老年护理学(Gerontological Nursing)

Aging is an unavoidable problem for both you and me. It weakens our bodies, makes movement difficult, and blunts our thinking. How do we understand aging? How do we recognize physical, psychological and social problems associated with old age? Let us undertake the course of "Gerontological Nursing" to discuss various physical and mental health problems caused by aging, and try to apply professional nursing knowledge and skills to contribute to the healthcare of the elderly!


老年护理学(Gerontological Nursing)课程:前往报名学习

老年护理学(Gerontological Nursing)视频慕课课程简介:

Aging is an unavoidable problem for both you and me. It weakens our bodies, makes movement difficult, and blunts our thinking. How do we understand aging? How do we recognize physical, psychological and social problems associated with old age? Let us undertake the course of "Gerontological Nursing" to discuss various physical and mental health problems caused by aging, and try to apply professional nursing knowledge and skills to contribute to the healthcare of the elderly!


老年护理学(Gerontological Nursing)课程列表:


CHAPTER 1: General Introduction to Geronological Nursing

-1.1 Human Life Expectancy and Age Classification of the Elderly

--Human Life Expectancy and Age Classification of the Elderly

--【Vedio Recommendation】 How do we measure life expectancy ?

-1.2 Population Aging

--Population Aging

--【Literature Recommendation】World Report on Ageing and Health: 2015

-1.3 Influence and Countermeasures of Population Aging

--Influence and Countermeasures of Population Aging

--【Literature Recommendation】World Population Ageing Highlights:2019

-1.4 Goals and Principles of Elderly Care

--Goals and Principles of Elderly Care

--【Book Recommendation】Evidence-Based Geriatric Nursing Protocols for Best Practice

-1.5 Theories Related to Elderly Care

--1.5.1 Personality Development Theory and Life Review

--1.5.2 Disengagement Theory and Activity Theory

--1.5.3 Self-efficacy and Chronic Disease Management

--【Vedio Recommendation】8 Stages of Development by Erik Erikson

--【Literature Recommendation】Activity Theory, Disengagement Theory, and Successful Aging

--【Book Recommendation】Self-Efficacy in Changing Societies

--【Literature Recommendation】Obstacles and Policies of the Social Capital Participates in the Combination of Medical Care and Pension: A Literature Review

-1.6 Elderly Support and Elderly Care

--1.6.1 Concepts of Elderly Healthcare, Elderly Support and Elderly Care

--1.6.2 Home-based Elderly Care Model

--1.6.3 Institutional Elderly Care Model

--1.6.4 Integrated Medical and Nursing Care Model

--【Vedio Recommendation】Day in the Life of Home Care

--【Website Recommendation】Official Website of the National Institutes of Health

-Concept Map

--【Concept Map】General Introduction to Geronological Nursing

-【Test】CHAPTER 1

-【Case Discussion】CHAPTER 1

CHAPTER 2: Elderly Health Assessment

-2.1 Aging Changes in the Elderly

--2.1.1 Aging of the Respiratory System

--2.1.2 Aging of the Cardiovascular System

--2.1.3 Aging of the Digestive System

--2.1.4 Aging of the Urinary System

--2.1.5 Aging of the Endocrine System

--2.1.6 Aging of the Motor System

--2.1.7 Aging of the Nervous System

--2.1.8 Aging of the Sensory System

--【Literature Recommendation】Exercise Attenuates the Major Hallmarks of Aging

--【Book Recommendation】Hazzard's Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology

-2.2 Comprehensive Health Assessment of the Elderly

--Comprehensive Health Assessment of the Elderly

--【Literature Recommendation】Instruments to evaluate mental well-being in old age: a systematic review

-2.3 Principles of Elderly Health Assessment

--Principles of Elderly Health Assessment

-2.4 Assessment of the Functional Status of the Elderly

--Assessment of the Functional Status of the Elderly

--【Literature Recommendation】The Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) Scale

-2.5 Assessment of Cognitive Function in the Elderly

--Assessment of Cognitive Function in the Elderly

-2.6 Assessment and Adjustment of the Living Environment for the Elderly

--Assessment and Adjustment of the Living Environment for the Elderly

--【Literature Recommendation】Age-friendliness of living environments from the older person’s viewpoint: development of the Age-friendly Environment Assessment Tool

