Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry is a compulsory course opened to undergraduate students majoring in medicine, pharmaceutical science and others. Focusing on the nomenclature, structures, properties and preparations of organic compounds in categories, the goal of organic chemistry education is devoted to build a solid base for the study of the subsequent courses, such as biochemistry, biology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology and immunology.


Organic Chemistry课程:前往报名学习

Organic Chemistry视频慕课课程简介:

Organic Chemistry is a compulsory course opened to undergraduate students majoring in medicine, pharmaceutical science and others. Focusing on the nomenclature, structures, properties and preparations of organic compounds in categories, the goal of organic chemistry education is devoted to build a solid base for the study of the subsequent courses, such as biochemistry, biology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology and immunology.


Organic Chemistry课程列表:


1. Introduction

-1.1 The development of organic chemistry as Science?

--The development of organic chemistry as Science?

--organic chemistry

-1.2 Structure formulas of organic compounds

--Structure formulas of organic compounds

--organic chemistry

-1.3 The structure of methane, ethene and ethyne: Hybridization?

--The structure of methane, ethene and ethyne: Hybridization?

--organic chemistry

2. Alkanes

-2.1 Nomenclature


--organic chemsitry

-2.2 Alkanes: Conformational analysis and physical properties

--Alkanes: Conformational analysis and physical properties

--organic chemistry

-2.3 Chemical reaction of alkanes

--Chemical reaction of alkanes

-2.4 Resioselectivity of the halogenation of alkanes

-- Resioselectivity of the halogenation of alkanes

3. Aldehydes and Ketones

-3.1 The basic

--The basic

-3.2 Synthesis of aldehydes and ketones

-- Synthesis of aldehydes and ketones

-3.3 Mechanism

-- Mechanism

-3.4 The addition of derivatives of ammonia,cyanide

--The addition of derivatives of ammonia,cyanide

-3.5 reactions


-3.6 Acidity of the ɑ-hydrogens of carbonyl compounds,halogenation of ketones

--Acidity of the ɑ-hydrogens of carbonyl compounds,halogenation of ketones

-3.7 Aldol reaction

--Aldol reaction

-3.8 Specific enol equivalents

--Specific enol equivalents

-organic chemistry

4. Carboxylic acids and their dervatives

-4.1 Structure and nomencature of carboxylic acids

--Structure and nomencature of carboxylic acids

-4.2 Physical properties of carboxylic acids

--Physical properties of carboxylic acids

-4.3 Chemical reactions of carboxylic acids

--Chemical reactions of carboxylic acids

-4.4 Carboxylic dervatives nomenclature

--Carboxylic dervatives nomenclature

-4.5 Nucleophilic addition-elimination at acyl carbon of acyl halides Amines

--Nucleophilic addition-elimination at acyl carbon of acyl halides Amines

-4.6 Nucleophilic addition-elimination at acyl carbon esters

--4.6 Nucleophilic addition-elimination at acyl carbon esters

-4.7 Nucleophilic addition-elimination at acyl carbon amides

--Nucleophilic addition-elimination at acyl carbon amides

-4.8 Carboxylic acid dervatives---nitriles

--4.8 Carboxylic acid dervatives---nitriles


5. Amines

-5.1 Nomenclature of amines

--Nomenclature of amines

-5.2 Preparation of amines

--Preparation of amines

-5.3 Reaction of amines

--5.3 Reaction of amines

-5.4 Reactions of amines with nitrous acide

--Reactions of amines with nitrous acide

-5.5 Reactions of arenediazonium salts

--5.5 Reactions of arenediazonium salts

-5.6 Reactions of amines with sulfonyl chlorides

--5.6 Reactions of amines with sulfonyl chlorides

6. Synthesis and reactions of β-dicarbonyl compounds

-6.1 Synthesis and reactions of β-dicarbonyl compounds (1)

--Synthesis and reactions of β-dicarbonyl compounds

-6.2 Synthesis and reactions of β-dicarbonyl compounds (2)

--Synthesis and reactions of β-dicarbonyl compounds

-6.3 Synthesis and reactions of β-dicarbonyl compounds (3)

--6.3 Synthesis and reactions of β-dicarbonyl compounds (3)

7. Carbohyrates

-7.1 Intrduction to carbohyrates

--7.1 Intrduction to carbohyrates

-7.2 Haworth formulas of some important monosaccharides

--7.2 Haworth formulas of some important monosaccharides

-7.3 Chemical reactions of monosaccharides

--7.3 Chemical reactions of monosaccharides

-7.4 Disaccharides and polysaccharides

--7.4 Disaccharides and polysaccharides

8. Pericyclic reactions

-8.1 Intrduction to pericyclic reactions

--8.1 Intrduction to pericyclic reactions

-8.2 Electrocyclic reactions

--8.2 Electrocyclic reactions

-8.3 Cycloaddtion reactions

--8.3 Cycloaddtion reactions

-8.4 Sigmatropic rearrangments (1)

--8.4 Sigmatropic rearrangments (1)

-8.5 Sigmatropic rearrangments (2)

--8.5 Sigmatropic rearrangments (2)

9. Aromatic Heterocycles

-9.1. Aromatic Heterocycles

--9.1. Aromatic Heterocycles

-9.2 Aromatic Heterocycles

--9.2 Aromatic Heterocycles

Organic Chemistry开设学校:郑州大学

Organic Chemistry授课教师:


陈晓岚教授主要讲授郑州大学有机化学课程,主持国家级教学教改项目两项: 1、有机化学双语教学,2010年国家双语教学示范课程。 2、2013 来华留学英语授课品牌课程(有机化学)。


宋传君教授主要讲授郑州大学有机化学课程,参加国家级教学教改项目两项: 1、有机化学双语教学,2010年国家双语教学示范课程。 2、2013 来华留学英语授课品牌课程(有机化学)。


于文全教授主要讲授郑州大学有机化学课程,参加国家级教学教改项目两项: 1、有机化学双语教学,2010年国家双语教学示范课程。 2、2013 来华留学英语授课品牌课程(有机化学)。


  1. Organic Chemistry(Round 2)

  2. 商业数据思维与实战(2021秋)

  3. Interpreting China: A Dialogue between Tradition and Innovation(Round 2)

  4. Appreciation of Symphonic Music(Round 2)

  5. 学术英语素养与思辨能力培养(2021秋)

  6. 中国民间图形艺术(Chinese Folk Motif Arts)(2021秋)

  7. Nuclear Reactor Engineering(Round 2)

  8. Diagnostic Ultrasonography(Round 2)

  9. 因为它,爱上家——居住区规划原理(2021秋)

  10. Creative Writing(Round 2)

  11. 机械原理(2021秋)

  12. 女大学生个人提升与职业发展(2021秋)

  13. 化学工艺学(2021暑假班)

  14. 财务分析(双语课)(2021秋)

  15. 小动物传染病学(2021秋)

  16. 社会创新与创业(从0-1解决社会问题)(2021暑假班)

  17. Access数据库技术及应用(2021秋)

  18. 现代设计方法(2021秋)

  19. 中国文化概论(2021暑假班)

  20. 消费者行为学(2021暑假班)
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