A Crash Course in Principles of Microeconomics

Choices are everywhere in life. Faced with choices, people sometimes find it difficult to decide what is the best choice, and how to choose in the case of strategic interaction? The principles of microeconomics can provide answers to these questions. The course analyzes individual optimal decision-making behavior from a microeconomic perspective, mainly including consumer, producer, government and other selection issues.


A Crash Course in Principles of Microeconomics课程:前往报名学习

A Crash Course in Principles of Microeconomics视频慕课课程简介:

Choices are everywhere in life. Faced with choices, people sometimes find it difficult to decide what is the best choice, and how to choose in the case of strategic interaction? The principles of microeconomics can provide answers to these questions. The course analyzes individual optimal decision-making behavior from a microeconomic perspective, mainly including consumer, producer, government and other selection issues.


A Crash Course in Principles of Microeconomics课程列表:


1 Introduction to Economics

-1.1 Scarcity laws and opportunity costs

--1.1 video

--1.1 slides

--1.1 quiz

-1.2 The nature and definition of economics


--1.2 video

--1.2 quiz

-1.3 Three basic economic issues



--1.3 quiz

-1.4 Economics as a social science



--1.4 quiz

-1.5 The toolbox of economists and how to learn economics



--1.5 quiz

-Unit exercise 1

2 Demand, supply and equilibrium prices

-2.1 Demand and the law of demand


--2.1 video

--2.1 quiz

-2.2 Shift of the demand curve


--2.2 video

--2.2 quiz

-2.3 Supply


--2.3 video

--2.3 quiz

-2.4 Decision of equilibrium price


--2.4 video

--2.4 quiz

-2.5 Application of equilibrium price theory


--2.5 video

--2.5 quiz

-Unit Exercise 2

3 Elasticity Theory

-3.1 General principles of elasticity


--3.1 video

--3.1 quiz

-3.2 Price elasticity of demand


--3.2 video

--3.2 quiz

-3.3 Application of price elasticity of demand


--3.3 video

--3.3 quiz

-3.4 Income elasticity of income and cross-price elasticity of demand


--3.4 video

--3.4 quiz

-3.5 Supply elasticity


--3.5 video

--3.5 quiz

-Unit Exercise 3

4 Preference theory

-4.1 Commodities, consumption sets


--4.1 video

--4.1 quiz

-4.2 Budget constraint and line


--4.2 video

--4.2 quiz

-4.3 Cardinal utility theory


--4.3 video

--4.3 quiz

-4.4 Ordinal Utility Theory and preference Theory


--4.4 video

--4.4 quiz

-4.5 Indifference curves


--4.5 video

--4.5 quiz

-Unit Exercise 4

5 Utility maximisation theory

-5.1a Utility maximization (I)


--5.1 video

--5.1 quiz

-5.2 Utility maximization (II)


--5.1b video

--5.2 quiz

-5.3 Violations of preference assumption


--5.3 video

--5.3 quiz

-5.4 Price consumption curve and demand curve


--5.4 video

--5.4 quiz

-5.5 Income consumption curve and Engel curve


--5.5 video

--5.5 quiz

-5.6 Substitution effect and income effect


--5.6 video

--5.6 quiz

-Unit Exercise 5

6 Production theory

-6.1 Nature of firms


--6.1 video

--6.1 quiz

-6.2 Production function


--6.2 video

--6.2 quiz

-6.3 Short-term production


--6.3 video

--6.3 quiz

-6.4 Three stages of production


--6.4 video

--6.4 quiz

-6.5 Long-run production


--6.5 video

--6.5 quiz

-6.6 Return to scales

--6.6 video


--6.6 quiz

-Unit Exercise 6

7 Cost theory

-7.1 Cost definitions


--7.1 video

--7.1 quiz

-7.2 Short-run costs


--7.2 video

--7.2 quiz

-7.3 Long-run costs


--7.3 video

--7.3 quiz

-7.4 Minimization of long-run costs


--7.4 video

--7.4 quiz

-7.5 Long-run expansion path


--7.5 video

--7.5 quiz

-7.6 Economies of scale and scope economy


--7.6 video

--7.6 quiz

-Unit Exercise 7

Final Exams

-Final Exam 1

-Final Exam 2

A Crash Course in Principles of Microeconomics开设学校:江西财经大学

A Crash Course in Principles of Microeconomics授课教师:


王小平,男,1959年12月生,经济学硕士,现为江西财经大学经济学院教授,博士生导师。研究方向:经济制度与经济发展 1982 年毕业于江西财经学院计划统计专业,同年留校任教。1988 年毕业于加拿大安大略大学,获经济学硕士学位。英国剑桥大学高级访问学者。1996 年为经济学院院长。2007 年 6 月起任江西财经大学校长助理,2014 年 10 月起任江西财经大学副校长。 国务院特殊津贴获得者,全国优秀留学回国人员,财政部首批学科 (学术) 带头人,江西省高校中青年学科带头人,江西省(首届) 教学名师,江西省师德标兵,江西省 “555 赣鄱英才” 领军人物。


江西财经大学副教授,硕士生导师,浙江大学经济学博士。自 2000 以来,一直承担本科教学任务,先后为本科生开设西方经济学、微观经济学和宏观经济学课程,为硕士研究生开设中级西方经济学,为博士生开始高级宏观经济学。教态端正,教学内容与时俱进,教学方法不断创新,教学效果优良。2017 年江西财经大学 “十佳教师” 称号,2009 年与 2015 曾获得教育部全国多媒体课件大赛高校文科二等奖、江西省高等院校优秀多媒体教学课件比赛二等奖等,2010 年获得江西财大教学成果特等奖,2013 年获得江西省教学成果二等奖。科研方面,近年来,发表了一系列的科研成果,其中,包括学校权威论文 3 篇,CSSCI 论文近 10 篇。作为主持人完成省教育厅 2 项课题,参与完成 3 项省级课题。参与完成国家级社科课题 2 项。出版学术专著2 本,参与编写学术著作 7 部。


  1. A Crash Course in Principles of Microeconomics(Round 2)

  2. Innovation Theory Method & Ecological Civilization Practice(Round 2)

  3. 牙周病学(2021秋)

  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice(Round 2)

  5. 信号与系统(2021秋)

  6. Big Data of Smart Grid(Round 2)

  7. 房屋建筑学——融合BIM技术的民用建筑设计与构造(2021秋)

  8. Digital Photography(Round 2)

  9. 俄罗斯文化艺术赏析(2021秋)

  10. 模块化生产加工系统控制与调试(2021秋)

  11. 微积分-1(2021秋)

  12. 工程材料及机械制造基础(2021秋)

  13. 政府会计(2021秋)

  14. 电气工程专业认识实践(2021秋)

  15. 急诊医学的基础与前沿(2021秋)

  16. 植物造景(2021秋)

  17. 设计符号学(2021秋)

  18. 婚礼文化(2021秋)

  19. 儿科学(2021秋)

  20. 安塞腰鼓(2021秋)
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