Analog Electronic Technology

Electronic technology is the physical cornerstone of today's information era. Nowadays, the electronic system design is more and more sophisticated and the operation speed is faster and faster. All the happening keep us to pore over what components are included in these electronic systems? How do they work? How to use them to design circuit to meet different requirements? The course of Analog Electronic Technology will lead us to acquire and master these knowledges.


Analog Electronic Technology课程:前往报名学习

Analog Electronic Technology视频慕课课程简介:

Electronic technology is the physical cornerstone of today's information era. Nowadays, the electronic system design is more and more sophisticated and the operation speed is faster and faster. All the happening keep us to pore over what components are included in these electronic systems? How do they work? How to use them to design circuit to meet different requirements? The course of Analog Electronic Technology will lead us to acquire and master these knowledges.


Analog Electronic Technology课程列表:


Chapter1 Semiconductor Diodes

-1.1 Introduction of Semiconductor and Intrinsic Materials

-1.2 Extrinsic Materials: n-Type and p-Type Materials

-1.3 Semiconductor Diode

-1.4 Characteristics of Semiconductor Diode

-1.5 Diode Equivalent Circuits,Diode Capacitance and Zener Diode

-Chapter I assignment

Chapter2. Diode Applications

-2.1 Load-Line Analysis and Diode Equivalent Model

-2.2 Rectification

-2.3 Clippers and Clampers

-2.4 Zener Diodes

-Chapter 2 assignment

Chapter3. Bipolar Junction Transistors

-3.1 Transistor Construction and Operation

-3.2 Transistor Configuration and Characteristics

-3.3 Relationship of α and β,Transistor Amplifying Action

-Chapter 3 assignment

Chapter4. DC Biasing

-4.1 DC Biasing Analysis

-4.2 Fixed-Bias Circuit and Emitter-Stabilized Bias Circuit

-4.3 Voltage-Divider Bias and Application

-Chapter 4 assignment

Chapter5. BJT Transistor AC Analysis

-5.1 Amplification Concept and AC

-5.2 The re Transistor Model of CB and CE

-5.3 The Hybrid Equivalent Model vs Hybrid Model

-5.4 Fixed-Bias Configuration and Voltage-Divider Bias in AC Domain

-5.5 AC Parameters of CE Emitter-Bias Configuration

-5.6 Darlington Connection and Summary

-Chapter 5 assignment

Chapter6. Field-Effect Transistors

-6.1 Concepts and Construction of FETs

-6.2 Operation of MOSFET

-6.3 Transfer Characteristics of MOSFETs and Summary

-Chapter 6 assignment

Chapter7. FET Biasing

-7.1 Fixed-Bias Configuration and Self-Bias Configuration

-7.2 JFET Voltage-Divider Biasing and MOSFET Biasing

-Chapter 7 assignment

Chapter8. FET Amplifiers

-8.1 Introduction FET Amplifiers and Major Components of FET Small-Signal Model

-8.2 FET AC Equivalent Circuit and Self-Bias Configuration

-8.3 JFET Voltage-Divider Configuration and Source-Follower(Common-Drain) Configuration

-8.4 JFET Common-Gate Configuration , MOSFET AC Equivalent Circuit and Summary

-Chapter 8 assignment

Chapter9. Operational Amplifiers

-9.1 Current Source Circuits

-9.2 Floating Signal and Differential vs Common-Mode Signal

-9.3 Differential Amplifier Circuit

-9.4 The Large-Signal Transfer Characteristic of Differential Amplifier Circuit

-9.5 Use of Constant-Current Source in Differential Amplifier Circuit and Summary

-Chapter 9 assignment

Chapter10. Power Amplifiers

-10.1 Characteristics and Types of Power Amplifiers

-10.2 Class B Amplifier Operation and Performance Analysis

-10.3 Class AB Amplifier Operation ,OTL Circuit and Summary

-Chapter I0 assignment

Chapter11. Feedback Circuits

-11.1 Feedback Concepts and Tpyes

-11.2 Instantaneous Polarity Method

-11.3 Feedback Connection Determination

-11.4 Negative Feedback Amplifier Circuit Performances

-11.5 Calculation of Feedback Circuits

-11.6 Feedback Amplifier—Performance Considerations

-11.7 Phase and Frequency Considerations and Summary

-Chapter 11 assignment

Analog Electronic Technology开设学校:西安邮电大学

Analog Electronic Technology授课教师:




  1. Analog Electronic Technology(Round 2)

  2. Oriental Wisdom—Caigentan(Round 2)

  3. 职业卫生与职业医学(2021秋)

  4. Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery(Round 2)

  5. java程序设计(2021秋)

  6. 广告设计(2021秋)

  7. Auditing(Round 2)

  8. 交替传译(2021秋)

  9. 数字测图技术(2021秋)

  10. Social Welfare Theories and Practice(Round 2)

  11. 马克思主义哲学原理(2021秋)

  12. Academic English for Science and Engineering(Round 2)

  13. 安全学原理(2021秋)

  14. 船舶结构与识图(2021秋)

  15. 基础生物化学实验(2021秋)

  16. 计算化学(2021秋)

  17. 遥感数字图像处理理论与方法(2021秋)

  18. 安全系统工程(2021秋)

  19. 模块化产品设计与开发(2021秋)

  20. 国际工程项目管理(2021秋)
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