当前课程知识点:老年护理学(Gerontological Nursing) > CHAPTER6:Nursing Care for the Elderly with Common Health Problems and Diseases > 6.12 Hypertension in the Elderly > 【Literature Recommendation】2018 Chinese Guidelines for Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension
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-1.1 Human Life Expectancy and Age Classification of the Elderly
--Human Life Expectancy and Age Classification of the Elderly
--【Vedio Recommendation】 How do we measure life expectancy ?
-1.2 Population Aging
--【Literature Recommendation】World Report on Ageing and Health: 2015
-1.3 Influence and Countermeasures of Population Aging
--Influence and Countermeasures of Population Aging
--【Literature Recommendation】World Population Ageing Highlights:2019
-1.4 Goals and Principles of Elderly Care
--Goals and Principles of Elderly Care
--【Book Recommendation】Evidence-Based Geriatric Nursing Protocols for Best Practice
-1.5 Theories Related to Elderly Care
--1.5.1 Personality Development Theory and Life Review
--1.5.2 Disengagement Theory and Activity Theory
--1.5.3 Self-efficacy and Chronic Disease Management
--【Vedio Recommendation】8 Stages of Development by Erik Erikson
--【Literature Recommendation】Activity Theory, Disengagement Theory, and Successful Aging
--【Book Recommendation】Self-Efficacy in Changing Societies
-1.6 Elderly Support and Elderly Care
--1.6.1 Concepts of Elderly Healthcare, Elderly Support and Elderly Care
--1.6.2 Home-based Elderly Care Model
--1.6.3 Institutional Elderly Care Model
--1.6.4 Integrated Medical and Nursing Care Model
--【Vedio Recommendation】Day in the Life of Home Care
--【Website Recommendation】Official Website of the National Institutes of Health
-Concept Map
--【Concept Map】General Introduction to Geronological Nursing
-【Test】CHAPTER 1
-2.1 Aging Changes in the Elderly
--2.1.1 Aging of the Respiratory System
--2.1.2 Aging of the Cardiovascular System
--2.1.3 Aging of the Digestive System
--2.1.4 Aging of the Urinary System
--2.1.5 Aging of the Endocrine System
--2.1.6 Aging of the Motor System
--2.1.7 Aging of the Nervous System
--2.1.8 Aging of the Sensory System
--【Literature Recommendation】Exercise Attenuates the Major Hallmarks of Aging
--【Book Recommendation】Hazzard's Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology
-2.2 Comprehensive Health Assessment of the Elderly
--Comprehensive Health Assessment of the Elderly
--【Literature Recommendation】Instruments to evaluate mental well-being in old age: a systematic review
-2.3 Principles of Elderly Health Assessment
--Principles of Elderly Health Assessment
-2.4 Assessment of the Functional Status of the Elderly
--Assessment of the Functional Status of the Elderly
--【Literature Recommendation】The Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) Scale
-2.5 Assessment of Cognitive Function in the Elderly
--Assessment of Cognitive Function in the Elderly
-2.6 Assessment and Adjustment of the Living Environment for the Elderly
--Assessment and Adjustment of the Living Environment for the Elderly
-Concept Map
--【Concept Map】Elderly Health Assessment(1)
--【Concept Map】Elderly Health Assessment(2)
-【Test】CHAPTER 2
-3.1 Overview of the Psychological Characteristics of the Elderly
--Overview of the Psychological Characteristics of the Elderly
-3.2 Influencing Factors of Psychological Changes in the Elderly
--Influencing Factors of Psychological Changes in the Elderly
-3.3 Common Psychological Issues and Their Management in the Elderly
--3.3.1 Common Psychological Issues and Their Management in the Elderly (1)
--3.3.2 Common Psychological Issues and Their Management in the Elderly (2)
--【Book Recommendation】Development Through the Lifespan
-3.4 Depression in the Elderly
--3.4.1 Overview of Depression in the Elderly
--3.4.2 Clinical Symptoms of Depression in the Elderly
--3.4.3 Caring for Elderly Patients with Depression
--【Documentary Recommendation】Depression:Out of the Shadows
-3.5 Elderly Patients with Dementia
--3.5.1 Identification of Dementia Symptoms in the Elderly
--3.5.2 Intelligence Rehabilitation of Elderly Patients with Dementia
--3.5.3 Safety Care of Elderly Patients with Dementia
--【Website Recommendation】The Global Voice on Demaentia
-Concept Map
--【Concept Map】Elderly Mental Health and Mental Health Care
-【Test】CHAPTER 3
-4.1 Precautions for Daily Care of the Elderly
--Precautions for Daily Care of the Elderly
