Flavor Chemistry and Analysis

This course is a major course in the major of Food science and engineering. It mainly teaches the theory and technology of food flavor analysis, so that students can understand the development direction of food flavor chemistry, and better master the relevant theoretical knowledge, basic experimental skills and research methods of modern food flavor analysis.


Flavor Chemistry and Analysis课程:前往报名学习

Flavor Chemistry and Analysis视频慕课课程简介:

This course is a major course in the major of Food science and engineering. It mainly teaches the theory and technology of food flavor analysis, so that students can understand the development direction of food flavor chemistry, and better master the relevant theoretical knowledge, basic experimental skills and research methods of modern food flavor analysis.


Flavor Chemistry and Analysis课程列表:


Chapter 1 Aroma compounds

-Section 1 The neurophysiology basis of olfaction

--The neurophysiology basis of olfaction

-Section 2 The basic properties of aroma compounds

-- The basic properties of aroma compounds

-Section 3 The importance of aroma analysis

--The importance of aroma analysis

-Section 4 The considerations of flavor analysis

--The considerations of flavor analysis

-Section 5 Aroma Researcher’s Toolbox

--Aroma Researcher’s Toolbox

-Chapter 1 Exercises

-Aroma compounds

Chapter 2 Extraction methods of aroma compounds

-Section 1 Solvent extraction

--Solvent extraction

-Section 2 Headspace analysis

--Headspace analysis

-Chapter 2 Exercises

-Extraction methods of aroma compounds

Chapter 3 Analysis method of aroma-active compounds

-Section 1 Basic elements of gas chromatography (GC)

--Basic elements of gas chromatography (GC)

--Basic elements of gas chromatography (GC)

-Section 2 Basic elements of gas chromatography (GC) (2)

--Basic elements of gas chromatography (GC) (2)

-Section 3 Gas chromatography-olfactometry(GC-O)

--Gas chromatography-olfactometry(GC-O)

-Chapter 3 Exercises

-Analysis method of aroma-active compounds

Chapter 4 Molecular sensory science

-Section 1 The concept of molecular sensory science

--The concept of molecular sensory science

-Section 2 The applications of molecular sensory science

--The applications of molecular sensory science

-Chapter 4 Exercises

-Molecular sensory science

Chatper 5 Aroma compounds in typical foods

-Section1 Overview of food aroma analysis

-- Overview of food aroma analysis

-Section 2 Aroma compounds in fruits

--Aroma compounds in fruits

-Section 3 Aroma compounds in vegetables

--Aroma compounds in vegetables

-Section 4 Aroma compounds in meat products

--Aroma compounds in meat products

-Section 5 Aroma compounds in dairy products

--Aroma compounds in dairy products

-Chapter 5 Exercises

-Aroma compounds in typical foods

Chatper 6 Basic properties of taste compounds

-Section 1 Neurophysiological basis of gustation

--A preliminary introduction to gustation

--Factors affecting gustation and the relevant concept of gustation

--Molecular mechanisms of taste receptors

-Section 2 Five basic tastes and kokumi

--Sour, sweet, bitter and salty

--Molecular mechanism of "hot taste"

--Umami and Kokumi

-Chapter 6 Exercises

-Basic properties of taste compounds

Chapter 7 Maillard reaction

-Section 1 Introduction to Maillard reaction

--Introduction to Maillard reaction

-Section 2 The main stages of Maillard reaction

--The main stages of Maillard reaction

-Section 3 Influencing factors of Maillard reaction and its effect on food processing

-- Influencing factors of Maillard reaction and its effect on food processing

-Section 4 Similarities and differences between Maillard reaction and Caramelization reaction

--Similarities and differences between Maillard reaction and Caramelization reaction

-Chapter 7 Exercises

-Maillard reaction

Chapter 8 Analysis of taste-active compounds

-Section 1 Extraction, analysis and identification of taste compounds

--Extraction, analysis and identification of taste compounds

-Section 2 Qualitative and quantitative analysis of taste compounds

-- Qualitative and quantitative analysis of taste compounds

-Chapter 8 Exercises

-Chapter 8-Taste compounds analysis


-Experiment 1 Analysis of aroma compounds

--Analysis of aroma compounds

-Experiment 2 Analysis of taste compounds

-- Analysis of taste compounds

Final Exams

-Final Exams

Flavor Chemistry and Analysis开设学校:北京工商大学

Flavor Chemistry and Analysis授课教师:


