当前课程知识点:英文期刊论文发表——通往国际学术舞台的阶梯 >  9. How to write Discussion and Conclusions 如何撰写讨论和结论部分 >  9.4 Structure of the Conclusion Section 结论的结构 >  9.4 Structure of the Conclusion Section结论的结构


9.4 Structure of the Conclusion Section结论的结构在线视频

下一节:9.5 Language Resources for the Conclusion Section结论的常见词句



1. Introduction to Research Articles 期刊论文写作导论

-1.1 Challenges in Research Article Writing 论文写作的挑战

--1.1 Challenges in Research Article Writing 论文写作的挑战

-1.2 The Components of Research Articles 论文要素

--1.2 The Components of Research Articles 论文要素 1.2

-1.3 Student Experience in Research Article Writing 写作经验分享

--1.3 Student Experience in Research Article Writing 写作经验分享


2. Lexical Selection of Research Articles 期刊论文的遣词

-2.1 Stylistic Features of Research Articles 期刊论文的语言风格

--2.1 Stylistic Features of Research Articles 期刊论文的语言风格

-2.2 Formal Language and Informal Language正式语言和非正式语言的对比

--2.2 Formal Language and Informal Language正式语言和非正式语言的对比

-2.3 Lexical Density 词汇也有密度?

--2.3 Lexical Density 词汇也有密度?

-2.4 Strategies of Increasing Lexical Density

--2.4 Strategies of Increasing Lexical Density

-2.5 Nominalization 名词化结构

--2.5 Nominalization 名词化结构


-Lexical Selection of Research Articles 期刊论文的遣词

3. Sentence construction of Research Articles 期刊论文的造句

-3.1 Differences between English and Chinese Sentences英汉句式的差异

--3.1 Differences between English and Chinese Sentences英汉句式的差异

-3.2 Syntactic Features of Research Articles 期刊论文句式特点

--3.2 Syntactic Features of Research Articles 期刊论文句式特点

-3.3 Replacement of Attributive Clauses 定语从句的简化

--3.3 Replacement of Attributive Clauses 定语从句的简化

-3.4 Voice in Research Articles 期刊论文的语态

--3.4 Voice in Research Articles 期刊论文的语态


4.Textual Construction of Research Articles 期刊论文的谋篇布局

-4.1 Paragraph Writing 段落写作

--4.1 Paragraph Writing 段落写作

-4.2 Unity & Coherence in Discourse 语篇一致性及连贯性

--4.2 Unity & Coherence in Discourse 语篇一致性及连贯性

-4.3 Logical Development (I) 语篇逻辑发展(I)

--4.3 Logical Development (I) 语篇逻辑发展 (I)

-4.4 Logical Development (II) 语篇逻辑发展 (II)

--4.4 Logical Development (II) 语篇逻辑发展 (II)


5. How to Write Abstracts 如何撰写摘要部分

-5.1 Types of Abstracts 摘要类型

--5.1 Types of Abstracts 摘要类型

-5.2 Structure of Informative Abstracts 信息型摘要的结构

--5.2 Structure of Informative Abstracts 信息型摘要的结构

-5.3 Language Resources for Abstracts摘要的常见词句

--5.3 Language Resources for Abstracts摘要的常见词句

-5.4 Tense in Abstracts 摘要的时态

--5.4 Tense in Abstracts 摘要的时态


-5.5 Common Errors in Abstracts 摘要常见错误分析

--5.5 Common Errors in Abstracts 摘要常见错误分析


6. How to Write the Introduction Section 如何撰写引言部分

-6.1 Structure of the Introduction Section 引言部分结构

--6.1 Structure of the Introduction Section 引言部分结构

-6.2 Establishing the Topic 确立主题

--6.2 Establishing the Topic 确立主题

-6.3 Reviewing Literatures 综述文献

--6.3 Reviewing Literatures 综述文献

-6.4 Identifying a Problem 确定研究问题

--6.4 Identifying a Problem 确定研究问题

-6.5 Introducing the present study 介绍本研究

--6.5 Introducing the present study 介绍本研究


7. How to Write Materials and Methods 如何撰写材料和方法部分

-7.1 Structure of Materials and Methods方法部分结构

--7.1 Structure of Materials and Methods方法部分结构

-7.2 Language Resources of Materials and Methods 材料和方法部分的常用词句

--7.2 Language Resources of Materials and Methods 材料和方法部分的常用词句


8. How to Write the Results Section 如何撰写研究结果部分

-8.1 Structure of the Results Section 结果部分的结构

--8.1 Structure of the Results Section 结果部分的结构

-8.2 Language Resources for the Results Section 结果部分的常用词句

--8.2 Language Resources for the Results Section 结果部分的常用词句


9. How to write Discussion and Conclusions 如何撰写讨论和结论部分

-9.1 Structure of the Discussion Section 讨论部分结构

--9.1 Structure of the Discussion Section 讨论部分结构

-9.2 Language Resources for the Discussion Section 讨论部分的常用词句

--9.2 Language Resources for the Discussion Section 讨论部分的常用词句

-9.3 Hedging 模糊语的使用

--9.3 Hedging 模糊语的使用

-9.4 Structure of the Conclusion Section 结论的结构

--9.4 Structure of the Conclusion Section结论的结构

-9.5 Language Resources for the Conclusion Section 结论的常见词句

--9.5 Language Resources for the Conclusion Section结论的常见词句


10. References and Academic Ethnics 参考文献与学术伦理

-10.1 Functions of References 参考文献的作用

--10.1 Functions of References 参考文献的作用

-10.2 Reference Regulations and Reference Styles 参考文献的规范和样式

--10.2 Reference Regulations and Reference Styles 参考文献的规范和样式

-10.3 Ways to avoid plagiarism 如何规避学术剽窃

--10.3 Ways to avoid plagiarism 如何规避学术剽窃


11. Revision and Editing of Research Articles 论文的修改

-11.1 Common Errors in Research Articles (I) 论文写作常犯语言错误解析(I)

--11.1 Common Errors in Research Articles (I) 论文写作常犯语言错误解析(I)

-11.2 Common Errors in Research Articles(II) 论文写作常犯语言错误解析(II)

--11.2 Common Errors in Research Articles(II) 论文写作常犯语言错误解析(II)

-11.3 Details Matter 细节决定成败

--11.3 Details Matter 细节决定成败


12. Getting Your Paper Published 论文发表

-12.1 Writing a Cover Letter 投稿信的撰写

--12.1 Writing a Cover Letter 投稿信的撰写

-12.2 Writing an Inquiry Letter 稿件的查询

--12.2 Writing an Inquiry Letter 稿件的查询

-12.3 Responses from Editors and Reviewers 编辑和审稿人的回复

--12.3 Responses from Editors and Reviewers 编辑和审稿人的回复

-12.4 Responding to Reviewers’ Comments 回复审稿人意见

--12.4 Responding to Reviewers’ Comments 回复审稿人意见

-12.5 Interview with a professor 专家访谈

--12.5 Interview with a professor 专家访谈




9.4 Structure of the Conclusion Section结论的结构笔记与讨论


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