当前课程知识点:跨文化交际 >  Part VI Contexts of Intercultural Communication: Education Context, Business Context >  Section 2.2 Business Context >  Section 2.2 课堂讨论


Section 2.2 课堂讨论

1. A seemingly universal concept like management can be viewed differently from culture to culture. Can you cite some examples to show this?

2. Which management style mentioned in this chapter do you plan to follow if you are a manager in a multinational corporation?

3. What business etiquette norms are we supposed to follow when doing business in cross-cultural contexts?



Part I Basic concepts: Culture, Communication, Intercultural Communication

-Section 1. Background / Lead-in

--Section 1 Background / Lead-in

-Section 2.1 Culture

--Section 2.1 Culture



-Section 2.2 Communication

--Section 2.2 Communication



-Section 2.3 Interultutal communication

--Section 2.3 Interultutal communication



-Section 3.Test

--Section 3单元测试

-Section 4. Extended Resources

--Section 4 拓展资源(1)

--Section 4 拓展资源(2)

Part II Cultural Value Orientations

-Section 1. Background / Lead-in

--Section 1.1 General Introduction

--Section 1.2 Cultural Values and Patterns

-Section 2.1 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Model

--Section 2.1.1 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Model--Human-Nature

--Section 2.1.2 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Model--Man and Nature

--Section 2.1.3 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Model--Activity and Time

--Section 2.1.4 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Model--Person-Relation

--Section 2.1随堂练习

-Section 2.2 Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions

--Section 2.2.1 Hofstede's Cultural Dimension--Individulism Vs Collectivism

--Section 2.2.2 Hofstede's Cultural Dimension--Power Distance

--Section 2.2.3 Hofstede's Cultural Dimension--Uncertainty Avoidance, Masculinity Vs Femininity

--Section 2.2 随堂练习

-Section 2.3 Hall's Culture Context Model

--Section 2.3 Hall's Culture Context Model

--Section 2.3 随堂练习

-Section 3.Test

--Section 3 单元测试

-Section 4. Extended Resources

--Section 4 拓展资源

Part III Verbal Communication

-Section 1. Background / Lead-in

--Section 1. Background / Lead-in

-Section 2.1 Language and Culture

--Section 2.1 Language and Culture



-Section 2.2 The Meaning of Words

--Section 2.2 The Meaning of Words



-Section 2.3 Verbal Communication Styles

--Section 2.3 Verbal Communication Styles



-Section 2.4 Norms of Social Interaction

--Section 2.4 Norms of Social Interaction



-Section 3.Test

--Section 3单元测试

-Section 4. Extended Resources

--Section 4拓展资源(1)

--Section 4 拓展资源(2)

Part IV Nonverbal Communication

-Section 1. Background / Lead-in

--Section 1 Background & Lead-in

-Section 2.1 Basic Concepts

--Section 2.1 Basic Concepts

--Section 2.1 课堂讨论

--Section 2.1 随堂练习

-Section 2.2 General Appearance, Attire, Kinesics

--Section 2.2 General Appearance, Attire, Kinesics

--Section 2.2 课堂讨论

--Section 2.2 随堂练习

-Section 2.3 Facial expression, Eye contact and Touch

--Section 2.3 Facial expression, Eye contact and Touch

--Section 2.3 课堂讨论

--Section 2.3 随堂练习

-Section 2.4 Time

--Section 2.4 Time

--Section 2.4 课堂讨论

--Section 2.4 随堂练习

-Section 2.5 Space

--Section 2.5 Space

--Section 2.5课堂讨论

--Section 2.5随堂练习

-Section 3.Test

--Section 3 单元测试

-Section 4. Extended Resources

--Section 4 拓展资源

Part V Barriers and Bridges

-Section 1. Background / Lead-in

--Section 1. Background / Lead-in

--Section 1 课堂讨论

--Section 1 随堂练习

-Section 2.1 Ethnocentrism

--Section 2.1 Ethnocentrism

--Section 2.1 课堂讨论

--Section 2.1 随堂练习

-Section 2.2 Stereotype

--Section 2.2 Stereotype

--Section 2.2 课堂讨论

--Section 2.2 随堂练习

-Section 2.3 Cultural Shock and Adaptation

--Section 2.3 Cultural Shock and Adaptation

--Section 2.3 课堂讨论

--Section 2.3 随堂练习

-Section 2.4 Acculturation

--Section 2.4 Acculturation

--Section 2.4课堂讨论

--Section 2.4 随堂练习

-Section 2.5 Identity

--Section 2.5 Identity

--Section 2.5 课堂讨论

--Section 2.5 随堂练习

-Section 3.Test

--Section 3 单元测试

-Section 4. Extended Resources

--Section 4拓展资源(1)

--Section 4拓展资源(2)

--Section 4拓展资源(3)

Part VI Contexts of Intercultural Communication: Education Context, Business Context

-Section 1. Background / Lead-in

--Section 1. Background / Lead-in

--Section 1 课堂讨论

--Section 1 随堂练习

-Section 2.1 Education Context

--Section 2.1 Education Context

--Section 2.1 课堂讨论

--Section 2.1 随堂练习

-Section 2.2 Business Context

--Section 2.2 Business Context

--Section 2.2 课堂讨论

--Section 2.2 随堂练习

-Section 3.Test

--Section 3. 单元测试

Final Examination 期末考试


Section 2.2 课堂讨论笔记与讨论


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