Readers, Authors and Audiences

--1.4 Connecting with Readers, Authors and Audiences

-Chapter 1 test

Chapter 2 Writing Poems

-2.1.1 The Music in Poetry, Lyric Poetry, Rhyme, Rhythm, Alliteration

--2.1.1 The Music in Poetry, Lyric Poetry, Rhyme, Rhythm, Alliteration

-2.1.2 The Building Blocks of Poems: Lines, Enjambment, End-stop

--2.1.2 The Building Blocks of Poems: Lines, Enjambment, End-stop

-2.1.3 Figurative Language, Hyperbole, Repetition

--2.1.3 Figurative Language, Hyperbole, Repetition

-2.1.4 The Sonnet, Classical Forms, Iambic Pentameter

--2.1.4 The Sonnet, Classical Forms, Iambic Pentameter

-2.1.5 Image, Diction, Metaphor

--2.1.5 Image, Diction, Metaphor

-2.2.1 Organizing Poems, Stanzas, Balance, Harmony

--2.2.1 Organizing Poems, Stanzas, Balance, Harmony

-2.2.2 Music, The Senses, Figurative Language, Onomatopoeia

--2.2.2 Music, The Senses, Figurative Language, Onomatopoeia

-2.2.3 Occasional Poems, Ode, Elegy, Epithalamium

--2.2.3 Occasional Poems, Ode, Elegy, Epithalamium

-2.2.4 Going Deeper into Rhyme, Echo, Sound

--2.2.4 Going Deeper into Rhyme, Echo, Sound

-2.2.5 Going Deeper into Rhythm, Meter, Scansion

--2.2.5 Going Deeper into Rhythm, Meter, Scansion

-2.3.1 Conventional Form: The Cinquain

--2.3.1 Conventional Form: The Cinquain

-2.3.2 Visual Poetry

--2.3.2 Visual Poetry

-2.3.3 Free verse, Conversational Diction, Personal Uses of Form

--2.3.3 Free verse, Conversational Diction, Personal Uses of Form

-2.3.4 Tempo, Pacing, Narrative Structure, Stanza Development

--2.3.4 Tempo, Pacing, Narrative Structure, Stanza Development

-2.3.5 Open Poetic Forms, List Poem, Found Poem, Walk Poem

--2.3.5 Open Poetic Forms, List Poem, Found Poem, Walk Poem

-Chapter 2 test

Chapter 3 Writing Fiction

-3.1.1 Getting Started in Fiction: Literary Fiction and Genre Fiction

--3.1.1 Getting Started in Fiction: Literary Fiction and Genre Fiction

-3.1.2 Romance, Fantasy, Horror

--3.1.2 Romance, Fantasy, Horror

-3.1.3 Historical Fiction, Doing Research

--3.1.3 Historical Fiction, Doing Research

-3.1.4 Science Fiction

--3.1.4 Science Fiction

-3.1.5 Literary fiction: The Basics

--3.1.5 Literary fiction: The Basics

-3.2.1 Characters and characterization

--3.2.1 Characters and characterization

-3.2.2 Plot

--3.2.2 Plot

-3.2.3 Setting

--3.2.3 Setting

-3.2.4 Narrator, Point of view

--3.2.4 Narrator, Point of view

-3.2.5 Dialogue

--3.2.5 Dialogue

-3.3.1 Flash fiction, Prose poems, Very Short Stories

--3.3.1 Flash fiction, Prose poems, Very Short Stories

-3.3.2 Detective Fiction, Mystery Fiction

--3.3.2 Detective Fiction, Mystery Fiction

-3.3.3 Starting the Short Story

--3.3.3 Starting the Short Story

-3.3.4 Narrative Design, Beginnings, Endings

--3.3.4 Narrative Design, Beginnings, Endings

-3.3.5 Exercises, Revision, Word Bank, Journey Motif, Personification

--3.3.5 Exercises, Revision, Word Bank, Journey Motif, Personification

-Chapter 3 test

Chapter 4 Writing Creative Nonfiction

-4.1.1 Truth, Reality, Experience

--4.1.1 Truth, Reality, Experience

-4.1.2 Life Writing, Memoir, Autobiography

--4.1.2 Life Writing, Memoir, Autobiography

-4.1.3 Nature, Travel, Food

--4.1.3 Nature, Travel, Food

-4.1.4 Meditative Essay, Lyrical Essay

--4.1.4 Meditative Essay, Lyrical Essay

-4.1.5 The Body, Being Human, The Self

--4.1.5 The Body, Being Human, The Self

-4.2.1 Narrator, Point of View

--4.2.1 Narrator, Point of View

-4.2.2 Information, Research

--4.2.2 Information, Research

-4.2.3 Kinds of Narrative Structure

--4.2.3 Kinds of Narrative Structure

-4.2.4 Tense, Immediacy, The Miniature

--4.2.4 Tense, Immediacy, The Miniature

-4.2.5 Person, Tense

--4.2.5 Person, Tense

-4.2.6 Interdisciplinary Creative Nonfiction

--4.2.6 Interdisciplinary Creative Nonfiction

-4.3.1 Using Photos, Memories, Journals

--4.3.1 Using Photos, Memories, Journals

-4.3.2 Braided Essays, Sound, Diction

--4.3.2 Braided Essays, Sound, Diction

-4.3.3 Childhood Wonder, Making it New

--4.3.3 Childhood Wonder, Making it New

-4.3.4 The Segmented Essay

--4.3.4 The Segmented Essay

-4.3.5 Using Technology: Blogs, The Video Essay, The Graphic Essay

--4.3.5 Using Technology: Blogs, The Video Essay, The Graphic Essay

-Chapter 4 test

Chapter 5 Writing Drama

-5.1 The 10-Minute Play, The Basic Structure, Characters, Plot, Conflict

--5.1 The 10-Minute Play, The Basic Structure, Characters, Plot, Conflict

-5.2 Theme, Characters, Dialogue

--5.2 Theme, Characters, Dialogue

-5.3 Writing a Film Script

--5.3 Writing a Film Script

-5.4 Audience, Publication, Performing

--5.4 Audience, Publication, Performing

-Chapter 5 test

Creative Writing开设学校:湖南师范大学

Creative Writing授课教师:

Lauri Ramey-教授-湖南师范大学-









  1. Creative Writing(Round 2)

  2. Dancing with the Graver-Appreciation and Application of Yunnan Irreproducible Woodcut Prints(Round 2)

  3. Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions(Round 2)

  4. 概率论与数理统计(2021秋)

  5. Plants Design:Accessing to East Asian Art(Round 2)

  6. Descriptive Geometry & Civil Engineering Drawing(Round 2)

  7. 计量地理学与实验(2021秋)

  8. 采矿制图(2021秋)

  9. 化工热力学(2021秋)

  10. 数理逻辑(2021秋)

  11. 现代环境分析技术(2021秋)

  12. 石油工业概论(2021秋)

  13. 华文教学的理念与方法(2021秋)

  14. 小浆果栽培技术(2021秋)

  15. 离散数学概论(2021秋)

  16. 高级商务英语(I,II)(2021秋)

  17. 皮肤性病学(2021秋)

  18. 摄影艺术概论(2021秋)

  19. 现代企业物流(2021秋)

  20. 舞蹈形体修塑训练(2021秋)
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