
Welcome to the on-line course of pharmacology offered by the Department of Pharmacology, TJMC, HUST. The Department has received many honors for its teaching achievements, and the course of pharmacology has been approved as the national excellent course in 2009, the national excellent resource-sharing course of pharmacology in 2013, and the brand course of English teaching in Hubei province in 2016. So, join the study, we will provide quality preclinical education in pharmacology for you!




Welcome to the on-line course of pharmacology offered by the Department of Pharmacology, TJMC, HUST. The Department has received many honors for its teaching achievements, and the course of pharmacology has been approved as the national excellent course in 2009, the national excellent resource-sharing course of pharmacology in 2013, and the brand course of English teaching in Hubei province in 2016. So, join the study, we will provide quality preclinical education in pharmacology for you!




I Principle of Phamacology

-Chapter 1 Introduction to Pharmacology

--Introduction to Pharmacology

-Chapter 2-1 Pharmacodynamics


-Chapter 2-2 Pharmacodynamics


-Chapter 2-3 Pharmacodynamics



-Chapter 3-1 Pharmacokenetics


-Chapter 3-2 Pharmacokenetics



II Drugs acting on the efferent nervous system

-Introduction to Efferent Pharmacology

--Introduction to Efferent Pharmacology

--Introduction to Efferent Pharmacology

-Cholinoceptor-Activating & Cholinesterase- Inhibiting Drugs

--Cholinoceptor-Activating & Cholinesterase- Inhibiting Drugs

--Cholinoceptor-Activating & Cholinesterase- Inhibit

-Cholinoceptor-Blocking Drugs

--cholinoceptor blocking drugs

--cholinoceptor blocking drugs (continue)

