Introduction to World's Famous Spirits

This course is aimed at eight kinds of internationally famous spirits. Brewing method, fermentation process, tasting spirits and historical culture.


Introduction to World's Famous Spirits课程:前往报名学习

Introduction to World's Famous Spirits视频慕课课程简介:

This course is aimed at eight kinds of internationally famous spirits. Brewing method, fermentation process, tasting spirits and historical culture.


Introduction to World's Famous Spirits课程列表:


Chapter 1 Whisky

-1.1 The historical background of whisky

--1.1 The historical background of whisky

-1.2 The brewing technology of whisky

--1.2 The brewing technology of whisky

-1.3 The appreciation and taste of whisky

--1.3 The appreciation and taste of whisky

-1.4 The exercise of Chapter 1

Chapter 2 Vodka

-2.1 The historical background of vodka

--2.1 The historical background of vodka

-2.2 The brewing technology of vodka

--2.2 The brewing technology of vodka

-2.3 The appreciation and taste of vodka

--2.3 The appreciation and taste of vodka

-2.4 The exercise of Chapter 2

Chapter 3 Brandy

-3.1 The historical background of brandy

--3.1 The historical background of brandy

-3.2 The brewing technology of brandy

--3.2 The brewing technology of brandy

-3.3 The appreciation and taste of brandy

--3.3 The appreciation and taste of brandy

-3.4 The exercise of Chapter 3

Chapter 4 Rum

-4.1 The historical background of rum

--4.1 The historical background of rum

-4.2 The brewing technology of rum

--4.2 The brewing technology of rum

-4.3 The appreciation and taste of rum

--4.3 The appreciation and taste of rum

-4.4 The exercise of Chapter 4

Chapter 5 Gin

-5.1 The historical background of gin

--5.1 The historical background of gin

-5.2 The brewing technology of gin

--5.2 The brewing technology of gin

-5.3 The appreciation and taste of gin

--5.3 The appreciation and taste of gin

-5.4 The exercise of Chapter 5

Chapter 6 Tequila

-6.1 The historical background of tequila

--6.1 The historical background of tequila

-6.2 The brewing technology of tequila

--6.2 The brewing technology of tequila

-6.3 The appreciation and taste of tequila

--6.3 The appreciation and taste of tequila

-6.4 The exercise of Chapter 6

Chapter 7 Sake

-7.1 The historical background of sake

--7.1 The historical background of sake

-7.2 The brewing technology of sake

--7.2 The brewing technology of sake

-7.3 The appreciation and taste of sake

--7.3 The appreciation and taste of sake

-7.4 The exercise of Chapter 7

Chapter 8 Soju

-8.1 The historical background of soju

--8.1 The historical background of soju

-8.2 The brewing technology of soju

--8.2 The brewing technology of soju

-8.3 The appreciation and taste of soju

--8.3 The appreciation and taste of soju

-8.4 The exercise of Chapter 8

Final Exam

-Final examination

Introduction to World's Famous Spirits开设学校:暨南大学

Introduction to World's Famous Spirits授课教师:


陈龙,暨南大学,理工学院 食品科学与工程系 副教授,2012年获得美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)) 食品科学与营养学博士学位(免硕直博)。现为美国营养学学会会员 (ANS) 、美国食品技术协会会员 (IFT),暨南大学食品科学与工程系讲师,教授多门食品学科课程(酿酒工程、食品发酵工程、食品工艺学、食品生物技术等)及国际学院中英文食品课程,获系年度优秀教师、本科课程全英语教学竞赛二等奖等。


  1. Introduction to World's Famous Spirits(Round 2)

  2. 工程科技类英语读写译知识点拾遗(2021秋)

  3. How to Give Babies a Healthy Start in Life(Round 2)

  4. Academic English Writing and Communication(Round 2)

  5. Anatomy and Life(Round 2)

  6. 企业战略管理(2021秋)

  7. Taiji Starts From Scratch(Bilingual Vertion)(Round 1)

  8. Applied Research Method and Consultancy(2021秋)

  9. Crop Breeding(Round 2)

  10. 化工热力学(2021秋)

  11. 外贸单证操作(2021秋)

  12. 工程制图(2021秋)

  13. 商法总论(2021秋)

  14. 随机过程(2021秋)

  15. 体育教学论(2021秋)

  16. 中国特色社会主义理论与实践研究(2021秋)

  17. 英语语言学(2021秋)

  18. 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论(2021秋)

  19. 研究生生涯发展与规划(2021秋)

  20. 中医耳鼻喉咽喉科学(2021秋)
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