Food Chemistry is the study of food and all its aspects. As a major aspect of food science, Food Chemistry deals with the composition and properties (structure, physical and chemical properties, physiological function, nutrition, safety) of food and the chemical changes it undergoes during handling, processing and storage.It is intimately related to chemistry, biochemistry, physiological chemistry, botany, zoology, and molecular biology.
Food Chemistry is the study of food and all its aspects. As a major aspect of food science, Food Chemistry deals with the composition and properties (structure, physical and chemical properties, physiological function, nutrition, safety) of food and the chemical changes it undergoes during handling, processing and storage.It is intimately related to chemistry, biochemistry, physiological chemistry, botany, zoology, and molecular biology.
-0 introduction to food chemistry
-1.1 Association and dissociation of water molecules
--1.1 Association and dissociation of water molecules
-1.2 Structures in pure water systems (water & ice)
--1.2 Structures in pure water systems (water & ice)
-1.3 Water-solute interactions in aqueous solutions
--1.3 Water-solute interactions in aqueous solutions
-1.4 Water activity and relative vapor pressure
--1.4 Water activity and relative vapor pressure
-1.5 Moisture sorption isotherms
--1.5 Moisture sorption isotherms
-1.6 Water activity and food stability
--1.6 Water activity and food stability
-1.7 Molecular mobility and food stability
--1.7 Molecular mobility and food stability
-2.1 classification of lipids
--2.1 classification of lipids
-2.2 nomenclature of fatty acids
--2.2.1 nomenclature of fatty acids
--2.2.2 nomenclature of fatty acids
-2.3 physical properties of lipids
--2.3 physical properties of lipids
-2.4 chemical properties of lipids
--2.4.1 chemical properties of lipids
--2.4.2 chemical properties of lipids
-2.5 chemistry of fat and oil processing
--2.5 chemistry of fat and oil processing
-3.1 Protein introduction
--3.1.3 pH, chemical bonding, Avogadro's Number
-3.2 Protein structure
--3.2.4 Tertiary and quaternary structure
-3.3 Protein as food
-4.1 Introduction
-4.2 Some Carbohydrates
--4.2.1 Some Carbohydrates-lactose
--4.2.2 Some Carbohydrates-sucrose
--4.2.3 Some Carbohydrates-resistant starch
-4.3 Hydrocolloids
--4.3.1 Hydrocolloids-part one
--4.3.2 Hydrocolloids-part two
李游,北京工商大学食品与健康学院教师。获荷兰Wageningen University & Research食品安全硕士和美国North Carolina State University食品科学博士,曾为美国University of Florida博士后。教授食品科学十余年,主讲课程有:高级食品化学(全英文)、食品加工与开发(全英文)、食品营养功能及评价(全英文)、农产品与食品质量评价(全英文)、食品化学(中英双语)、食品微生物学(中英双语)、专业外语等;现主要研究方向为食品蛋白化学。
博士,北京工商大学,食品与健康学院副教授,博士生导师。研究方向:功能性色素、油脂稳态化技术;纳米与乳化技术;脂肪替代物;蛋白分子间相互作用。“功能性天然类胡萝卜素稳态高效化关键技术与产业化”获2017 年中国轻工业联合会技术一等奖。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项,十三五国家重点研发计划子课题,北京市自然科学基金-三元联合资助项目,北京市属高校高水平教师队伍建设支持计划青年拔尖人才培育计划,北京市优秀人才培养资助青年骨干个人项目等。围绕食品功能因子稳态化研究已发表论文50余篇,以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI 23篇,主编专著1部。 作为一线教师承担北京工商大学食品与健康学院教学工作,曾获2017年北京市高等教育教学成果奖一等奖。获得北京市教育委员会颁发的优秀指导教师。