-Concept Map

--【Concept Map】Elderly Health Assessment(1)

--【Concept Map】Elderly Health Assessment(2)

-【Test】CHAPTER 2

-【Case Discussion】CHAPTER 2

CHAPTER3: Elderly Mental Health and Mental Health care

-3.1 Overview of the Psychological Characteristics of the Elderly

--Overview of the Psychological Characteristics of the Elderly

-3.2 Influencing Factors of Psychological Changes in the Elderly

--Influencing Factors of Psychological Changes in the Elderly

-3.3 Common Psychological Issues and Their Management in the Elderly

--3.3.1 Common Psychological Issues and Their Management in the Elderly (1)

--3.3.2 Common Psychological Issues and Their Management in the Elderly (2)

--【Book Recommendation】Development Through the Lifespan

-3.4 Depression in the Elderly

--3.4.1 Overview of Depression in the Elderly

--3.4.2 Clinical Symptoms of Depression in the Elderly

--3.4.3 Caring for Elderly Patients with Depression

--【Website Recommendation】

--【Documentary Recommendation】Depression:Out of the Shadows

--【Literature Recommendation】Management of depression in older adults:A review depression in older people

-3.5 Elderly Patients with Dementia

--3.5.1 Identification of Dementia Symptoms in the Elderly

--3.5.2 Intelligence Rehabilitation of Elderly Patients with Dementia

--3.5.3 Safety Care of Elderly Patients with Dementia

--【Website Recommendation】The Global Voice on Demaentia

-Concept Map

--【Concept Map】Elderly Mental Health and Mental Health Care

-【Test】CHAPTER 3

-【Case Discussion】CHAPTER 3

CHAPTER4: Elderly Daily Care

-4.1 Precautions for Daily Care of the Elderly

--Precautions for Daily Care of the Elderly

-4.2 General Care of Elderly Skin

--4.2.1 Characteristics and General Care of Elderly Skin

--4.2.2 Skin Itching and Its Management in the Elderly

--【Website Recommendation】American Academy of Dermatology

-4.3 Clothing Hygiene for the Elderly

--Clothing Hygiene for the Elderly

--【Literature Recommendation】The Design Methods of Functional Clothing for the Elderly

-4.4 Dietary Care for the Elderly

--4.4.1 Nutritional Needs of the Elderly and Influencing Factors of these Needs

--4.4.2 Dietary Care for the Elderly

--【Book Recommendation】Nutrition Care of the Older Adult: a Handbook for Dietetics

--【Website Recommendation】Nutrition for older persons

-4.5 Sleep Guidance for the Elderly

--4.5.1 Sleep Characteristics of the Elderly

--4.5.2 Sleep Guidance for the Elderly

--【Book Recommendation】An Occupational Therapist's Guide to Sleep and Sleep Problems

--【Website Recommendation】American Academy of Sleep Medicine

-4.6 Exercises Guidance for the Elderly

--4.6.1 Evaluation of Exercise Intensity in the Elderly

--4.6.2 Precautions Elderly Undertaking Exercises

--【Website Recommendation】American College of Sport Medicine

--【Book Recommendation】Handbook of Activities for the Elderly

-Concept Map

--【Concept Map】Elderly Daily Care

-【Test】CHAPTER 4

-【Case Discussion】CHAPTER 4

CHAPTER5:Medication Safety and Care for the Elderly

-5.1 Characteristics of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacodynamics in the Elderly

--Characteristics of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacodynamics in the Elderly

--【Website Recommendation】How Drugs Work In the Elderly

-5.2 Common Adverse Drug Reactions and Their Causes in the Elderly

--Common Adverse Drug Reactions and Their Causes in the Elderly

-5.3 The Principles of the Use of Medications in the Elderly

--The Principles of the Use of Medications in the Elderly

--【Literature Recommendation】The American Geriatrics Society 2015 Updated Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults

-5.4 Prevention of Adverse Drug Reactions in the Elderly

--Prevention of Adverse Drug Reactions in the Elderly

--【Literature Recommendation】Drug-related falls in older patients: implicated drugs, consequences, and possible prevention strategies

