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It is believed that everyone has an image of an excellent medical student in his/her mind~
Maybe, the image is a specific person, some good qualities, or some specific standards...
Topics for this week:
1. What kind of person do the excellent medical students around you belong to? (Give specific example please)
Or 2. What qualities do you think a good medical student should have?
Or 3. How do you measure an excellent medical students in your mind?
Please express your opinions freely!
返回《Medical Humanities》慕课在线视频列表
-Section 1 TA Theory
--Transactional Analysis Theory (TA Theory)
-Unit test (Week One)
-Section 2 How to Use TA Theory
-Test One
-Unit Test (Week 1)
-[Welcome Post] Self Introduction
-Section 1 Understanding Surgical Skin Sutures from the Perspective of Medical Humanities (I)
--Understanding Surgical Skin Suture from the Perspective of Humanistic Medicine
-Test One
-Section 2 Understanding Surgical Skin Sutures from the Perspective of Medical Humanities (2))
-Test Two
-Unit Test (Week 2)
-Section 1 Clinical Decision Making and Doctor-patients Empathy (I)
--Test One
-Section2 Clinical Decision Making and Doctor-patients Empathy (2)
--Discussions on Clinical Decision-making and Doctor-patient Empathy
--Test Two
-Unit Test (Week 3)
- Clinical Decision Making and Doctor- patient Empathy
-1.How to Become Become an Excellent Medical Student (1)
--Test One
-2.How to Become Become an Excellent Medical Student (2)
--Test Two
-Unit Test (Week 4)
-1.Career Planning and Professional Quality as a Doctor (1)
-2.Career Planning and Professional Quality as a Doctor (2)
-Unit Test (Week 5)
-1.An overview of jurisprudence of medicine and case study(1)
-2.An overview of jurisprudence of medicine and case study(2)
-3.An overview of jurisprudence of medicine and case study(3)
-1.Medical Humanities and Dissemination(1)
-2.Medical Humanities and Dissemination(2)
--Unit Test (Week 7)
-1.Medical Imaging Technology and Nobel Prize(1)
-Test One
-2.Medical Imaging Technology and Nobel Prize(2)
-Test Two
-Unit Test (Week8)
-1.Medical Science and Humanities(1)
-2.Medical Science and Humanities(2)
-3.Medical Science and Humanities(3)
-Unit Test (Week 9)
-Final examination of Medical Humanities