当前课程知识点:对外汉语 > 拼音指南 > 拼音很简单 > html
Pinyin is easy. I mean, compared with Chinese characters.
Here is an example:
What's the Chinese translation of Trump's name?
Chinese characters are very hard, even for many Chinese kids. So most of them learn Pinyin when they are quite young. Chinese kids can thank an Italian missionary who came to China 500 years ago and was scared by Chinese characters. He then created the original forms of Pinyin using Latin Letters as a phonetic system for transcribing the Mandarin pronunciation of Chinese characters.
Trump's Chinese Pinyin name is written as chuān pǔ, and pronounced as
So easy!
Therefore, in this course you will learn some daily expressions through Pinyin, but you will also learn some Chinese characters which are most frequently used in Chinese people's daily life. (Wordings of daily talk and written language are quite different in Chinese.)
Pinyin is usually composed by initial and final, i.e. consonant and vowel (as "ch + uan" and "p + u" in Trump's Chinese Pinyin name). The following two units are audiobooks of initials and finals for your reference. When you find some of the pinyins are difficult for you during your studies, you can come back to check the audiobook.
You don't have to read or memorize all of them.
The little marks that appear on the a and u are tones. Chinese has four tones (and someone thinks that there are five), and they will be introduced in the dialogue part.
Anyway, we hope you enjoy your Mandarin learning!
-第1课 问候--会话
-第1课 问候--汉字
-第1课 问候--听力练习
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-第2课 自我介绍--会话
--The Mystery of Chinese Characters
-第2课 自我介绍--听力练习
-第2课 自我介绍--本周考查题
-第3课 交通--会话
-第3课 交通--汉字
-第3课 交通--本周考查题
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--第4课 美食--分辨声调
-第4课 美食--会话
-第4课 美食--汉字
-ji, qi, xi 中特殊的 -i
--第5课 住宿--ji, qi, xi 中特殊的 -i
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-第5课 住宿--会话
-第5课 住宿--汉字
-第6课 购物--会话
-第6课 购物--汉字
--第6课 购物--如何翻译带有语气的词
-第6课 购物--本周考查题