Traditional Customs and Chinese Arts

Chinese traditional customs and arts are universal and comprehensive with a long history, The Pre-Qin wisdom, historical volumes, folk customs, literature and art, have nourished billions of Chinese people,and attracted world- wide attention. we try to lift its mysterious veil slightly,would you join us?


Traditional Customs and Chinese Arts课程:前往报名学习

Traditional Customs and Chinese Arts视频慕课课程简介:

Chinese traditional customs and arts are universal and comprehensive with a long history, The Pre-Qin wisdom, historical volumes, folk customs, literature and art, have nourished billions of Chinese people,and attracted world- wide attention. we try to lift its mysterious veil slightly,would you join us?


Traditional Customs and Chinese Arts课程列表:


Unit1 Glance of China

-1.1 Chinese knot

--Chinese Knot

--Study Materials

-1.2 The panda

--The Panda

--Study Materials

-1.3 Cheongsam


--Study Materials

-1.4 The Great Wall

--The Great Wall

--Study Materials

-1.5 Confucius


--Study Materials

-1.6 Four Great Inventions of Ancient China

--Four Great Inventions

--Study Materials

-1.7 Kung Fu

--Kung Fu

--Study Materials

-1.8 Traditional Chinese Medicine

--Traditional Chinese Medicine

--Study Materials

-Unit 1 test


-Discussion questions


Unit2 Chinese Food

-2.1 Baozi


--Study Materials

-2.2 The Tea Ceremony

--The Tea Ceremony

--Study Materials

-2.3 Tangyuan


--Study Materials

-2.4 Sugar Figurine

--Sugar Figurine

--Study Materials

-2.5 Sugar-coated Haws on a Stick

--Sugar-coated Haws on a Stick

--Study Materials

-2.6 The Alcohol

--The Alcohol

--Study Materials

-2.7 Chinese Eight Cuisines

--Chinese Eight Cuisines

--Study Materials

-2.8 Bowls and Chopsticks

--Bowls and Chopsticks

--Study Materials

-2.9 Hot-Pot


--Study Materials

-2.10 Dumplings


--Study Materials

-Unit 2 test


-Discussion questions


Unit3 The art of language

-3.1 Xiangsheng


--Study Materials

-3.2 Chinese Characters

--Chinese Characters

--Study Materials

-3.3 Chinese Dialect Groups

--Chinese Dialect Groups

--Study Materials

-3.4 Chinese Opera

--Chinese Opera

--Study Materials

-Unit 3 test


-Discussion questions


Unit4 Literature and Art

-4.1 The Poetry in the Tang Dynasty

--The Poetry in the Tang Dynasty

--Study Materials

-4.2 The Poetry in the Song and Yuan Dynasties

--The Poetry in the Song and Yuan Dynasties

--Study Materials

-4.3 Chinese Historical Tales

--Chinese Historical Tales

--Study Materials

-4.4 Chinese Fable

--Chinese Fable

--Study Materials

-4.5 Modern Chinese Novels

--Modern Chinese Novels

--Study Materials

-4.6 Chinese Painting

--Chinese Painting

--Study Materials

-4.7 Flower Arrangement

--Flower Arrangement

--Study Materials

-4.8 The Art of Calligraphy

--The Art of Calligraphy

--Study Materials

-4.9 Bada Shanren

--Bada Shanren

--Study Materials

-4.10 Xiang Qi ,the Chinese Chess

--Xiang Qi ,the Chinese Chess

--Study Materials

-4.11 Weiqi


--Study Materials

-4.12 Lion Dance

--Lion Dance

--Study Materials

-4.13 Chinese Folk Music

--Chinese Folk Music

--Study Materials

-Unit 4 test


-Discussion questions


Unit 5 Traditional Festival

-5.1 The Spring Festival

--The Spring Festival

--Study Materials

-5.2 Lantern Festival

--Lantern Festival

--Study Materials

-5.3 Tomb Sweeping Day

--Tomb Sweeping Day

--Study Materials

-5.4 Dragon Boat Festival

-- Dragon Boat Festival

--Study Materials

-5.5 Qixi Festival

--Qixi Festival

--Study Materials

-5.6 The Mid-Autumn Festival

--The Mid-Autumn Festival

--Study Materials

-5.7 Double Ninth Festival

-- Double Ninth Festival

--Study Materials

-5.8 The Laba Festival

--The Laba Festival

--Study Materials

-Unit 5 Test


-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 6 Architectural Art

-6.1 Chinese Gardens

--Chinese Gardens

--Study Materials

-6.2 Courtyard House

--Courtyard House

--Study Materials

-6.3 Hutong


--Study Materials

-6.4 Huizhou Architecture

--Huizhou Architecture

--Study Materials

-6.5 Buddhist temples and pagodas

--Buddhist temples and pagodas

--Study Materials

-6.6 Chinese palaces

--Chinese palaces

--Study Materials

-6.7 Zhaozhou Bridge

--Zhaozhou Bridge

--Study Materials

-6.8 Buildings of Classical Learning Academies

--Buildings of Classical Learning Academies

--Study Materials

-6.9 Memorial Archway

--Memorial Archway

--Study Materials

-Unit 6 Test

--Unit 6 Test

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 7 Places of interest

