Semiconductor Physics

Semiconductor industry is the footstone of modern information society, supporting the economic development and ensuring national security. Are you interested in chip technology? Would you like to work on artificial intelligence or 5G communication? You can figure out the answers here. Semiconductor physics is a basic course for electronic science and technology. We will highlight the basic concepts and mechanisms, enabling you a broad and in-depth understanding of semiconductor materials and devices.


Semiconductor Physics课程:前往报名学习

Semiconductor Physics视频慕课课程简介:

Semiconductor industry is the footstone of modern information society, supporting the economic development and ensuring national security. Are you interested in chip technology? Would you like to work on artificial intelligence or 5G communication? You can figure out the answers here. Semiconductor physics is a basic course for electronic science and technology. We will highlight the basic concepts and mechanisms, enabling you a broad and in-depth understanding of semiconductor materials and devices.


Semiconductor Physics课程列表:


Introduction 绪论

-The definition and application of semiconductor 半导体定义及其应用

--Introduction 1

--Section test

-The history of semiconductors 半导体发展历史

--Introduction 2

--Section test

-Chapter test

-The applications of semiconductor materials and devices


Chapter 1 Basic Concepts in Crystals 晶体基本概念

-1.1 Classification of solids 固体分类

--Classification of solids 固体分类

--Section test


-1.2 Defects and Impurities 缺陷和杂质

--Defects and Impurities 缺陷和杂质

--Section test


-1.3 Growth Methods of Semiconductor Materials 半导体材料生长方法

--Growth Methods of Semiconductor Materials 半导体材料生长方法

--Section test


-Chapter test

-Growth method of semiconductor materials

Chapter 2 Principles of Quantum Mechanics 量子力学初步

-2.1 Energy quanta 能量量子

--Energy quanta 能量量子

--Section test


-2.2 Schrodinger’s Wave Equation 薛定谔波动方程

--Schrodinger’s Wave Equation

--Section test


-2.3 Applications of Schrodinger’s wave equation 薛定谔波动方程的应用

--Applications of Schrodinger’s wave equation

--Section test


-2.4 Extensions of the Wave Theory to Atoms 源自波动理论的延伸

--Extensions of the Wave Theory to Atoms

--Section test


-Chapter test

-Quantum mechanics knowledge

Chapter 3 Energy band theory of solids 固体能带论

-3.1 Allowed and Forbidden Energy Bands 允带和禁带

--Allowed and Forbidden Energy Bands

--Section test

-3.2 Electrical Conduction in Solids 固体中电的传导

--Electrical Conduction in Solids

--Section test


-3.3 Extension to Three Dimensions 三维扩展

--Extension to Three Dimensions

--Section test


-3.4 Density of States Function 态密度函数

--Density of States Function

--Section test


-3.5 Statistical Mechanics 统计力学

--Statistical Mechanics

--Section test


-Chapter test

-Electron effective mass

Chapter 4 The Semiconductor in Equilibrium 平衡半导体

-4.1 Charge Carriers in Semiconductors 半导体中的载流子

--Charge Carriers in Semiconductors

--Section test


-4.2 Dopant Atoms and Energy Levels 掺杂原子和能级

--Dopant Atoms and Energy Levels

--Section test


