Computer Fundamentals: Problem Solving Using Computational Thinking(International Edition)

With the development of artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and blockchain, an era of intelligence arrived. It has become an essential skill for college students that having the ability to utilize computer in analyzing and solving real-world problems. From this course, you could not only obtain knowledge of computer, but also get the capability and awareness of using computer techniques in solving problems. Join us right now and let’s solve problems with computational thinking skills together!


Computer Fundamentals: Problem Solving Using Computational Thinking(International Edition)课程:前往报名学习

Computer Fundamentals: Problem Solving Using Computational Thinking(International Edition)视频慕课课程简介:

With the development of artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and blockchain, an era of intelligence arrived. It has become an essential skill for college students that having the ability to utilize computer in analyzing and solving real-world problems. From this course, you could not only obtain knowledge of computer, but also get the capability and awareness of using computer techniques in solving problems. Join us right now and let’s solve problems with computational thinking skills together!


Computer Fundamentals: Problem Solving Using Computational Thinking(International Edition)课程列表:


Chapter 1 Computer History and Development and Computational Thinking

-Intro: King's Marriage

-1.1 Computing Cultures

--1.1.1 Computer history and development (Part I)

--1.1.1 Slides

--1.1.2 Computer history and development (Part II)

--1.1.2 Slides

--1.1.3 Application of computers and computational thinking

--1.1.3 Slides

-1.2 Computational Thinking

--1.2.1 The nature and characteristics of computational thinking

--1.2.1 Slides

--1.2.2 Problem solving using computational thinking

--1.2.2 Slides

-Chapter 1 Assignment

Chapter 2 0 and 1 in Digital World

-Intro: World in the eyes of a chip

-2.1 Number system

--2.1.1 0 and 1 in digital world

--2.1.1 Slides

--2.1.2 Number system I

--2.1.2 Slides

--2.1.3 Number system II

--2.1.3 Slides

-2.2 Number in Digital World

--2.2.1 Binary arithmetic and logical operations

--2.2.1 Slides

--2.2.2 Signed and unsigned number

--2.2.2 Slides

--2.2.3 Sign-magnitude, one's complement, two's complement representation and real number

--2.2.3 Slides

-2.3 Characters in digital world

--2.3.1 Characters in digital world

--2.3.1 Slides

-2.4 Images, Sounds and Videos in Digital World

--2.4.1 Images, sounds and videos in digital world

--2.4.1 Slides

-2.5 Barcode

--2.5.1 Barcode

--2.5.1 Slides

-Chapter 2 Assignment

Chapter 3 Fundamentals of Algorithms

-Intro: How to Cross the River?

-3.1 Overview of Algorithms

--3.1.1 Overview of algorithms

--3.1.1 Slides

--3.1.2 Description of algorithms

--3.1.2 Slides

-3.2 Typical Algorithms

--3.2.1 Typical algorithms I: enumeration and induction

--3.2.1 Slides

--3.2.2 Typical algorithms II: recursion and iteration

--3.2.2 Slides

--3.2.3 Typical algorithms III: divide-and-conquer and backtracking

--3.2.3 Slides

-Chapter 3 Assignment

Chapter 4 Fundamentals of Programming

-4.1 Introduction to Python

--4.1.1 Introduction to Python

--4.1.1 Slides

-4.2 Basic Syntax of Python and Programming Examples

--4.2.1 Python I: basic syntax and conditional statements

--4.2.1 Slides

--4.2.2 Python II: loop statements and built-in functions

--4.2.2 Slides

--4.2.3 Python III: user-defined functions

--4.2.3 Slides

--4.2.4 Python IV: drawing with turtle

--4.2.4 Slides

-Chapter 4 Assignment

Chapter 5 Computer Hardware

-Intro: A story of CPU

-5.1 Computer Hardware

--5.1.1 Turing machine

--5.1.1 Slides

--5.1.2 Von Neumann architecture and computer organization

--5.1.2 Slides

-5.2 Basic Working Principles of Computers

--5.2.1 Basic working principles of computers

--5.2.1 Slides

-5.3 Composition and Performance of Modern Computers

--5.3.1 Composition and performance of modern computers

--5.3.1 Slides

-Chapter 5 Assignment

Chapter 6 Computer Software

-Intro: One Day of "Mine"

-6.1 Overview of Computer Software

--6.1.1 Overview of computer software

--6.1.1 Slides

-6.2 System Software

--6.2.1 System software I: operating system

--6.2.1 Slides

--6.2.2 System software II: programming language, compiler and DBMS

--6.2.2 Slides

-6.3 Application Software

--6.3.1 Application software

--6.3.1 Slides

-Chapter 6 Assignment

Chapter 7 Computer Network

-Intro: Kidding or Foretelling?

