Research Methods in Tourism Studies

In this course, you will explore the science of research methods in tourism and hospitality industries.


Research Methods in Tourism Studies课程:前往报名学习

Research Methods in Tourism Studies视频慕课课程简介:

In this course, you will explore the science of research methods in tourism and hospitality industries.


Research Methods in Tourism Studies课程列表:


Week 1 How to Start a Good Research

-1.1 Research Question and Research Objectives

--1.1.1 Student interview before class

--1.1.2 The starting point: question

--1.1.3 What is a good research question?

--1.1.4 Ways to find a good research question

--1.1.5 Problem conversion

-1.2 Title Design

--1.2.1 Title design

--1.2.2 Real life examples

--Acticle: Leisure & Travel as Class Signifier: Distinction Practices of China's New Rich

--Discussion: Why do we research?

-1.3 Literature Retrieval Method and Literature Databases

--1.3.1 Common literature retrieval method

--1.3.2 Common literature search database

-1.4 Information Collection and Academic Journals in Tourism

--1.4.1 Academic journals in tourism research

--1.4.2 Literature collection methods and principles

-1.5 Literature Reading

--1.5.1 Literature reading

--1.5.2 Overcoming obstacles in literature reading

--Week 1 quiz

--Discussion: What difficulties have you encountered in reading literature?

Week 2 Qualitative versus Quantitative Approach

-2.1 Philosophical Bases of the Two Approaches

--2.1.1 Philosophical bases of the two approaches

-2.2 Differences between the Two Approaches

--2.2.1 Differences between the two approaches

--Article: Does tourist–host social contact reduce perceived cultural distance?

-2.3 Be Aware of Your Own Research Views

--2.3.1 Be aware of your own research views

--Discussion: How to choose research method?

-2.4 Research Example: Social Tourism

--2.4.1 What is social tourism?

--2.4.2 Established frameworks on social tourism

--2.4.3 Major research findings on social tourism

--2.4.4 Major findings of social tourism research

--2.4.5 Opportunities and challenges for social tourism

--Week 2 quiz

--Discussion :Social tourism

Week 3 Research Design I

- 3.1 Key Procedures in Qualitative Approach

--3.1.1 Key procedures in qualitative approach

-3.2 Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis

--3.2.1 Key procedures and data collection methods in qualitative approach

--3.2.2 Data collection and analysis in qualitative approach

--3.2.3 Data analysis in qualitative approach

-3.3 Case Study and Content Analysis

--3.3.1 Case study

--3.3.2 Content analysis

--Discussion: Have you ever used a qualitative approach in your research?

-3.4 Using Coding and Themes in Qualitative Research

--3.4.1 Using coding and themes in qualitative research(1)

--3.4.2 Using coding and themes in qualitative research(2)

-3.5 Using Conceptual Framework in Qualitative Research

--3.5.1 Using conceptual framework in qualitative research(1)

--3.5.2 Using conceptual framework in qualitative research(2)

--Article: Tourist typology in social contact: an addition to existing theories

--Week 3 quiz

--Discussion: How to ensure the reliability and validity of qualitative study?

Week 4 Research Design II

-4.1 Using Questionnaires in Quantitative Research

--4.1.1 Make an effective literature review and research method design

--4.1.2 Learn to write powerful findings and discussion

-4.2 Using Experiment in Quantitative Research

--4.2.1 Video experiment

--4.2.2 Virtual reality (VR)

--4.2.3 Neuro Marketing

--4.2.4 Eye tracking experiment

--4.2.5 Types of experiments

-4.3 Using Mixed Method

--4.3.1 Sustainabble tourism development (1)

--4.3.2 Sustainabble tourism development (2)

--Article:Creating a scale for assessing socially sustainable tourism

--Week 4 Quiz

--Discussion: How to use quantitative methods to study tourists' reaction?

Week 5 Emerging Issues in Tourism and Hospitality Research

-5.1 Current Research Priorities

--5.1 1 A review of hospitality research

--5.1.2 Impact of information technology on hospitality and tourism research

-5.2 Multi-Level/ Multiple Sources of Date Collection

--5.2.1 Experimental design (1)

--5.2.2 Experimental design (2)

--5.2.3 Multi-level/multiple sources of data collection

-5.3 Mixed Method and Interdisciplinary Research

--5.3.1 Mixed method

--5.3.2 Interdisciplinary research

--Article: The meanings of destination: a Q method approach

--Discussion: Can you talk about your understanding of research methods?

