
You may transform or change your personality from learning the theories and how to perceive and behave. You will be capable to understand yourself and also understand others, then you can predict their behaviors, understand their motivations, negotiate and cooperate with them. So that you can develop yourself in a better way and integrate yourself reasonably well with another person in society. Furthermore, you will definitely learn a large amount of academic terms and expressions related to personality psy




You may transform or change your personality from learning the theories and how to perceive and behave. You will be capable to understand yourself and also understand others, then you can predict their behaviors, understand their motivations, negotiate and cooperate with them. So that you can develop yourself in a better way and integrate yourself reasonably well with another person in society. Furthermore, you will definitely learn a large amount of academic terms and expressions related to personality psy




第一章 Introduction (导论)

-1.1 The description and explanation of personality(人格的描述与解释)

--1.1 The description and explanation of personality(人格的描述与解释)

-1.2The development of personality psychology (人格心理学的发展)

--1.2 The development of personality psychology (人格心理学的发展)

-1.3 The methods of studying personality psychology(人格心理学的研究方法)

--1.3 The methods of studying personality psychology

-1.4 The estimation/measurement of personality (人格的评估/测量)

--1.4 The estimationmeasurement of personality (人格的评估测量)


第二章 psychoanalysis perspective: the foundation of personality psychology(精神分析取向——人格心理学的基础)

-2.1 Personality Structure: Three Interacting Systems(人格结构——三个相互作用的系统)

--2.1 Personality Structure- Three Interacting Systems(人格结构——三个相互作用的系统)

-2.2 Anxiety and Psychological defense mechanism(焦虑与心理防御机制)

--2.2  Anxiety and Psychological defense mechanism

-2.3 The five psychosexual Stages of development(人格的五个心理性欲发展阶段)

--2.3 The five psychosexual Stages of development

-2.4 Free Association and interpretation of dreams(自由联想与释梦)

--2.4 Free Association and interpretation of dream


第三章 Neo- psychoanalysis perspective(新精神分析取向)

-3.1Complexes and collective unconsciousness(情结与集体无意识)

--3.1Complexes and collective unconsciousness(情结与集体无意识)


--3.2Collective unconsiousness and archetypes

-3.3 Personality Typology and the Myers-Briggs Types indicator(心理类型理论与迈尔斯性格类型工具)

--3.3 Personality Typology and the Myers-Briggs Types indicator(心理类型理论与迈尔斯性格类型工具)

-3.4Individuation and Four Stages of Life-span Development(个性化与人格发展四阶段)

--3.4Individuation and Four Stages of Life-span Development(个性化与人格发展四阶段)

-3.5 Inferiority and striving for superiority (自卑与超越)

--3.5 Inferiority and striving for superiority (自卑与超越)

-3.6Style of life and creative self (生活风格与创造性自我)

--3.6Style of life and creative self (生活风格与创造性自我)

-3.7Identity crisis (同一性危机)

--3.7Identity crisis (同一性危机)

-3.8The eight psychosocial development stages (心理社会性发展八阶段)

--3.8The eight psychosocial development stages (心理社会性发展八阶段)

-3.9Basic Anxiety: the foundation of neurosis (基本焦虑:神经症的基础)

--3.9Basic Anxiety: the foundation of neurosis (基本焦虑:神经症的基础)

-3.10ten neurotic needs and three trends (十种神经症需要和三种人格倾向性)

--3.10Albert Bandura:Observational Learning and self-efficacy(班杜拉:观察学习与自我效能感)

-3.11Idealized self-image (理想的自我意象)

--3.11 idealized self-image


第四章 The trait perspective (特质论取向)

-4.1Common trait and personal trait(共同特质与个人特质)

--4.1Common trait and personal trait(共同特质与个人特质)

-4.2functional autonomy and healthy personality(功能自主性与健康人格)

--4.2functional autonomy and healthy personality(功能自主性与健康人格)

-4.3 factor analysis

--4.3 factor analysis

-4.4Source traits and 16 personality factors test

--4.4Source traits and 16 personality factors test

-4.5Hans Eysenck:The three personality dimensions and their Biological foundation (艾森克:人格的三个维度及其生物学基础)

--4.5Hans Eysenck:The three personality dimensions and their Biological foundation (艾森克:人格的三个维度及其生物学基础)


第五章 Humanistic perspective(人本主义取向)

-5.1Five Basic Needs

--5.1Five Basic Needs

-5.2The characteristics of Self-Actualizing Persons

--5.2The characteristics of Self-Actualizing Persons

-5.3 Phenomenolog and self-concept

--5.3 Phenomenolog and self-concept

-5.4Some Favorable Conditions for Personality Development

--5.4Some Favorable Conditions for Personality Development

-5.5Procedures for Changing Personality: Client-Centered Therapy

--5.5Procedures for Changing Personality: Client-Centered Therapy

第六章 Behaviorism perspective (行为主义取向)

-6.1 B. F. Skinner:Operant Conditioning and Reinforcement(斯金纳:操作性条件反射与强化)

--6.1 B. F. Skinner:Operant Conditioning and Reinforcement(斯金纳:操作性条件反射与强化)

-6.2Albert Bandura:Observational Learning and self-efficacy(班杜拉:观察学习与自我效能感)

--Albert Bandura:Observational Learning and self-efficacy(班杜拉:观察学习与自我效能感)







  1. 程序设计(2021秋)

  2. 运动解剖学(2021秋)

  3. 交通运输设备(2021秋)

  4. 面向对象分析与设计(2021秋)

  5. 汉语——直通HSK(2021秋)

  6. Aerospace Technology(Round 2)

  7. 中国农村健康及备灾培训(2021秋)

  8. A Guide to English-speaking Countries(Round 2)

  9. 多民族文化符号与传播(2021秋)

  10. Critical Thinking and Critical Writing(Round 2)

  11. 人格与心理成长(2021秋)

  12. Marketing(Round 2)

  13. Pharmacology(Round 2)

  14. 动物解剖生理(2021秋)

  15. 知识产权法专题(2021秋)

  16. 应用老年学基础(2021秋)

  17. 旅游市场营销(2021秋)

  18. 走进女性的政治世界(2021秋)

  19. Forensic Medicine(Round 2)

  20. Advanced Medical English(Round 2)
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