
Hi! 如果你一直是英语的 "死忠粉",又曾在某一个瞬间 "种草"过辩论,《英语辩论的艺术》将会成为你英语学习道路上的强力加油站!本课程专门针对中高阶英语学习者开设,旨在提升学习者的英语口语水平、跨学科背景知识、逻辑思维能力和临场演说技巧……这一切的一切,都是热爱英语的你选择它的理由!加入我们的课堂,跟随我们的脚步,从英辩“小白”到博弈高手将不再是奢求!Are you ready to go with us? 能言善辩,做思维的主人; Young Influence: Make Your Voice Heard!




Hi! 如果你一直是英语的 "死忠粉",又曾在某一个瞬间 "种草"过辩论,《英语辩论的艺术》将会成为你英语学习道路上的强力加油站!本课程专门针对中高阶英语学习者开设,旨在提升学习者的英语口语水平、跨学科背景知识、逻辑思维能力和临场演说技巧……这一切的一切,都是热爱英语的你选择它的理由!加入我们的课堂,跟随我们的脚步,从英辩“小白”到博弈高手将不再是奢求!Are you ready to go with us? 能言善辩,做思维的主人; Young Influence: Make Your Voice Heard!




Chapter 1 Introduction

-1.1 Course orientation

--Course orientation

-1.2 History and significance of debate

--1.2 History and significance of debate

-1.3 Quiz

--Quiz for Chapter 1

-1.4 Discussion

--Course expectation

Chapter 2 Ethical Considerations in Debate

-2.1 The ethical debater

--The ethical debator

-2.2 Guidelines for developing a code of ethics in debate

--Guidelines for developing a debator's code of ethics

-2.3 Quiz

--Quiz for Chapter 2

-2.4 Discussion

--Debate appreciation

--Debate analysis

Chapter 3 Fundamentals of Debate

-3.1 Debate as a concept

--Debate as a concept

-3.2 Debate as an activity

--Debate as an activity

-3.3 Quiz

--Quiz for Unit 3

-3.4 Discussion

--Mini-debate practice

Chapter 4 Major Formats of English Debate

-4.1 British parliamentary debate format

--British parliamentary debate format

-4.2 Other formats of English debate

--Other formats of English debate

-4.3 Quiz

--Quiz for Unit 4

-4.4 Discussion

--On debate format

Chatper 5 Analyzing a Debate Topic

-5.1 Topic background, type and interpretation

--Topic background, type, definition and interpretation

-5.2 Stock issue analysis for topics

--Stock issue analysis

-5.3 Quiz

--Quiz for Unit 5

-5.4 Discussion

--Motion analysis

Chapter 6 Constructing Arguments for the Proposition

-6.1 Overview of proposition case construction

--Propositional case development

-6.2 Propostional case construction for value motions

--Propositional case construction for value motions

-6.3 Propositional case construction for policy motions

--Propositional case construction for policy motions

-6.4 Quiz

--Quiz for Unit 6

-6.5 Discussion

--Debate practice

Chapter 7 Constructing Arguments for the Opposition

-7.1 Oppositional counter-case development

--Oppositional counter-case development

-7.2 Role of the Deputy Leader of Opposition

--Role of the Deputy Leader of Opposition

-7.3 Common kinds of oppositional arguments

--Common kinds of oppositional arguments

-7.4 Quiz

--Quiz for Unit 7

-7.5 Discussion

--Debate practice

Chapter 8 Extending the Debate in Member Speeches

-8.1 Overview of member speeches

--Overview of member speeches

-8.2 Types of extension

--Types of extension

-8.3 Quiz

--Quiz for Unit 8

-8.4 Discussion

--PM Speech appreciation

--Extension practice

Chapter 9 Summarizing the Debate in Whip Speeches

-9.1 Overview of whip speeches

