








Welcome to EAP course 欢迎学习“学术英语课程”

-Welcome to EAP course 欢迎学习“学术英语课程”

--Welcome to EAP course

-Extended reading Unit 1

--Unit 1 Reading 1


--Unit 1 Reading 2


-Extended reading exercises

Module1 Academic Listening

-1.1 Introduction to the module of listening skills 模块介绍


-1.2 Predicting the content 预测听力内容









-Module1 Listening--1.2

-1.3 Understanding main ideas: key words 抓住关键词理解大意





-Module1 Listening--1.3

-1.4 Understanding supporting evidence (I): explicit means 理解支持性证据 (I):显性证据






-Module1 Listening--1.4

-1.5 Understanding supporting evidence (II): implicit means 理解支持性证据 (II):隐性证据




-Module1 Listening--1.5

-1.6 Recognizing rhetorical questions 辨别修辞问句




-Module1 Listening——1.6

-1.7 Understanding the organization of a lecture (I): chronological order 理解讲座结构 (I):时间顺序




-Module1 Listening--1.7

-1.8 Understanding the organization of a lecture (II): categorization 理解讲座结构 (II):归类




-Module1 Listening--1.8

-1.9 Handling unfamiliar words 应对不熟悉词汇





-Module1 Listening--1.9

-1.10 Understanding vocabulary from the context 从上下文理解词汇





-Module1 Listening--1.10

-1.11 Focusing on numbers & statistics 注意数字与数据




-Module1 Listening--1.11

-1.12 Recognizing analogy 辨别类比




-Module1 Listening--1.12

-1.13 Recognizing signposting language (I): contrast 辨别指示性语言 (I):对比




-Module1 Listening--1.13

-1.14 Recognizing signposting language (II): consequence 辨别指示性语言 (II):结果




-Module1 Listening--1.14

-1.15 Recognizing signposting language (III): presenting factual information 辨别指示性语言 (III):陈述事实信息