-4.3 The Extrinsic Semiconductor 非本征半导体

--The Extrinsic Semiconductor

--Section test


-4.4 Statistics of Donors and Acceptors 施主和受主的统计学分布

--Statistics of Donors and Acceptors

--Section test


-4.5 Charge Neutrality 电中性态

--Charge Neutrality

--Section test


-4.6 Position of Fermi Level 费米能级位置

--Position of Fermi Level

--Section test


-Chapter test

-Band gap

Chapter 5 Carrier Transport Phenomena 载流子输运现象

-5.1 Carrier Drift 载流子漂移

--Carrier Drift

--Section test


-5.2 Carrier Diffusion 载流子扩散

--Carrier Diffusion

--Section test


-5.3 Graded Impurity Distribution 杂质梯度分布

--Graded Impurity Distribution

--Section test


-5.4 Hall Effect 霍尔效应

--Hall Effect

--Section test


-Chapter test

-Drift and diffusion

Chapter 6 Nonequilibrium Excess Carriers in Semiconductors 半导体中的非平衡过剩载流子

-6.1 Carrier Generation and Recombination 载流子的产生与复合


--Section test


-6.2 Characteristics of Excess Carriers 过剩载流子的性质


--Section test


-6.3 Ambipolar Transport 双极输运


--Section test


-6.4 Quasi-Fermi Levels & Lifetime of Excess Carriers 准费米能级及过剩载流子寿命


--Section test


-6.5 Surface Effects 表面效应


--Section test


-Chapter test

-Ambipolar transport

Chapter 7 The pn Junction pn 结

-7.1 The basic structure of pn junction pn结基本结构


--Section test


-7.2 Zero Applied Bias 零偏压


--Section test


-7.3 Reverse Applied Bias 反偏压


--Section test


-Chapter test

-pn junction

Chapter 8 The pn Junction Diode pn结二极管

-8.1 pn Junction Current pn结电流


--Section test


-8.2 Generation and Recombination Currents 产生-复合电流


--Section test


-8.3 Small Signal Model of pn Junction pn结小信号模型


--Section test


-8.4 Several special pn junction diodes 特殊pn结二极管


--Section test


-8.5 Optical Absorption 光吸收


--Section test


-8.6 Solar Cell 太阳能电池


--Section test


-8.7 Photodetector 光电探测器


--Section test


-8.8 Light Emitting Diode (LED) 发光二极管


--Section test


-Chapter test

-pn junction diodes

Chapter 9 Metal–Semiconductor and Semiconductor Heterojunctions 金属-半导体和异质结

-9.1 Schottky Barrier Diode 肖特基势垒二极管


--Section test


-9.2 Metal-Semiconductor Ohmic Contacts 金半欧姆接触


--Section test


-9.3 Heterojunctions 异质结


--Section test


-Chapter test

-Schottky contact and Ohmic contact

Chapter 10 Metal–Oxide– Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor 场效应晶体管

-10.1 Introduction 简介


--Section test


-10.2 MOS Energy band diagram and depletion layer thickness MOS能带图和耗尽层厚度


--Section test


-10.3 MOS work function difference and flatband voltage MOS功函数差和平带电压


--Section test


-10.4 MOS threshold voltage and charge distribution MOS阈值电压和电荷分布


--Section test


-10.5 Ideal C-V characteristics 理想CV特性


--Section test


-10.6 Three effects on C-V characteristics CV特性的三个效应


--Section test


-10.7 MOSFET basics and I-V characteristics 场效应晶体管的IV特性


--Section test


-10.8 MOSFET transconduction and substrate bias effect 跨导和衬底偏置效应


--Section test


-10.9 Frequency Limitations 频率限制特性


--Section test


-10.10 CMOS Technology CMOS技术


--Section test



-Chapter test

Chapter 11 Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor: Additional Concepts 场效应晶体管补充

