当前课程知识点:Statistics >  Final Exam >  Final Exam >  Discussion



  1. What is the difference between sample statistics and population parameters?

  2. What does population refer to? The items or the variables?



Chapter 1 Introduction and Data Collection

-Video 1-1 An Overview of Statistics

-Video 1-2 Data Collection



Chapter 2 Presenting Data in Tables and Charts

-Video 2-1 Tables and Charts for Categorical Data

-Video 2-2 Organizing Numerical Data

-Video 2-3 Tabulating and Graphing Multivariate Data

-Video 2-4 Drawing Charts by Excel



Chapter 3 Numerical Descriptive Measures

-Video 3-1 Measures of Central Tendency

-Video 3-2 Measures of Variation

-Video 3-3 Numerical Measures for a Population

-Video 3-4 Measures Between Two Variables



Chapter 4 Sampling Distributions

-Video 4-1 The Sampling Distribution of Sample Means

-Video 4-2 The Properties of the Sampling Distribution of Sample Means

-Video 4-3 The Sampling Distribution of Sample Proportions and More Sampling Distributions



Chapter 5 Point Estimation

-Video 5-1 The Concept of Point Estimation and Its Proporties

-Video 5-2 The Methods of Point Estimation



Chapter 6 Confidence Interval Estimation

-Video 6-1 Overview of Confidence Interval

-Video 6-2 Confidence Interval for Population Mean When Population Standard Deviation Is Known

-Video 6-3 Confidence Interval for Population Mean When Population Standard Deviation Is Unknown

-Video 6-4 Confidence Interval for Population Proportion

-Video 6-5 Sample Size Determination



Chapter 7 Fundamentals of Hypothesis Testing: One-Sample Tests

-Video 7-1 The General Ideas of Hypothesis Testing

-Video 7-2 Hypothesis Testing Process and Level of Significance

-Video 7-3 Errors in Making Decision

-Video 7-4 Hypothesis Testing for Mean---Critical Value Approach

-Video 7-5 Hypothesis Testing for Mean---p Value Approach

-Video 7-6 Hypothesis Testing for Mean (σ Unknown) and Proportion



Chapter 8 Two-sample Tests and One-way ANOVA

-Video 8-1 Chapter Overview

-Video 8-2 Comparing Two Means (Independent Samples, σ1 and σ2 Are Known)

-Video 8-3 Comparing Two Means (Independent Samples, σ1 and σ2 Unknown but Assumed Equal)

-Video 8-4 Comparing Two Means (Independent Samples, σ1 and σ2 Unknown and Not Assumed Equal)

-Video 8-5 Comparing Two Means (Related Samples)

-Video 8-6 Comparing Two Proportions (Independent Samples)

-Video 8-7 Comparing Two Variances (Independent Samples)

-Video 8-8 Introduction of One-way ANOVA

-Video 8-9 Variance Decomposition

-Video 8-10 One-way ANOVA



Chapter 9 Simple Linear Regression

-Video 9-1 Simple Linear Regression Model

-Video 9-2 Interpretation of the Coefficients and Prediction

-Video 9-3 Goodness-of-fit of the Model

-Video 9-4 Residual Analysis for Assumptions

-Video 9-5 Inference about the Slope (1)

-Video 9-6 Inference about the Slope (2)

-Video 9-7 Interval Prediction for Mean and Individual



Final Exam

-Final Exam



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