当前课程知识点:对外汉语 > 第2课 自我介绍 > 恼人又美丽的声调 > Raw HTML
Peter: After learning lesson one, I find that tones are really hard for me.
Peter: But I heard that tones have equivalents in English.
Peter: The first tone is quite easy. When I am saying "MAYbe", the "MAY" actually sounds like first tone in Chinese. Compare MAYbe with yī (one)
Peter: When I say "What??", it really sounds like the second tone. Compare it with shí (ten).
Peter: Third tone is a nightmare for me! But I found that the "TOm" in "TOmorrow" is similar to the third tone. Compare it with wǔ (five).
Peter: The fourth tone is easy! When I say "No!", it sounds like the fourth tone. Compare it with liù (six).
Peter: I have a technique for memorizing tones.... But....Oh, it's time for class! I have to go.
-第1课 问候--会话
-第1课 问候--汉字
-第1课 问候--听力练习
--Raw HTML
--Raw HTML
-第2课 自我介绍--会话
--The Mystery of Chinese Characters
-第2课 自我介绍--听力练习
-第2课 自我介绍--本周考查题
-第3课 交通--会话
-第3课 交通--汉字
-第3课 交通--本周考查题
--Raw HTML
--第4课 美食--分辨声调
-第4课 美食--会话
-第4课 美食--汉字
-ji, qi, xi 中特殊的 -i
--第5课 住宿--ji, qi, xi 中特殊的 -i
--Raw HTML
-第5课 住宿--会话
-第5课 住宿--汉字
-第6课 购物--会话
-第6课 购物--汉字
--第6课 购物--如何翻译带有语气的词
-第6课 购物--本周考查题