-7.1 Computer Network

--7.1.1 Concepts and development of computer network

--7.1.1 Slides

--7.1.2 Classification and topology of computer network

--7.1.2 Slides

--7.1.3 Architecture and data communication of computer network

--7.1.3 Slides

-7.2 LAN Technology

--7.2.1 LAN technology

--7.2.1 Slides

-7.3 Internet and its Applications

--7.3.1 IP address and domain name

--7.3.1 Slides

--7.3.2 Access and application of the Internet

--7.3.2 Slides

-7.4 Cyber Security

--Intro: Did WannaCry Make You Wanna Cry?

--7.4.1 Overview of cyber security

--7.4.1 Slides

--7.4.2 Cyber attack I

--7.4.2 Slides

--7.4.3 Cyber attack II

--7.4.3 Slides

--7.4.4 Cyber defense I

--7.4.4 Slides

--7.4.5 Cyber defense II

--7.4.5 Slides

-Chapter 7 Assignment

Chapter 8 Data Management and Database

-Intro: Whose loan? Alibaba knows

-8.1 Data Management

--8.1.1 Data management and data models

--8.1.1 Slides

-8.2 Structured Database

--8.2.1 Structured database

--8.2.1 Slides

--8.2.2 Creating a local database

--8.2.2 Slides

--8.2.3 SQL syntax

--8.2.3 Slides

--8.2.4 Data definition language

--8.2.4 Slides

--8.2.5 Data query language I

--8.2.6 Data query language II

--8.2.5/8.2.6 Slides

--8.2.7 Data manipulation language

--8.2.7 Slides

-8.3 Big Data

--8.3.1 Big data

--8.3.1 Slides

-Chapter 8 Assignment

Chapter 9 Computer Frontier Technology

-Intro: The Era of AI is Coming

-9.1 Artificial Intelligence

--9.1.1 What is AI?

--9.1.1 Slides

--9.1.2 Artificial intelligence

--9.1.2 Slides

-9.2 Internet of Things

--9.2.1 Internet of Things

--9.2.1 Slides

-9.3 Cloud Computing

--9.3.1 Cloud computing

--9.3.1 Slides

-9.4 Blockchain

--9.4.1 Blockchain

--9.4.1 Slides

-Chapter 9 Assignment

Final Exam


Computer Fundamentals: Problem Solving Using Computational Thinking(International Edition)开设学校:南开大学

Computer Fundamentals: Problem Solving Using Computational Thinking(International Edition)授课教师:






郭蕴,硕士,实验师。2015年本科毕业于上海交通大学计算机科学与技术专业,2017年研究生毕业于美国Brown University计算机工程专业。现任南开大学公共计算机基础教学部《计算机基础》、《数据结构与算法》、《数据库技术与应用》实验课教师。




宋丽培, 博士,南开大学电子信息与光学工程学院教师,主讲《计算机基础》、《数据库技术与应用》、《Introduction to Computer Science》、《Matlab数字图像处理》、等本科j及研究生课程。


  1. Computer Fundamentals: Problem Solving Using Computational Thinking(Round 2)

  2. 物理性污染控制工程(2021秋)

  3. 国际贸易理论与实务(2021秋)

  4. 管理学(2021秋)

  5. 水质工程学(2021秋)

  6. 疫苗与健康(2021秋)

  7. 医学图像处理(2021秋)

  8. 法律政策的性别影响评估(2021秋)

  9. Medical Parasitology & Food Safety(Round 2)

  10. Linear Algebra(Round 2)

  11. 煤炭地质勘查技术(2021秋)

  12. 公共管理学(2021秋)

  13. 高等分离工程(2021秋)

  14. 高级综合英语写作(2021秋)

  15. 新媒体运营(2021秋)

  16. 蛋白质表达纯化与功能研究(2021秋)

  17. 从新冠疫情看人类命运共同体(2021秋)

  18. 局部解剖学(2021秋)

  19. 影像史学研究(2021秋)

  20. Python程序设计:从通用基础到前沿应用(2021秋)
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