Landscape Architecture Design

Build a modular curriculum system of "compulsory + optional" for compulsory and specialized courses. This course is more flexibility based on achieving goals. It not only meets the needs of regional colleges and universities, but also applies to industrial enterprises.


Landscape Architecture Design课程:前往报名学习

Landscape Architecture Design视频慕课课程简介:

Build a modular curriculum system of "compulsory + optional" for compulsory and specialized courses. This course is more flexibility based on achieving goals. It not only meets the needs of regional colleges and universities, but also applies to industrial enterprises.


Landscape Architecture Design课程列表:


Introduction to Garden Architecture

-Types of Garden Architecture

--The Types of Landscape Architecture

--The Types of Landscape Architecture


-The Functions of Garden Architecture

--The Functions of Landscape Architecture

--The Functions of Landscape Architecture


Overall Layout Design

-The Composition Law

--1.1 Unity and Contrast

--1.1 Unity and Contrast

--1.2 Balance and Rhythm

--1.2 Balance and Rhythm


-Methods and Techniques

--2.1 Conception

--2.1 Conception

--2.2 Site Selection and Layout

--2.2 Site Selection and Layout

--2.3 Borrow Scene and Proportion

--2.3 Borrow Scene and Proportion

--2.4 Scale and Color

--2.4 Scale and Color


Pavilion and Gallery

-Pavilion and Gallery

--Pavilion and Gallery

-Design Specification

--Design Specification

Landscape Architecture Design开设学校:浙江建设职业技术学院

Landscape Architecture Design授课教师:












  1. 金融法(2021秋)

  2. Entrepreneurship(Round 2)

  3. 会计学(2021秋)

  4. The Chemistry Of Traditional Chinese Medicine(Round 2)

  5. Shadow Play—Seeking the Lost Shadow of China(皮影戏)(Round 2)

  6. Introduction to World's Famous Spirits(Round 2)

  7. 工程科技类英语读写译知识点拾遗(2021秋)

  8. How to Give Babies a Healthy Start in Life(Round 2)

  9. Academic English Writing and Communication(Round 2)

  10. Anatomy and Life(Round 2)

  11. Landscape Architecture Design(Round 2)

  12. Matlab 基础及在地学中的应用(2021秋)

  13. Strategies of Becoming a Dessert Master(Round 2)

  14. 室内乐(2021秋)

  15. Medical Immunology(Round 2)

  16. 管理素质与能力的五项修炼——跟我学“管理学”(2021秋)

  17. 机械零部件造型与加工(2021秋)

  18. 英语辩论的艺术(2021秋)

  19. Winning in Business:The Art of War by Sun Tzu(Round 2)

  20. English for Professional Graduates(Round 2)
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