-5.4 Using Delphi Method in Research Design

--5.4.1 What is the Delphi method?

--5.4.2 Selecting the experts

--5.4.3 Characteristics of the Delphi method

--5.4.4 Predicting the future of wine tourism

--5.4.5 Preliminary findings

--Week 5 quiz

--Discussion: Philosophical basis of research methods

Week 6 Research Ethics

-6.1 Journal Publication

--6.1.1 How to publish in the top journals? (1)

--6.1.2 How to publish in the top journals? (2)

--6.1.3 How to publish in the top journals? (3)

--6.1.4 How to publish in the top journals? (4)

--Article: Analyzing the economic sustainability of tourism development: evidence from Hong Kong

-6.2 Academic Ethics

--6.2.1 Academic ethics

--6.2.2 Student interview after class

--Week 6 quiz

--Discussion: Academic publication and academic ethics

--Final quiz

--Final discussion and reflection

Research Methods in Tourism Studies开设学校:南开大学

Research Methods in Tourism Studies授课教师:

Tingting Liu-Assistant Professor-南开大学-

Dr. Tingting Liu is an assistant professor at College of Tourism and Service Management, Nankai University, China. Her research interests cover tourism sociology, qualitative research and tourism consumption.

Daisy Fan--Bournemouth University-

Dr. Daisy Fan is a Senior Lecturer in Tourism and Hospitality at Bournemouth University, UK. Her research interests include social contact, tourist behaviour and social sustainability.

Carson Lewis Jenkins-Professor-思克莱德大学-

Professor Carson Lewis Jenkins is the emeritus professor of international Tourism University of Strathclyde, Glasgow Scotland and Visiting Professor of College of Tourism and Service Management, Nankai University, previously visiting Scholar, School of Professional Education and Executive Development at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Professor Jenkins is the Elected Fellow of International Academy for the Study of Tourism. His research interests are in tourism policy and planning and the role of tourism in development developing countries. He has been the board member in leading international journals.

Eve Ren-Assistant Professor-澳门旅游学院-

Dr. Eve Ren is an assistant professor in Macao Institute for Tourism Studies. She is the Academic Coordinator for Tourism Retail and Marketing Management program. She holds a doctorate in Hotel and Tourism Management, which she earned at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She has published many papers in top journals for tourism studies.

Scott McCabe-Professor-诺丁汉大学-

Prof. Scott Mccabe is a Professor in Marketing and Tourism and has worked at the University of Nottingham since 2007.He is the co-Editor in Chief of Annals of Tourism Research, and an editorial board member on the Journal of Policy Research in Leisure, Tourism and Events, the Annals of Leisure Research, and the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

Hailin Qu-Professor-Oklahoma State University-

Professor Hailin Qu is the Regents Professor and William E. Davis Distinguished Chair as well as the director of the Center for Hospitality and Tourism Research in the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Oklahoma State University. He has been teaching and conducting research in tourism and hospitality management for about 40 years. He has published over 125 refereed articles in a number of national and international top tier business, hospitality and tourism refereed journals.

Marianna Sigala-Professor -University of South Australia-

Marianna Sigala is a Professor in Tourism and Director of the Centre of Tourism & Leisure Management (CTLM) at the University of South Australia Business School. She is also an academic member of the CERM PI team of UniSA. She is a widely published authority in the area of Service Operations Management and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) applications in Tourism and Hospitality. She also has an interest in e-learning models and pedagogies, having published several research studies in these areas.


  1. Research Methods in Tourism Studies(2021秋)

  2. 动画美术设计(2021秋)

  3. 纸浆工艺学(2021秋)

  4. Pharmacology(Round 2)

  5. 钒钛产品生产工艺与设备(2021秋)

  6. 材料科学基础(2021秋)

  7. 电子线路制图与制版(2021秋)

  8. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence(Round 2)

  9. 环境化学(2021秋)

  10. 医学遗传学(2021秋)

  11. Simultaneous Interpreting(Round 2)

  12. 建筑施工技术(2021秋)

  13. 沟通与谈判(2021秋)

  14. 电气一次部分(2021秋)

  15. 跨文化交际(2021秋)

  16. 计算机组成原理(2021秋)

  17. 消防技术装备(2021秋)

  18. 计算机技术基础(c语言)(2021秋)

  19. 政治学原理(2021秋)

  20. 舌尖上的微生物(2021秋)
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