--cholinoceptor blocking drugs

-Adrenoceptor-Activating & Other Sympathomimetic Drugs

--adrenoceptor activating drugs1

--adrenoceptor activating drugs2

--adrenoceptor activating drugs

-Adrenoceptor Antagonist Drugs

--α receptor antagonists

--β receptor antagonists

--adenoceptor antagonists

III Drugs acting on the central nerves system

-Introduction to Central Pharmacology

--Drugs that act on central nervous system

--Drugs that act in the central nervous system

-Sedative and hypnotic drugs

--Sedative-hypnotic drugs

--Sedative-hypnotic drugs

-Antiepileptic and anticonvulsant drugs

--Antiseizure drugs

--Antiseizure drugs

-Drugs used in central degenerative disease

--Antiparkinsonism drugs

--Antiparkinsonism drugs

-Drugs for psychiatric disorders

--Drugs for psychiatric disorders-Part I

--Antipsychotic drugs-Part II

--Drugs for psychiatric disorders

-Central analgesics

--Opioid analgesics-Part I

--Opioid analgesics-Part II

--Opioid analgesics



--NSAIDS-Part 2


Ⅳ Drugs acting on the cardiavascular system


--Diuretic agent-1

--Diuretic agent-2

--Diuretic agent-3


-Cardiac glycosides & other drugs in congestive heart failure

--Drugs used in congestive heart failure-1

--Drugs used in congestive heart failure-2

--Cardiac glycosides

-Antihypertensive agents

--Antihypertensive agents-1

--Antihypertensive agents-2

--antihypertensive agents

-IV-1 RAAS inhibitors

--RAAS inhibitors - 1

--RAAS inhibitors - 2

--RAAS inhibitors - 3

--RAAS inhibitors

-Anti-anginal agents

--Anti-anginal agents - 1

--Anti-anginal agents - 2

--Anti-anginal agents - 3

--Anti-anginal agetns

-Antihyperlipidemic agents

--Antihyperlipidemic agents - 1

--Antihyperlipidemic agents - 2

--Antihyperlipidemic agents

-Antiarrhythmic drugs

--Antiarrhythmic drugs 1

--Antiarrhythmic drugs 2

--Antiarrhythmic drugs 3

Ⅴ Drugs acting on the endocrine system

-Adrenocorticosteroids & adrenocortical antagonists

--Adrenocorticosteroids-1 st

--Adrenocorticosteroids-2 nd

--Adrenocorticosteroids-3 rd


-Thyroid & antithyroid drugs & pancretic hormones & antidiabetic drugs

--Thyroid drugs-1 st

--Antithyroid drugs-2

--Pancretic hormons & antidiabetic drugs

--Thyroid & antithyroid drugs & pancretic hormones & antidiabetic drugs

Ⅵ Drugs used to treat diseases of the blood & gout

-Drugs used in asthma -1

-Drugs used in asthma -2

-Drugs used in asthma

-Drugs used in the digestive disorders

--drugs for peptic ulcer 1

--drug for peptic ulcer 2

--Drugs for peptic ulcer

-Drugs acting on blood and blood forming organs

--Drugs acting on blood and blood forming organs 1

--Drugs acting on blood and blood forming organs 2

--Drugs acting on blood and blood forming organs

Ⅶ Chemotherapeutic Drugs

-lecture 1 section 1 Antimicrobial Agents

--lecture 1 section 1 Antimicrobial Agents

-lecture 1 section 2 Antimicrobial Agents

--lecture 1 section 2 Antimicrobial Agents

-lecture 1 section 3 Antimicrobial Agents

--lecture 1 section 3 Antimicrobial Agents

-lecture 2 section 1 Beta-LACTAM ANTIBIOTICS

--lecture 2 section 1 Beta-LACTAM ANTIBIOTICS

-lecture 2 section 2 Beta-LACTAM ANTIBIOTICS

--lecture 2 section 2 Beta-LACTAM ANTIBIOTICS

--exercise for lecture 1 and 2

-lecture 3 section 1 Beta-LACTAM ANTIBIOTICS and other inhibitor of cell wall synthesis

--lecture 3 section 1 Beta-LACTAM ANTIBIOTICS and other inhibitor of cell wall synthesis

-lecture 3 section 2 Beta-LACTAM ANTIBIOTICS and other inhibitor of cell wall synthesis

--lecture 3 section 2 Beta-LACTAM ANTIBIOTICS and other inhibitor of cell wall synthesis

-lecture 3 section 3 Beta-LACTAM ANTIBIOTICS and other inhibitor of cell wall synthesis

--lecture 3 section 3 Beta-LACTAM ANTIBIOTICS and other inhibitor of cell wall synthesis