-Module1 Listening--1.15

-1.16 Note-taking: numbers & diagrams 记笔记:数字和图表






-Module1 Listening--1.16

-1.17 Summary to the module of listening skills 模块总结


-Module test



--Module1 Academic Listening--Module test

-Extended reading

--Unit 2 Reading 1


--Unit 2 Reading 2


-Module1 Extended reading

Module2 Academic Reading

-2.1 Introduction to the module of reading skills 模块介绍


-Module2 Reading--2.1

-2.2 Surveying an article 浏览文章


-Module2 Reading--2.2

-2.3 Skimming and scanning 查读和略读


-Module2 Reading--2.3

-2.4 Recognizing text organization / structure 识别文章结构


-Module2 Reading--2.4

-2.5 Identifying the author's evaluation 识别作者评价


-Module2 Reading--2.5

-2.6 Identifying the thesis statement 识别文章中心句


-Module2 Reading--2.6

-2.7 Increasing reading speed 提高阅读速度


-Module2 Reading--2.7

-Module test 2-1









-Module2 Academic Reading--Module test 2-1

-2.8 Guessing unfamiliar words from context 从上下文猜测词意


-Module2 Reading--2.8

-2.9 Recognizing topic sentence and supporting evidence 识别主题句和支持性证据


-Module2 Reading--2.9

-2.10 Understanding quotations 理解引语


-Module2 Reading--2.10

-2.11 Using questions for effective reading 使用问句促进阅读


-Module2 Reading--2.11

-2.12 Recognizing classification 识别分类


-Module2 Reading--2.12

-2.13 Recognizing comparison and contrast 识别比较和对比


-Module2 Reading--2.13

-2.14 Recognizing cause and effect 识别因果关系


-Module2 Reading--2.14

-2.15 Annotating the text 标记文章


-Module2 Reading--2.15

-2.16 Summary to the module of reading skills 模块总结


-Module test 2-2







--Module2 Academic Reading--Module test 2-2

-Extended reading

--Unit 3 Reading 1


--Unit 3 Reading 2


-Module2 Extended reading

Module3 Academic Speaking

-3.1 Introduction to the module of speaking skills 模块介绍



-Module3 Speaking--3.1

-3.2 Preparing for a presentation 准备陈述报告


-Module3 Speaking--3.2

-3.3 Opening a presentation 开始陈述报告


--Students' Practice

-Module3 Speaking--3.3

-3.4 Presenting the main body 陈述报告主体


--Students' Practice

-Module3 Speaking--3.4

-3.5 Concluding the presentation 结束陈述报告


--students' Practice

-Module3 Speaking--3.5

-3.6 Evaluating students' presentation 评价学生的陈述报告


-Module3 Speaking--3.6

-Module test 3-1


-Module3 Academic Speaking--Module test 3-1

-3.7 Opening a discussion; Agreeing and disagreeing 开始讨论;表达赞同与不赞同


--Students' Practice

-Module3 Speaking--3.7

-3.8 Keeping a discussion going; Discussing the pros and cons 保持讨论;支持与反对


--Students' Practice

-Module3 Speaking--3.8

-3.9 Interrupting politely; Asking for clarification or confirmation 客气地打断讨论;要求对方阐释或确认


--Students' Practice

-Module3 Speaking--3.9

-3.10 Expressing an opinion; Supporting an opinion 表达观点;支撑观点



-Module3 Speaking--3.10

-3.11 Evaluating students' group discussion 评价学生的讨论


-Module3 Speaking--3.11

-3.12 Summary to the module of speaking skills 模块总结


-Module3 Speaking--3.12

-Module test 3-2

--Module3 Academic Speaking--Module test 3-2

-Extended reading

--Unit 4 Reading 1


--Unit 4 Reading 2


--Module3 Extended reading

Module4 Academic Writing

-4.1 Introduction to the module of writing skills 模块介绍


-Module4 Writing--4.1

-4.2 Writing an introduction 写文章开头


-Module4 Writing--4.2

-4.3 Writing a thesis statement 写文章中心句


-Module4 Writing--4.3

-4.4 Writing the main body 写文章主体


-Module4 Writing--4.4

-4.5 Writing a body paragraph 写主体段落


-Module4 Writing--4.5

-4.6 Writing a conclusion 写文章结论


-Module4 Writing--4.6

-4.7 Evaluating students' writing (structure) 评价学生的写作(结构方面)


-Module4 Writing--4.7

-Module test 2-1

--Module4 Academic Writing--Module test 2-1

-4.8 Writing in formal languge 用正式文体写作



-Module4 Writing--4.8

-4.9 Writing in cautious language 用谨慎的话语写作



-Module4 Writing--4.9

-4.10 Writing in efficient language 用简练的话语写作



-Module4 Writing--4.10

-4.11 Avoiding plagiarism (quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing) 避免学术抄袭(引用,改写,总结)


-Module4 Writing--4.11

-4.12 Avoiding plagiarism (acknowledging sources) 避免学术抄袭(注明出处)


-Module4 Writing--4.12

-4.13 Summary to the module of writing skills


-Module4 Writing--4.13

-Module test 2-2

--Module4 Academic Writing--Module test 2-2

-Extended reading

--Unit 5 Reading 1


--Unit 5 Reading 2


--Module4 Extended readinging

Module5 Academic Translating

-5.1 Introduction to the module of translating skills


-Module5 Translating--5.1

-5.2 What is translation 什么是翻译


-5.3 How to get ready for translation? 怎样做好翻译的准备?


-Module5 Translating--5.3

-5.4 Word-for-word translation 逐字翻译


-Module5 Translating--5.4

-5.5 Diction (I): grammatical clues 词意的选择(I):语法线索


-Module5 Translating--5.5

-5.6 Diction (II): collocation clues 词意的选择(I):词汇搭配线索


-Module5 Translating--5.6

-5.7 Omission (I): leaving out unnecessary prepositions and conjunctions 省略法(I):删减不必要的介词和连词


-Module5 Academic Translating--5.7 Omissio

-5.8 Omission (II): leaving out unnecessary articles 省略法(II):删减不必要的冠词


-Module5 Translating--5.8

-5.9 Conversion (I): translating nouns as adjectives or verbs 词性转换(I):名词翻为形容词或动词


-Module5 Translating--5.9

-5.10 Conversion (II): translating verbs as nouns or adverbs 词性转换(II):动词翻为名词或副词


-Module5 Translating--5.10

-5.11 Addition (I): adding nouns 增词法(I):增加名词


-5.12 Addition (II): adding adjectives or adverbs 增词法(II):增加形容词或副词


-Module5 Translating--5.12

-5.13 Addition (III): adding verbs 增词法(III):增加动词


-Module5 Translating--5.13

-5.14 Addition (IV)): adding conjunctions 增词法(IV):增加连词


-Module5 Translating--5.14

-5.15 Translating relative clauses (I): as pre-modifiers 翻译关系从句(I):作为前置修饰语


-Module5 Translating--5.15

-5.16 Translating relative clauses (II): as post-modifiers 翻译关系从句(II):作为后置修饰语


-Module5 Translating--5.16

-5.17 Translating relative clauses (III): merging 翻译关系从句(I):合并


-Module5 Translating--5.17

-5.18 Translating relative clauses (IV): dividing 翻译关系从句(I):分裂


-Module5 Translating--5.18

-5.19 Translating passive constructions (I): as active constructions 翻译被动结构(I):翻为主动结构