--Overview of whip speeches

-9.2 Methods of summarizing the debate

--Methods of summarizing the debate

-9.3 Quiz

--Quiz for Unit 9

-9.4 Discussion

--Whip speech appreciation

--Whip speech analysis

Chapter 10 Points of Information

-10.1 Offering points of information

--Offering points of information

-10.2 Responding to points of information

--Offering and responding to points of information

-10.3 Quiz

--Quiz for Unit 10

-10.4 Discussion

--POI practice-video

--POI Practice

Chapter 11 Debating Skills: Claims and Evidence

-11.1 Types of claims

--Types of claims

-11.2 Types of evidence

--Types of evidence

-11.3 Quiz

--Quiz for Unit 11

-11.4 Discussion

--Debate practice

Chapter 12 Debating Skills: Linking Evidence to Claims

-12.1 Types of links

--Types of links

-12.2 Structures of arguments

--Structure of arguments

-12.3 Quiz

--Quiz for Unit 12

-12.4 Discussion

--Debate practice

Chapter 13 Debating Skills: Identify Logical Fallacies

-13.1 Definition of fallacy

--Definition of fallacy

-13.2 Types of fallacy- 1

--Types of fallacy-1

-13.3 Types of fallacy- 2

--Types of fallacy-2

-13.4 Quiz

--Quiz for Unit 13

-13.5 Dicussion

--Common logical fallacies

Chapter 14 Debate Delivery

-14.1 Voice control

--Voice control

-14.2 Body control

--Body control

-14.3 Quiz

--Quiz for Unit 14

-14.4 Discussion

--Debate practice

Chapter 15 Research and Practice Strategies for Debate

-15.1 Resource selection and evaluation

--Resource selection and evaluation

-15.2 Listening and flowing

--Listening and flowing

-15.3 Quiz

--Quiz for Unit 15

-15.4 Discussion

--Debate practice

Chapter 16 Judging and Evaluating Debate

-16.1 Debate Adjudication-1

--Debate adjudication-1

-16.2 Debate Adjudication-2

--Debate adjudication-2

-16.3 Quiz

--Quiz for Unit 16

-16.4 Discussion

--Debate practice






湖北大学外国语学院副教授,中国外语演讲与辩论教学研究专业委员会常务理事,湖北省演讲协会英语专业委员会主任委员,美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校访问学者,英国文化教育协会(British Council)雅思教师官方培训项目主讲专家。研究方向为英语演讲与修辞、高校英语教学、应用语言学等。主持教育部、省级或其他级别教改课题10余项;发表关于英语演讲、修辞及外语教学研究类论文20余篇,合著《演讲的艺术课堂活动教师手册》,主编《新标准大学英语同步测试4》,参与多本英语教材的编写。湖北大学校级精品课程《英语演讲艺术》课程负责人,湖北大学慕课课程《英语演讲艺术》课程负责人;获得“湖北大学优秀教师”和“湖北大学学子心中最有魅力教师”称号;多次指导学生获得“外研社杯”英语演讲大赛全国总决赛一等奖和二等奖。










  1. Introduction to tax laws of China(Round 2)

  2. International Environmental Law(Round 3)

  3. 体育保健学(2021秋)

  4. An Introduction to Literature(Round 2)

  5. Introduction to Film Music(Round 2)

  6. 精益创业(2021秋)

  7. HSK4级实训(2021秋)

  8. 临床生物化学检验(2021秋)

  9. The General Introduction of Industrial Design(Round 2)

  10. 中国特色社会主义理论与实践(2021秋)

  11. 英语辩论的艺术(2021秋)

  12. Winning in Business:The Art of War by Sun Tzu(Round 2)

  13. English for Professional Graduates(Round 2)

  14. Dermatovenereology(Round 2)

  15. 病理学(2021秋)

  16. 高等数学(上)(2021暑假班)

  17. Python技术应用(2021秋)

  18. 西方社会工作理论(2021秋)

  19. 试验统计学(2021秋)

  20. 西方文论原典导读(2021秋)
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