-lecture 4 section 1 Aminoglycosides

--lecture 4 section 1 Aminoglycosides

-lecture 4 section 2 Aminoglycosides

--lecture 4 section 2 Aminoglycosides

--exercise for lecture 3 and lecture 4

-lecture 5 section 1 Macrolides,Clindamycin and polypeptide antibiotics

--lecture 5 section 1 Macrolides,Clindamycin and polypeptide antibiotics

-lecture 5 section 2 Macrolides,Clindamycin and polypeptide antibiotics

--lecture 5 section 2 Macrolides,Clindamycin and polypeptide antibiotics

-lecture 5 section 3 Macrolides,Clindamycin and polypeptide antibiotics

--lecture 5 section 3 Macrolides,Clindamycin and polypeptide antibiotics

-lecture 6 section 1 Tetracyclines and chloramphenicol

--lecture 6 section 1 Tetracyclines and chloramphenicol

-lecture 6 section 2 Tetracyclines and chloramphenicol

--lecture 6 section 2 Tetracyclines and chloramphenicol

--exercise for lecture 5 and lecture 6

-lecture 7 section 1 Artificial Synthetic Antibacterial Drugs

--lecture 7 section 1 Artificial Synthetic Antibacterial Drugs

-lecture 7 section 2 Artificial Synthetic Antibacterial Drugs

--lecture 7 section 2 Artificial Synthetic Antibacterial Drugs

-lecture 8 section 1 Artificial Synthetic Antibacterial Drugs

--lecture 8 section 1 Artificial Synthetic Antibacterial Drugs

-lecture 8 section 2 Artificial Synthetic Antibacterial Drugs

--lecture 8 section 2 Artificial Synthetic Antibacterial Drugs

--exercise for lecture 7 and 8

-lecture 9 section 1 Cancer chemotherapy

--lecture 9 section 1 Cancer chemotherapy

-lecture 9 section 2 Cancer chemotherapy

--lecture 9 section 2 Cancer chemotherapy

-lecture 9 section 3 Cancer chemotherapy

--lecture 9 section 3 Cancer chemotherapy

-lecture 10 section 1 Cancer chemotherapy

--lecture 10 section 1 Cancer chemotherapy

-lecture 10 section 2 Cancer chemotherapy

--lecture 10 section 2 Cancer chemotherapy

-lecture 10 section 3 Cancer chemotherapy

--lecture 10 section 3 Cancer chemotherapy

--exercise for lecture 9 and 10




药理学系主任,同济医学院院长,华中科技大学副校长。现任中国药理学学会副会长,中国药理学学会神经精神药理学委员会副主席。国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,长江学者特聘教授,国家973计划首席科学家,国家自然科学基金委创新小组成员。获德国海德堡大学博士学位,美国爱荷华大学接受博士后。在Nature Neuroscience, Biological Psychiatry, Molecular Psychiatry 等国际一流期刊上发表论文120余篇。曾获教育部自然科学一等奖和湖北省自然科学一等奖。全国优秀课程、全国优秀药理学资源共享课程、湖北省英语教学品牌课程带头人。主编国家高等医学院校规划教材《药理学》(人民卫生出版社)、国家规划教材《药理学》、国家高等教育长学制规划教材《药理学》。以上教材曾获卫生部“优秀高校教材奖”、卫生部科技进步三等奖、湖北省优秀高校教材奖。由他牵头的药理学系教学成果获全国教学成果二等奖2项,湖北省高校教学成果一等奖3项。


博士,自2010年起任华中科技大学教授,现任华中科技大学基础医学院副院长,负责教学工作,湖北省药理学会会长。长江学者特聘教授,国家优秀青年科学基金获得者。在 Biological Psychiatry, Molecular Psychiatry, Aging Cell, British Journal of Pharmacology, Neuropsychopharmacology等国际一流期刊发表论文90篇余篇,曾担任药理学系教学主任,参与编写国家规划教材《药理学》和国家卫计委规划教材《人体功能学》。具有15年以上药理学教学经验,并发表多篇教学论文。




1999年至今在华中科技大学同济医学院药理学系工作。曾在美国俄亥俄州立大学进行学术访问一年,具有10年以上为海外留学生讲授药理学课程的经验。2018年获华中科技大学教学竞赛一等奖,湖北省药理学会教学竞赛一等奖。主持国家自然科学基金项目4项,在Biological Psychiatry, Aging Cell, Neuropharmacology等国际一流期刊发表论文20余篇。






  1. Pharmacology(Round 2)

  2. 商业银行柜台业务(2021秋)

  3. Scientific Fitness Method--Chan Si Gong(Round 2)

  4. 护理伦理学(2021秋)

  5. 统计方法(SAS、SPSS和R统计软件应用)(2021秋)

  6. Traditional Customs and Chinese Arts(Round4)

  7. Landscape Architecture Design(Round 2)

  8. Matlab 基础及在地学中的应用(2021秋)

  9. Strategies of Becoming a Dessert Master(Round 2)

  10. 室内乐(2021秋)

  11. 素描与体验——原理与形式研究(2021秋)

  12. 员工关系管理-关系思维与人际技能(2021秋)

  13. 零售药店管理实务(2021秋)

  14. 医学微生物学(2021秋)

  15. 时域测试技术综合实验(2021秋)

  16. 建筑结构1(混凝土结构)(2021秋)

  17. 中医养生概要(2021秋)

  18. 体育统计学与SPSS案例解析(2021秋)

  19. 声乐(2021秋)

  20. 金属材料及其应用(2021秋)
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