当前课程知识点:微积分应用(Applications of Calculus I ) >  Ch3 The applications of Integral calculus 积分学的应用 >  3.3 The volume of Mouhefanggai 牟合方盖 >  The volume of sphere

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微积分应用(Applications of Calculus I )课程列表:

Ch0 The history of Newton and Leibniz 从牛顿和莱布尼茨谈起

-Newton and Leibniz Get Started

-Ch0 homework

Ch1 The applications of differential calculus 微分学应用

-1.1 The applications of derivative:space traveler 导数的应用:太空漫步问题

--The definition of derivative

--The space traveler

--1.1 homework

-1.2 The applications of chain rule:the clock 链式法则的应用:时针与分针问题

--The chain rule

--The applications of chain rule:the clock

--1.2 homework

-1.3 The applications of related rates:telescope 相关变化率的应用:望远镜问题

--The application of related rates-the telescope and the airplane

--1.3 homework

-1.4 The application of differential: linear approximation 微分的应用:线性近似

--The application of differentials:approximation

--1.4 homework

-1.5 The applications of differential: Poiseuille's Law and Relative theory 微分的应用:泊肃叶定律、相对论

--Law for blood flow and the theory of relativity

--1.5 homework

-1.6 The least squares 最小二乘法

--The least squares

-1.7 The cost, profit and revenue functions 成本、利润和收入函数

--The cost, profit and revenue functions

-1.8 The economic applications of derivative: the marginal idea-导数的经济应用:边际

--The economic applications of derivative: the marginal idea

--1.8 homework

-1.9 The applications of the Mean Value Theorem: velocity 中值定理的应用:速度

--the Mean Value Theorem: velocity

--1.9 homework

-1.10 Solving the equation: Newton's Method 利用牛顿法解方程

--Newton's Method

Ch2 The applications of optimazition

-2.1 How to minimize the energy 如何节约能量

--To minimize the energy

-2.2 The moving sofa problem 移动沙发问题

--The moving sofa problem

-2.3 The fastest path of driving 最快行驶路线

--The fastest path of driving

-2.4 The brachistochrone problem 最速降线

--The brachistochrone problem

-2.5 The interesting cycloid 有趣的摆线

--The cycloid

--2.5 homework

Ch3 The applications of Integral calculus 积分学的应用

-3.1 The applications of definite integral: the area of a plane region-平面图形的面积

--The definition of definite integral

--The area of a plane region

--3.1 homework

-3.2 The applications of definite integral: the volume of solid of revolution 旋转体的体积

--The method of disks

--The method of washers

-3.3 The volume of Mouhefanggai 牟合方盖

--The volume of mouhefanggai with double integral

--The volume of mouhefanggai by Chinese ancient mathematician

--The volume of sphere

--3.3 homework

-3.4 The applications of definite integral: moments 力矩

--The moments

--3.4 homework

-3.5 continuous mass distribution 连续质量分布

--Continuous mass distribution

-3.6 The applications of definite integral: expectation 期望

--The expectation

-3.7 Probability Density Function 概率密度函数

--Probability Density Function

-3.8 Cumulative Distribution Function 概率分布函数

--Cumulative Distribution Function

--3.8 homework

-3.9 The applications of definite integral-springs 功:弹簧

--The work

--3.9 homework

-3.10 The economic applications : present value and future value 现值与将来值

--The future value and present value(1)

--future value and present value(2)

--3.10 homework

-3.11 The applications of improper integral-space capsule 反常积分:宇宙飞船

--The space capsule

--3.11 homework

-3.12 The applications of improper integral-Torricelli’s trumpet 反常积分:托里拆利小号

--Torricelli’s trumpet

--3.12 homework

--Your own applications of calculus

The volume of sphere笔记与讨论


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