-5.5 Medication Compliance in the Elderly

--Medication Compliance in the Elderly

-Concept Map

--【Concept Map】Medication Safety and Care for the Elderly

-【Test】CHAPTER 5

-【Case Discussion】CHAPTER 5

CHAPTER6:Nursing Care for the Elderly with Common Health Problems and Diseases

-6.1 Falls in the Elderly

--6.1.1 Epidemiological Characteristics of Elderly Falls

--6.1.2 Risk Factors for Falls in the Elderly

--6.1.3 Prevention of Falls in the Elderly

--【Website Recommendation】CDC STEADI(Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries Tool Kit)

-6.2 Dysphagia in the Elderly

--Dysphagia in the Elderly

-6.3 Urinary Incontinence in the Elderly

--Urinary Incontinence in the Elderly

-6.4 Constipation in the Elderly

--Constipation in the Elderly

--【Literature Recommendation】Chronic Constipation in the Elderly Patient: Updates in Evaluation and Management

-6.5 Dry Mouth in the Elderly

--Dry Mouth in the Elderly

--【Website Recommendation】Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

-6.6 Elderly Nutritional Deficiencies

--Elderly Nutritional Deficiencies - emaciation

-6.7 Visual Impairment in the Elderly

--Visual Impairment in the Elderly

--【Website Recommendation】Senior Eye Exams

-6.8 Senile Deafness

--Senile Deafness

-6.9 Elderly Delirium

--Elderly Delirium

-6.10 Elderly Frailty

--Elderly Frailty

--【Literature Recommendation】Frailty in elderly people/Frailty in older people

-6.11 Pneumonia in the Elderly

--Pneumonia in the Elderly

-6.12 Hypertension in the Elderly

--Hypertension in the Elderly

--【Literature Recommendation】2018 Chinese Guidelines for Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension

-6.13 Stroke in the Elderly

--Stroke in the Elderly

-6.14 Stable Angina in the Elderly

--Stable Angina in the Elderly

--【Literature Recommendation】2019 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of chronic coronary syndromes

-Concept Map

--【Concept Map】Nursing Care for the Elderly with Common Health Problems and Diseases

-【Test】CHAPTER 6

-【Case Discussion】CHAPTER 6

CHAPTER7 Hospice Care for the Elderly

-7.1 Concept of Hospice Care

--Concept of Hospice Care

--【Website Recommendation】 Definition of Palliative Care,WHO

-7.2 Death Education

--7.2.1 Death Education (1)

--7.2.2 Death Education (2)

--【Book Recommendation】The Meaning of Death by Herman Feife

-7.3 Nursing for Pain in the Dying Elderly

--Nursing for Pain in the Dying Elderly

--【Journal Recommendation】

-7.4 Nursing for Major Bleeding in the Dying Elderly

--Nursing for Major Bleeding in the Dying Elderly

-7.5 Nursing for Delirium in the Dying Elderly

--Nursing for Delirium in the Dying Elderly

-7.6 Nursing for Dyspnea in the Dying Elderly

--Nursing for Dyspnea in the Dying Elderly

--【Website Recommendation】The Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association,HPNA

-7.7 Psychological Problems and Nursing in the Dying Elderly

--Psychological Problems and Nursing in the Dying Elderly

--【Book Recommendation】On Death and Dying ,by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

-7.8 Grief Counseling for the Widowed Elderly

--Grief Counseling for the Widowed Elderly

--【Book Recommendation】I Wasn't Ready to Say Goodbye,by Noel·Brook,Blair·Pamela

-Concept Map

--【Concept Map】Hospice Care for the Elderly

-【Test】CHAPTER 7

-【Case Discussion】CHAPTER 7

老年护理学(Gerontological Nursing)开设学校:福建医科大学

老年护理学(Gerontological Nursing)授课教师:














  1. 老年护理学(Gerontological Nursing)(2021秋)

  2. 物理化学(2021暑假班)

  3. 史记——关中故事(2021秋)

  4. 西方近现代学前教育史(2021秋)

  5. 金相制备与分析实验(2021秋)

  6. 现代设计方法学(2021秋)

  7. Organic Chemistry(Round 2)

  8. 商业数据思维与实战(2021秋)

  9. Interpreting China: A Dialogue between Tradition and Innovation(Round 2)

  10. Appreciation of Symphonic Music(Round 2)

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  12. 中医养生与亚健康防治(2021秋)

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