-4.2 General Care of Elderly Skin
--4.2.1 Characteristics and General Care of Elderly Skin
--4.2.2 Skin Itching and Its Management in the Elderly
--【Website Recommendation】American Academy of Dermatology
-4.3 Clothing Hygiene for the Elderly
--Clothing Hygiene for the Elderly
--【Literature Recommendation】The Design Methods of Functional Clothing for the Elderly
-4.4 Dietary Care for the Elderly
--4.4.1 Nutritional Needs of the Elderly and Influencing Factors of these Needs
--4.4.2 Dietary Care for the Elderly
--【Book Recommendation】Nutrition Care of the Older Adult: a Handbook for Dietetics
--【Website Recommendation】Nutrition for older persons
-4.5 Sleep Guidance for the Elderly
--4.5.1 Sleep Characteristics of the Elderly
--4.5.2 Sleep Guidance for the Elderly
--【Book Recommendation】An Occupational Therapist's Guide to Sleep and Sleep Problems
--【Website Recommendation】American Academy of Sleep Medicine
-4.6 Exercises Guidance for the Elderly
--4.6.1 Evaluation of Exercise Intensity in the Elderly
--4.6.2 Precautions Elderly Undertaking Exercises
--【Website Recommendation】American College of Sport Medicine
--【Book Recommendation】Handbook of Activities for the Elderly
-Concept Map
--【Concept Map】Elderly Daily Care
-【Test】CHAPTER 4
-5.1 Characteristics of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacodynamics in the Elderly
--Characteristics of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacodynamics in the Elderly
--【Website Recommendation】How Drugs Work In the Elderly
-5.2 Common Adverse Drug Reactions and Their Causes in the Elderly
--Common Adverse Drug Reactions and Their Causes in the Elderly
-5.3 The Principles of the Use of Medications in the Elderly
--The Principles of the Use of Medications in the Elderly
-5.4 Prevention of Adverse Drug Reactions in the Elderly
--Prevention of Adverse Drug Reactions in the Elderly
-5.5 Medication Compliance in the Elderly
--Medication Compliance in the Elderly
-Concept Map
--【Concept Map】Medication Safety and Care for the Elderly
-【Test】CHAPTER 5
-6.1 Falls in the Elderly
--6.1.1 Epidemiological Characteristics of Elderly Falls
--6.1.2 Risk Factors for Falls in the Elderly
--6.1.3 Prevention of Falls in the Elderly
--【Website Recommendation】CDC STEADI(Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries Tool Kit)
-6.2 Dysphagia in the Elderly
-6.3 Urinary Incontinence in the Elderly
--Urinary Incontinence in the Elderly
-6.4 Constipation in the Elderly
-6.5 Dry Mouth in the Elderly
--【Website Recommendation】Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
-6.6 Elderly Nutritional Deficiencies
--Elderly Nutritional Deficiencies - emaciation
-6.7 Visual Impairment in the Elderly
--Visual Impairment in the Elderly
--【Website Recommendation】Senior Eye Exams
-6.8 Senile Deafness
-6.9 Elderly Delirium
-6.10 Elderly Frailty
--【Literature Recommendation】Frailty in elderly people/Frailty in older people
-6.11 Pneumonia in the Elderly
-6.12 Hypertension in the Elderly
--【Literature Recommendation】2018 Chinese Guidelines for Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension
-6.13 Stroke in the Elderly
-6.14 Stable Angina in the Elderly
--Stable Angina in the Elderly
-Concept Map
--【Concept Map】Nursing Care for the Elderly with Common Health Problems and Diseases
-【Test】CHAPTER 6
-7.1 Concept of Hospice Care
--【Website Recommendation】 Definition of Palliative Care,WHO
-7.2 Death Education
--【Book Recommendation】The Meaning of Death by Herman Feife
-7.3 Nursing for Pain in the Dying Elderly
--Nursing for Pain in the Dying Elderly
-7.4 Nursing for Major Bleeding in the Dying Elderly
--Nursing for Major Bleeding in the Dying Elderly
-7.5 Nursing for Delirium in the Dying Elderly
--Nursing for Delirium in the Dying Elderly
-7.6 Nursing for Dyspnea in the Dying Elderly
--Nursing for Dyspnea in the Dying Elderly
--【Website Recommendation】The Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association,HPNA
-7.7 Psychological Problems and Nursing in the Dying Elderly
--Psychological Problems and Nursing in the Dying Elderly
--【Book Recommendation】On Death and Dying ,by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
-7.8 Grief Counseling for the Widowed Elderly
--Grief Counseling for the Widowed Elderly
--【Book Recommendation】I Wasn't Ready to Say Goodbye,by Noel·Brook,Blair·Pamela
-Concept Map
--【Concept Map】Hospice Care for the Elderly
-【Test】CHAPTER 7