宋焕禄,男,1961年6月出生,汉族,山东烟台市人,工学博士、教授,博士研究生导师,享受国务院特殊津贴专家,美国伊利诺伊大学访问学者。主要讲授 “食品分析”及“食品风味化学与分析”课程。食品科学学科学术带头人,主要研究领域为食品风味化学、食品添加剂、现代食品分析技术等。现为中国食品科学技术学会高级会员。主持或参加完成的科研项目有20余项,其中包括国家“十五”科技攻关项目子课题、国家“十一五”科技支撑项目子课题、国家“十二五”863计划项目子任务、国家自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金等项目。现主持国家自然科学基金及校企合作项目等多项课题。荣获2014年中国商业联合会科学技术一等奖1项、2000年国家科技进步二等奖1项、教育部1999年度科技进步一等奖1项。发表论文百余篇,其中SCI论文30余篇;主编专著3部;获得授权国家发明专利3项。 在本在线课程中,主要负责讲解气味的神经生理学、挥发性香气化合物的提取、分析和鉴定方法。


王丽金,理学博士,2016年毕业于中国科学院植物研究所。2016年-至今在北京工商大学食品学院担任讲师,主要讲授“食品风味化学”、“葡萄酒风味与鉴赏”、“食品风味化学与分析”。研究方向为小浆果香气成分及其在加工贮藏过程中的变化规律研究。主持校企合作项目2项,参与国家自然科学基金一项,十三五项目一项,校企合作项目多项。发表SCI论文5篇。 在本在线课程中,主要负责讲解滋味成分的提取、分析和鉴定方法。


张雨,工学博士,2013年毕业于中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院,主要研究方向是食品生物技术,主要研究内容是真菌毒素分子毒性机制。2013年-至今,在北京工商大学食品学院担任硕士研究生导师及本科教学。主要讲授“食品分析”、“食品毒理”、“食品免疫学”、“食品风味化学与分析”。参与课题多项,主要课题如下:“酵母抽提物中风味活性物质及其在加工中变化规律的研究”、“调理类牛羊肉制品加工关键技术及装备研发与示范”、“红糖风味分析与指纹图谱建立”、“酱油酵母发酵特性及其在酱油酿造过程中应用技术和工艺开发研究”。发表SCI论文6篇,参编本科教材一部。 在本在线课程中,主要负责讲解滋味的神经生理学、食品中的关键滋味成分、美拉德反应。


孟琦,农学博士,讲授食品风味分析研究生课程。研究方向为发酵食品气味成分的生成与利用。完成日本学术振兴会基础科研项目2项。主持国家自然科学基金1项。第一作者发表论文6篇,日本专利1项,作为联合作者著书1部。获日本文部省外国人私费留学生学习奖励金,获平和中岛财团奖学金。 在本在线课程中,主要负责讲解常见食品中的关键香气成分。


  1. 海洋生物学(2021秋)

  2. 复变函数与积分变换(2021秋)

  3. 计算机网络(2021秋)

  4. 船舶结构与货运(2021秋)

  5. Petroleum Production Engineering(Round 2)

  6. 基础俄语(2021秋)

  7. Cultural Psychology(2021秋)

  8. Numerical Analysis(2021秋)

  9. 材料成型CAD/CAE/CAM(2021秋)

  10. Entrepreneurship Management(Round 2)

  11. Flavor Chemistry and Analysis(Round 2)

  12. Introduction to Companion Dog Care(Round 2)

  13. Survival Thai(2021秋)

  14. Low-Temperature Thermochronology(Round3)

  15. 人格权法(2021秋)

  16. 中国艺术史(Chinese Art History)(2021秋)

  17. 生物医学大型仪器安全、原理及操作应用(2021秋)

  18. 高等代数与解析几何1(2021秋)

  19. Pediatrics(Round 2)

  20. Financial English(Round 2)
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