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Computer Fundamentals: Problem Solving Using Computational Think课程列表:

Chapter 1 Computer History and Development and Computational Thinking

-Intro: King's Marriage

-1.1 Computing Cultures

--1.1.1 Computer history and development (Part I)

--1.1.1 Slides

--1.1.2 Computer history and development (Part II)

--1.1.2 Slides

--1.1.3 Application of computers and computational thinking

--1.1.3 Slides

-1.2 Computational Thinking

--1.2.1 The nature and characteristics of computational thinking

--1.2.1 Slides

--1.2.2 Problem solving using computational thinking

--1.2.2 Slides

-Chapter 1 Assignment

Chapter 2 0 and 1 in Digital World

-Intro: World in the eyes of a chip

-2.1 Number system

--2.1.1 0 and 1 in digital world

--2.1.1 Slides

--2.1.2 Number system I

--2.1.2 Slides

--2.1.3 Number system II

--2.1.3 Slides

-2.2 Number in Digital World

--2.2.1 Binary arithmetic and logical operations

--2.2.1 Slides

--2.2.2 Signed and unsigned number

--2.2.2 Slides

--2.2.3 Sign-magnitude, one's complement, two's complement representation and real number

--2.2.3 Slides

-2.3 Characters in digital world

--2.3.1 Characters in digital world

--2.3.1 Slides

-2.4 Images, Sounds and Videos in Digital World

--2.4.1 Images, sounds and videos in digital world

--2.4.1 Slides

-2.5 Barcode

--2.5.1 Barcode

--2.5.1 Slides

-Chapter 2 Assignment

Chapter 3 Fundamentals of Algorithms

-Intro: How to Cross the River?

-3.1 Overview of Algorithms

--3.1.1 Overview of algorithms

--3.1.1 Slides

--3.1.2 Description of algorithms

--3.1.2 Slides

-3.2 Typical Algorithms

--3.2.1 Typical algorithms I: enumeration and induction

--3.2.1 Slides

--3.2.2 Typical algorithms II: recursion and iteration

--3.2.2 Slides

--3.2.3 Typical algorithms III: divide-and-conquer and backtracking

--3.2.3 Slides

-Chapter 3 Assignment

Chapter 4 Fundamentals of Programming

-4.1 Introduction to Python

--4.1.1 Introduction to Python

--4.1.1 Slides

-4.2 Basic Syntax of Python and Programming Examples

--4.2.1 Python I: basic syntax and conditional statements

--4.2.1 Slides

--4.2.2 Python II: loop statements and built-in functions

--4.2.2 Slides

--4.2.3 Python III: user-defined functions

--4.2.3 Slides

--4.2.4 Python IV: drawing with turtle

--4.2.4 Slides

-Chapter 4 Assignment

Chapter 5 Computer Hardware

-Intro: A story of CPU

-5.1 Computer Hardware

--5.1.1 Turing machine

--5.1.1 Slides

--5.1.2 Von Neumann architecture and computer organization

--5.1.2 Slides

-5.2 Basic Working Principles of Computers

--5.2.1 Basic working principles of computers

--5.2.1 Slides

-5.3 Composition and Performance of Modern Computers

--5.3.1 Composition and performance of modern computers

--5.3.1 Slides

-Chapter 5 Assignment

Chapter 6 Computer Software

-Intro: One Day of "Mine"

-6.1 Overview of Computer Software

--6.1.1 Overview of computer software

--6.1.1 Slides

-6.2 System Software

--6.2.1 System software I: operating system

--6.2.1 Slides

--6.2.2 System software II: programming language, compiler and DBMS

--6.2.2 Slides

-6.3 Application Software

--6.3.1 Application software

--6.3.1 Slides

-Chapter 6 Assignment

Chapter 7 Computer Network

-Intro: Kidding or Foretelling?

-7.1 Computer Network

--7.1.1 Concepts and development of computer network

--7.1.1 Slides

--7.1.2 Classification and topology of computer network

--7.1.2 Slides

--7.1.3 Architecture and data communication of computer network

--7.1.3 Slides

-7.2 LAN Technology

--7.2.1 LAN technology

--7.2.1 Slides

-7.3 Internet and its Applications

--7.3.1 IP address and domain name

--7.3.1 Slides

--7.3.2 Access and application of the Internet

--7.3.2 Slides

-7.4 Cyber Security

--Intro: Did WannaCry Make You Wanna Cry?

--7.4.1 Overview of cyber security

--7.4.1 Slides

--7.4.2 Cyber attack I

--7.4.2 Slides

--7.4.3 Cyber attack II

--7.4.3 Slides

--7.4.4 Cyber defense I

--7.4.4 Slides

--7.4.5 Cyber defense II

--7.4.5 Slides

-Chapter 7 Assignment

Chapter 8 Data Management and Database

-Intro: Whose loan? Alibaba knows

-8.1 Data Management

--8.1.1 Data management and data models

--8.1.1 Slides

-8.2 Structured Database

--8.2.1 Structured database

--8.2.1 Slides

--8.2.2 Creating a local database

--8.2.2 Slides

--8.2.3 SQL syntax

--8.2.3 Slides

--8.2.4 Data definition language

--8.2.4 Slides

--8.2.5 Data query language I

--8.2.6 Data query language II

--8.2.5/8.2.6 Slides

--8.2.7 Data manipulation language

--8.2.7 Slides

-8.3 Big Data

--8.3.1 Big data

--8.3.1 Slides

-Chapter 8 Assignment

Chapter 9 Computer Frontier Technology

-Intro: The Era of AI is Coming

-9.1 Artificial Intelligence

--9.1.1 What is AI?

--9.1.1 Slides

--9.1.2 Artificial intelligence

--9.1.2 Slides

-9.2 Internet of Things

--9.2.1 Internet of Things

--9.2.1 Slides

-9.3 Cloud Computing

--9.3.1 Cloud computing

--9.3.1 Slides

-9.4 Blockchain

--9.4.1 Blockchain

--9.4.1 Slides

-Chapter 9 Assignment

Final Exam


7.4.1 Slides笔记与讨论


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