-7.1 Terracotta Warriors

--Terracotta Warriors

--Study Materials

-7.2 The Potala Palace

--The Potala Palace

--Study Materials

-7.3 Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang

--Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang

--Study Materials

-7.4 Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang City

--Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang City

--Study Materials

-7.5 Shaolin Monastery

-- Shaolin Monastery

--Study Materials

-7.6 The Forbidden City

--The Forbidden City

--Study Materials

-7.7 Temple of Heaven

--Temple of Heaven

--Study Materials

-7.8 Chengde Mountain Resort in Chengde

--Chengde Mountain Resort in Chengde

--Study Materials

-7.9 Pingyao


--Study Materials

-7.10 Lijiang Old Town


--Study Materials

-Unit 7 Test

--Unit 7 Test

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 8 Chinese Cultural Relics

-8.1 Jade burial suit

--Jade burial suit

--Study Materials

-8.2 Bianzhong


--Study Materials

-8.3 Four-goats Square Zun

--Four-goats Square Zun

--Study Materials

-8.4 Along the River During the Qingming Festival

--Along the River During the Qingming Festival

--Study Materials

-Unit 8 Test

--Unit 8 Test

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 9 Folk Culture

-9.1 Table Manners

--Table Manners

--Study Materials

-9.2 Birthday Celebration Customs

--Birthday Celebration Customs

--Study Materials

-9.3 Chinese Wedding and Funeral Custom

--Chinese Wedding and Funeral Custom

--Study Materials

-9.4 Honor the Teacher and Stress Education

--Honor the Teacher and Stress Education

--Study Materials

-9.5 Social Etiquette

--Social Etiquette

--Study Materials

-9.6 Secretive Twelve Chinese Zodiac Signs

--Secretive Twelve Chinese Zodiac Signs

--Study Materials

-9.7 Filial Piety

--Filial Piety

--Study Materials

-9.8 Worship Rituals

--Worship Rituals

--Study Materials

-9.9 Gift Culture

--Gift Culture

--Study Materials

-9.10 Temple Fair

--Temple Fair

--Study Materials

-9.11 Honesty and Trustworthiness

--Honesty and Trustworthiness

--Study Materials

-9.12 Hundred Family Surnames

--Hundred Family Surnames

--Study Materials

-9.13 Family Roots

--Family Roots

--Study Materials

-9.14 The Spring Festival Couplets

--The Spring Festival Couplets

--Study Materials

-9.15 The Spring Festival Pictures

--The Spring Festival Pictures

--Study Materials

-9.16 Exchanging Red Envelopes

--Exchanging Red Envelopes

--Study Materials

-Unit 9 Test

--Unit 9 Test

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 10 Traditional Craft

-10.1 Chinese Paper Cutting

-- Chinese Paper Cutting

--Study Materials

-10.2 Printing and Dyeing

--Printing and Dyeing

--Study Materials

-10.3 Porcelain


--Study Materials

--VR Ceramic Design

-10.4 Chinese Kite

--Chinese Kite

--Study Materials

-10.5 Colorful Lantern

--Colorful Lantern

--Study Materials

-10.6 Folk Toys

--Folk Toys

--Study Materials

-10.7 Writing Brush

--Writing Brush

--Study Materials

-10.8 The Art of Seals

--The Art of Seals

--Study Materials

-10.9 Chinese Embroidery

--Chinese Embroidery

--Study Materials

-10.10 Stone Carving

--Stone Carving

--Study Materials

-10.11 Abacus


--Study Materials

-10.12 Seal Carving

--Seal Carving

--Study Materials

-10.13 The Shadow Puppetry

--The Shadow Puppetry

--Study Materials

-10.14 Beijing Dough Figurines

--Beijing Dough Figurines

--Study Materials

-Unit 10 Test

--Unit 10 Test

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 11 Scenic beauty

-11.1 Mount Tai

--Mount Tai

--Study Materials

-11.2 Mount Huangshan

--Mount Huangshan

--Study Materials

-11.3 Mount Wutai

--Mount Wutai

--Study Materials

-11.4 Qomolangma


--Study Materials

-11.5 Zhangjiajie Forest Park

--Zhangjiajie Forest Park

--Study Materials

-11.6 Guilin Scenery

--Guilin Scenery

--Study Materials

-11.7 JiuZhaigou


--Study Materials

-11.8 Hulunbeier Grassland

--Hulunbeier Grassland

--Study Materials

-11.9 Huang guoshu Waterfall

--11.9 Huang guoshu Waterfall

--Study Materials

-11.10 Gulangyu


--Study Materials

-11.11 West lake

-- West lake

--Study Materials

-11.12 Qinghai Lake

--Qinghai Lake

--Study Materials

-11.13 Mount Lushan

--Mount Lushan

--Study Materials

-Unit 11 Test

--Unit 11 Test

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Traditional Customs and Chinese Arts开设学校:南昌大学

Traditional Customs and Chinese Arts授课教师:


