Methods & Writing of Scientific Research for Environment Specialty

As an Environmental Researcher, sometimes you may be troubled by international professional academic issues. Don’t worry about it. This course aims to help you to improve your ability of reading and writing academic papers, also, improve your ability of delivering academic reports in English and hosting international conferences, furthermore, improve your capability of scientific research.


Methods & Writing of Scientific Research for Environment Specialty课程:前往报名学习

Methods & Writing of Scientific Research for Environment Specialty视频慕课课程简介:

As an Environmental Researcher, sometimes you may be troubled by international professional academic issues. Don’t worry about it. This course aims to help you to improve your ability of reading and writing academic papers, also, improve your ability of delivering academic reports in English and hosting international conferences, furthermore, improve your capability of scientific research.


Methods & Writing of Scientific Research for Environment Specialty课程列表:


Chapter 1 Scientific research methods

-1.1.1 Introduction of scientific research paper

--1.1.1 Introduction of a scientific research paper

-1.1.2 How to read scientific papers?

--1.1.2 How to read scientific papers?

-1.2.1 What’s research proposal?

--1.2.1 What’s research proposal?

-1.2.2 Writing and presentation of research proposal

--1.2.2 Writing and presentation of research proposal

-Exercise 1.1

Chapter 2 Journal paper writing and publication

-2.1.1 What makes a great paper

--2.1.1 What makes a great paper

-2.1.2 Writing style

--2.1.2 Writing style

--Exercise 2.1

-2.1.3 Structure and elements

--2.1.3 Structure and elements

--Exercise 2.2

-2.1.4 Figures and tables

--2.1.4 Figures and tables

--Exercise 2.3

-2.1.5 Methodology

--2.1.5 Methodology (1)

--2.1.5 Methodology (2)

--Exercise 2.4

-2.1.6 Results

--2.1.6 Results

-2.1.7 Introduction

--2.1.7 Introduction (1)

--2.1.7 Introduction (2)

--Exercise 2.5

-2.1.8 Discussion and conclusion

--2.1.8 Discussion and conclusion

-2.1.9 The title

--2.1.9 The title

--Exercise 2.6

-2.1.10 Attribution

--2.1.10 Attribution

-2.1.11 Abstract and Acknowledgements

--2.1.11 Abstract and Acknowledgements

--Exercise 2.7

--Exercise 2.8

-2.2.1 Where to submit?

--2.2.1 Where to submit?

-2.2.2 How to submit?

--2.2.2 How to submit?

--Exercise 2.9

-2.2.3 Publishing process-Review & Revise

--2.2.3 Publishing process-Review & Revise

Chapter 3 Academic communication

-3.1.1 E-mail expressions

--3.1.1 E-mail expressions

-3.1.2 Presentation structure

--3.1.2 Presentation structure

-3.1.3 Presentation delivery

--3.1.3 Presentation delivery

-3.2.1 Question and answer sessions

--3.2.1 Question and answer sessions

-3.2.2 Chairing a conference

--3.2.2 Chairing a conference

Methods & Writing of Scientific Research for Environment Specialty开设学校:北京师范大学

Methods & Writing of Scientific Research for Environment Specialty授课教师:


李安婕,香港大学博士,副教授,博士生导师,北京师范大学励耘奖学金优秀青年教师。主要从事废水生物处理新技术及新工艺、生物能源及剩余污泥资源化、环境微生物生态等方面的研究。主持和参与了包括国家自然科学基金、国家863高技术计划研究课题、教育部专项科研基金、香港研究资助局项目在内的多个科研项目,发表多篇SCI学术论文,主讲《环境生物技术》、《分子生物学原理与技术》、《环境工程专业英语》等课程,担任国际重要期刊Water Research, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Energy, Chemosphere, Journal of Environmental Science, International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, Ecological Engineering 等的审稿人。


  1. Methods & Writing of Scientific Research for Environment Specialty(Round 3)

  2. 游泳——仰泳泳姿(2021秋)

  3. 信息对抗技术专业方向设计(2021秋)

  4. Overview of China(Round 1)

  5. 生态文明讲论(2021秋)

  6. Thai on Campus(2021秋)

  7. 理工创新工坊(2021秋)

  8. 病理学(2021秋)

  9. 大数据技术基础(2021秋)

  10. 核反应堆物理分析(下)(2021秋)

  11. 工程热力学(2021秋)

  12. 遗传学(2021秋)

  13. 第二语言习得 (英文版)(2021秋)

  14. 心理健康教育(2021秋)

  15. 实变函数论(2021秋)

  16. 最优控制理论(2021秋)

  17. 中国旅游概论(2021秋)

  18. 审美鉴赏与创造(2021秋)

  19. 有机化学实验(2021秋)

  20. 线性系统理论(2021秋)
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