-11.1 Nonideal Effects Sub-threshold conduction 亚阈值电导


--Section test


-11.2 Channel length modulation 沟道长度调制


--Section test


-11.3 Mobility variation 迁移率变化


--Section test


-11.4 velocity saturation and ballistic transport 速度饱和和弹道输运


--Section test


-11.5 MOSFET Scaling 按比例缩小


--Section test


-11.6 Threshold Voltage Modifications 阈值电压修正


--Section test


-11.7 Voltage breakdown mechanisms 击穿电压机理


--Section test


-11.8 Threshold adjustment ion implantation 离子注入调整阈值电压


--Section test


-Nonideal effects of MOSFET

-Chapter test

Chapter 12 The Bipolar Transistor 双极晶体管

-12.1 BJT basic operation principle 基本工作原理


--Section test


-12.2 BJT simplified current relation 简化电流关系


--Section test


-12.3 BJT operation modes and amplification with BJT 工作模式


--Section test


-12.4 Minority Carrier Distribution Forward active region 少子分布和正向有源


--Section test


-12.5 Minority Carrier Distribution other operation modes 少子分布与其它工作模式


--Section test


-12.6 Current gain contribution factors 电流增益


--Section test


-12.7 Derivation of current components and current gain factors 电流成分和增益的推导


--Section test


-12.8 Non ideal effects 非理想效应1


--Section test


-12.9 Non ideal effects 非理想效应2


--Section test


-12.10 Equivalent Circuit Models 等效电路模型


--Section test


-12.11 Frequency Limitation 频率限制


--Section test


-12.12 Large Signal Switching 大信号开关


--Section test


-Bipolar transistor

-Chapter test

Chapter13 The Junction Field-Effect Transistor 结型场效应晶体管

-13.1 pn JFET basic operation mechanism pn JFET基本工作原理1


--Section test


-13.2 pn JFET basic operation mechanism pn JFET基本工作原理2


--Section test


-13.3 MESFET Operation MESFET 工作原理


--Section test


-13.4 HEMT 高电子迁移率晶体管


--Section test


-Junction field-effect transistor

-Chapter test

Chapter 14 Semiconductor Power Devices 半导体功率器件

-14.1 Power Diodes 功率二极管


--Section test


-14.2 Power Bipolar Transistors 功率双极晶体管


--Section test


-14.3 Power MOSFETs 功率场效应晶体管


--Section test


-14.4 The Thyristor 晶闸管


--Section test


-Semiconductor power devices

-Chapter test

Final exam

-Final exam

--Final exam

Semiconductor Physics开设学校:西安交通大学

Semiconductor Physics授课教师:


二级教授,博士生导师,陕西省先进储能电子材料与器件工程研究中心主任,先进储能电子材料与器件研究所所长,“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家,中国电子学会会士。 主要研究领域包括新型电解电容器、超级电容器、锂/钠离子电池、太阳能电池等储能材料和器件。主持多项国家级项目,发表论文200余篇,引用次数超过3200。年均授课100学时,主讲专业核心课《半导体物理》、专业选修课《现代电池技术》,专业实验课《锂电池设计与制作》,研究生学位课《电化学原理与应用》。获得西安交通大学师表奖一等奖、西安交通大学教书育人先进个人、宝钢优秀教师奖、王宽诚育才奖,荣获“陕西省教学名师”称号。


西安交通大学“青年拔尖人才”、德国“洪堡学者”、特聘研究员、博士生导师。研究领域是“后摩尔”(More than Moore) 材料与器件, 功能性氧化物纳米外延薄膜与硅的集成,阻变存储器和铁电压电器件,二维材料(石墨烯、二硫化钼等)与半导体及多铁纳米结构的混合系统。发表论文90余篇,引用次数超过3200。参讲《半导体物理》,主讲研究生全英文课程《Introduction to Electron Microscopy》、《Semiconductor Fabrication and Processing Technology》。2018年翻译出版《晶体生长初步》,编写校十四五规划教材《半导体物理与器件》和研究生教材《薄膜》。








西安交通大学电子学院助理教授,2020年于西安交通大学获得博士学位。主要从事石墨烯等二维材料的制备和基础应用的研究,近年来在国际著名期刊Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Carbon, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Electrochimica Acta等国际著名期刊发表学术论文15篇,并申请国家专利5项。参与军科委重点项目,陕西省重点研发项目,企业合作项目等4项。为本科生课程半导体物理的助教。


  1. Semiconductor Physics(Round 1)

  2. Traditional Chinese Medicine(Round 2)

  3. 流体包裹体地质(2021秋)

  4. Thermal Physics(Round 2)

  5. 可编程控制器(2021秋)

  6. 线性代数(2021暑假班)

  7. 建材化学分析技术(2021秋)

  8. 创业理论与实践(2021秋)

  9. 工程数学(2021秋)

  10. Applications of Calculus(I)(Round 3)

  11. 毕业论文写作(2021秋)

  12. 水利水电工程概论(2021秋)

  13. 三江源生态(2021秋)

  14. 方剂学(2021秋)

  15. 热流体工程(2021秋)

  16. 清华大学轮滑体育课(提高篇)(2021秋)

  17. 宪法学(2021秋)

  18. 音乐漫步(2021秋)

  19. 水分析化学(2021秋)

  20. 工程经济学(2021秋)
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