邱璟,南昌大学艺术与设计学院教授、硕导,高级工艺美术师,江西省委宣传部思想文化创意专家。主持多门精品在线开放课程,其中《中国民间艺术的奇妙之旅》、《时尚·魅力——大学生魅商修炼手册》在中宣部学习强国平台、中国大学MOOC、智慧树、超星尔雅等多个平台上线运行,《民间美术》为南昌大学“课程思政”示范课程,多部书画类作品被中国现代文学馆永久收藏。主持省级以上教学与科研课题多项,在 CSSCI 等核心以上学术期刊发表学术论文二十余篇,编写、出版多部学术专著、艺术设计类专业教材和国家职业技能鉴定考试复习指导丛书。主要研究领域为视觉传达设计和服装设计。


舒余安,南昌大学艺术与设计学院副教授、硕导、研究员,意大利威尼斯建筑大学客座教授(2016-2017),美国辛辛那提大学访问学者(2018-2019),TED演讲者(2016)。江西省精品课程《设计方法学》主讲人,南昌大学来华留学生英语授课《Design Methodology》课程负责人。先后在学术期刊发表学术论文10余篇,主持省级以上科研和教改课题8项,出版教材1本。先后在欧美国家做中国文化与设计系列讲座10余场,包括:“Chinese Culture”、“How to Use Chinese Culture”等(意大利威尼斯建筑大学建校九十周年校庆学术活动),“In the beginning was only a teapot”(意大利佛罗西诺内美术学院学术研讨会),“Cultural Design”(美国辛辛那提大学学术交流活动),“Chinese New Year”(美国蒙哥马利小学国际文化推广活动)等。合作设计的“葵叶灯”系列中国文化产品于2013年受邀参加“2013国际米兰设计周优良设计展”。






聂菁,南昌大学基础医学院讲师,硕士。讲授《人体解剖学》、《系统解剖学》、《断层解剖学》等课程。江西省省级精品在线开放课程《断层解剖学》课程负责人。先后在《International Immunopharmacology》、《神经解剖学杂志》、《中国临床解剖学杂志》、《解剖学杂志》等各类期刊发表学术、教学论文十余篇。主持江西省教育厅科研基金课、卫生厅青年基金项目各一项。主持南昌大学校级教改项目两项。参与多项国家自然基金项目、省级自然基金项目和省级教改项目。主要研究方向:人体解剖学教学、神经解剖学研究。


吴江,中国工业设计协会常务理事,南昌大学工业设计研究院院长,艺术与设计学院工业设计系主任,教授,硕导。获得全国首批高级室内建筑师资格,被聘为中国建筑学会专家委员,省建筑装饰优良工程最高奖“杜鹃花奖”专家评委,南昌市装饰行业协会专家顾问。近年来,在中文核心以上刊物发表论文20余篇,出版专著2部,教材2部,获国家专利13项。主持完成10项省级课题,主讲“产品设计”等多门课程。主创或指导获得“国际三大设计奖”等30余项国内外设计奖项,获“省高校中青年骨干教师”、“TIA十佳设计教育工作者”、“中国设计事业先锋人物奖”, “全国优秀创新创业导师”等荣誉。


 毛燕玲,1977.03, 南昌大学管理学院,教授、博士、硕士生导师,2016年在The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill(北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校)美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校访学一年。现主要从事政策仿真、区域经济、城乡发展与土地问题、项目管理等领域的相关教学与研究工作。主持和参与国家自然科学基金项目、国家社会科学基金项目、教育部人文社会科学项目、国家发改委地区司项目、江西省市招标或委托项目等项目20余项。在国内外期刊发表学术论文30余篇,出版专著2部。






张千山,南昌大学艺术与设计学院教师, 广播电视艺术学硕士。教授课程:《视听语言》、《华语电影概观》、《影视剧写作》。《视听语言》多媒体课件获第十五届全国多媒体课件大赛三等奖,慕课《视听语言》课程认定为2019年江西省省级精品在线开放课程(本科),在中国大学慕课(MOOC)、超星尔雅等多家平台上线运行。


  1. Traditional Customs and Chinese Arts(Round4)

  2. Landscape Architecture Design(Round 2)

  3. Matlab 基础及在地学中的应用(2021秋)

  4. Strategies of Becoming a Dessert Master(Round 2)

  5. 室内乐(2021秋)

  6. Medical Immunology(Round 2)

  7. 管理素质与能力的五项修炼——跟我学“管理学”(2021秋)

  8. 机械零部件造型与加工(2021秋)

  9. 英语辩论的艺术(2021秋)

  10. Winning in Business:The Art of War by Sun Tzu(Round 2)

  11. 交通运输信号(2021秋)

  12. 中级日语听说(2021秋)

  13. 道家哲学专题(2021秋)

  14. 国防教育——热点问题(2021秋)

  15. 程序设计技术(基于C)-基础(2021秋)

  16. 建筑设备工程(2021秋)

  17. 船舶在波浪中运动的势流理论(2021秋)

  18. 游戏心理学(2021秋)

  19. 美容中药方剂学(2021暑假班)

  20. 数据结构与算法(2021秋)
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