-Module5 Translating--5.19

-5.20 Translating passive constructions (II): as passive constructions 翻译被动结构(I):翻为被动结构


-Module5 Translating--5.20

-5.21 Evaluating students' translation 评价学生的翻译作品


-Module5 Translating--5.21

-5.22 Summary to the module of translating skills 模块总结


-Module5 Translating--5.22

-Module test

--Module5 Academic Translating--Module test

-Extended reading

--Unit 6 Reading 1


--Unit 6 Reading 2


-Module5 Extended reading






副教授,华南理工大学外国语学院大英部副主任。研究方向:大学英语教学、信息化教育等。2018年“国家精品在线开放课程”负责人,广东省第一门外语类国家精品在线开放课程。在《外语界》、《外语电化教学》等期刊上发表多篇论文。主编、参编教材5部,其中1部为国家级规划教材,主持省部级项目6项。多门慕课课程负责人:“英美音乐与文化”、“学术英语”、“庄子寓言及其智慧”,共计慕课学生者超过9万多。基于MOOC、SPOC开展混合式教学模式的教学实践与研究,荣获2016年、2019年度广东省高等学校教学质量与教学改革工程项目,2018年广东省综合类教改项目;2017年华南理工大学第八届教学成果奖二等奖;2019年荣获“教育部在线教育研究中心 2018年度智慧教学之星”荣誉称号;2019年荣获广东省教学成果奖一等奖等(排名第四)。








华南理工大学外国语学院副教授、MTI硕士生导师。2011年获英国兰卡斯特大学语言学博士学位。在国内外学术期刊上表发论文7篇,出版教材1部,译著1部,包括《大学综合英语》、《学习评估教师手册—课程、教学、学习整合策略研究》。2014年获华南理工大学青年教师教学竞赛一等奖。目前,荣榕老师担任华南理工大学外国语学院英语系主任, 主要承担英语专业课程,包括《英语阅读》、《公共演讲》、《跨文化交际》。





Belinda J. Lausier-x-华南理工大学-

Belinda is a graduate of Indiana University. She has been teaching Comprehensive and Oral English for the Department of Foreign Languages at South China University of technology since 2014. Her hobbies include cooking, history and travel.

Jan Francis Dijiamco Marquina-x-华南理工大学-

JR Marquina is from Los Angeles, California, USA. Currently, he is teaching English Academic Writing at South China University of Technology, in Guangzhou. He was teaching EFL classes at Chongqing Normal University from November 2015 until June 2017. His experience in the education field also covers working with primary school students both in the public and private sectors of the U.S. education system. Aside from professional and educational experiences, he often likes to travel in my spare time. Other hobbies include photography and sampling different cuisines from various places to get a basic insight and understanding towards other cultures.


  1. 短跑(2021秋)

  2. 摄影基础(2021秋)

  3. 药物分析(2021秋)

  4. 小儿推拿学(2021秋)

  5. 公共政策分析(2021秋)

  6. 金融科技导论(2021秋)

  7. 粘性流体力学—层流(2021秋)

  8. 宠物美容与护理(2021秋)

  9. 农药学(2021秋)

  10. 中国民族民间音乐鉴赏(2021秋)

  11. 学术英语(自主模式)

  12. 大学国文——先秦至唐文学赏析(自主模式)

  13. 大数据技术与应用(自主模式)

  14. C程序设计案例教程(进阶)(自主模式)

  15. C程序设计案例教程(基础)(自主模式)

  16. 2014年清华大学研究生学位论文答辩(二)(自主模式)

  17. 2016年清华大学研究生学位论文答辩(二)(自主模式)

  18. 2014年清华大学研究生学位论文答辩(一)(自主模式)

  19. 2016年清华大学研究生学位论文答辩(一)(自主模式)

  20. 2015年清华大学研究生学位论文答辩(一)(自主模式)
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