当前课程知识点:跨文化交际 >  Part II Cultural Value Orientations >  Section 2.1 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Model >  Section 2.1.3 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Model--Activity and Time


Section 2.1.3 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Model--Activity and Time在线视频

下一节:Section 2.1.4 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Model--Person-Relation



Part I Basic concepts: Culture, Communication, Intercultural Communication

-Section 1. Background / Lead-in

--Section 1 Background / Lead-in

-Section 2.1 Culture

--Section 2.1 Culture



-Section 2.2 Communication

--Section 2.2 Communication



-Section 2.3 Interultutal communication

--Section 2.3 Interultutal communication



-Section 3.Test

--Section 3单元测试

-Section 4. Extended Resources

--Section 4 拓展资源(1)

--Section 4 拓展资源(2)

Part II Cultural Value Orientations

-Section 1. Background / Lead-in

--Section 1.1 General Introduction

--Section 1.2 Cultural Values and Patterns

-Section 2.1 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Model

--Section 2.1.1 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Model--Human-Nature

--Section 2.1.2 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Model--Man and Nature

--Section 2.1.3 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Model--Activity and Time

--Section 2.1.4 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Model--Person-Relation

--Section 2.1随堂练习

-Section 2.2 Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions

--Section 2.2.1 Hofstede's Cultural Dimension--Individulism Vs Collectivism

--Section 2.2.2 Hofstede's Cultural Dimension--Power Distance

--Section 2.2.3 Hofstede's Cultural Dimension--Uncertainty Avoidance, Masculinity Vs Femininity

--Section 2.2 随堂练习

-Section 2.3 Hall's Culture Context Model

--Section 2.3 Hall's Culture Context Model

--Section 2.3 随堂练习

-Section 3.Test

--Section 3 单元测试

-Section 4. Extended Resources

--Section 4 拓展资源

Part III Verbal Communication

-Section 1. Background / Lead-in

--Section 1. Background / Lead-in

-Section 2.1 Language and Culture

--Section 2.1 Language and Culture



-Section 2.2 The Meaning of Words

--Section 2.2 The Meaning of Words



-Section 2.3 Verbal Communication Styles

--Section 2.3 Verbal Communication Styles



-Section 2.4 Norms of Social Interaction

--Section 2.4 Norms of Social Interaction



-Section 3.Test

--Section 3单元测试

-Section 4. Extended Resources

--Section 4拓展资源(1)

--Section 4 拓展资源(2)

Part IV Nonverbal Communication

-Section 1. Background / Lead-in

--Section 1 Background & Lead-in

-Section 2.1 Basic Concepts

--Section 2.1 Basic Concepts

--Section 2.1 课堂讨论

--Section 2.1 随堂练习

-Section 2.2 General Appearance, Attire, Kinesics

--Section 2.2 General Appearance, Attire, Kinesics

--Section 2.2 课堂讨论

--Section 2.2 随堂练习

-Section 2.3 Facial expression, Eye contact and Touch

--Section 2.3 Facial expression, Eye contact and Touch

--Section 2.3 课堂讨论

--Section 2.3 随堂练习

-Section 2.4 Time

--Section 2.4 Time

--Section 2.4 课堂讨论

--Section 2.4 随堂练习

-Section 2.5 Space

--Section 2.5 Space

--Section 2.5课堂讨论

--Section 2.5随堂练习

-Section 3.Test

--Section 3 单元测试

-Section 4. Extended Resources

--Section 4 拓展资源

Part V Barriers and Bridges

-Section 1. Background / Lead-in

--Section 1. Background / Lead-in

--Section 1 课堂讨论

--Section 1 随堂练习

-Section 2.1 Ethnocentrism

--Section 2.1 Ethnocentrism

--Section 2.1 课堂讨论

--Section 2.1 随堂练习

-Section 2.2 Stereotype

--Section 2.2 Stereotype

--Section 2.2 课堂讨论

--Section 2.2 随堂练习

-Section 2.3 Cultural Shock and Adaptation

--Section 2.3 Cultural Shock and Adaptation

--Section 2.3 课堂讨论

--Section 2.3 随堂练习

-Section 2.4 Acculturation

--Section 2.4 Acculturation

--Section 2.4课堂讨论

--Section 2.4 随堂练习

-Section 2.5 Identity

--Section 2.5 Identity

--Section 2.5 课堂讨论

--Section 2.5 随堂练习

-Section 3.Test

--Section 3 单元测试

-Section 4. Extended Resources

--Section 4拓展资源(1)

--Section 4拓展资源(2)

--Section 4拓展资源(3)

Part VI Contexts of Intercultural Communication: Education Context, Business Context

-Section 1. Background / Lead-in

--Section 1. Background / Lead-in

--Section 1 课堂讨论

--Section 1 随堂练习

-Section 2.1 Education Context

--Section 2.1 Education Context

--Section 2.1 课堂讨论

--Section 2.1 随堂练习

-Section 2.2 Business Context

--Section 2.2 Business Context

--Section 2.2 课堂讨论

--Section 2.2 随堂练习

-Section 3.Test

--Section 3. 单元测试

Final Examination 期末考试


Section 2.1.3 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Model--Activity and Time笔记与讨论


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