当前课程知识点:生理与遗传学基础 > 4. Endocrine and Reproduction 内分泌与生殖 > 4.1 Endocrine and Hormones 内分泌与荷尔蒙 > 4.1.1 内分泌与荷尔蒙_视频
Here we will introduce several major hormones and their functions
矢状面 这个是胼胝体 整个外面是大脑皮层
Sagittal plane,this is the corpus callosum,the whole outside is the cerebral cortex
这是小脑 这是脑干间脑
the cerebellum,this is the brainstem mesencephalon
this outside is the brain,the brainstem,the mesencephalon
this is the midbrain and then the brainstem
Then the diencephalon consists of two parts
下面这个就是下丘脑 上面那个是丘脑
the hypothalamus below,the thalamus above
那下丘脑就是一个重要的内分泌腺 调节其他的内分泌腺
and the hypothalamus is an important endocrine gland that regulates other endocrine glands
The two hanging below are the pituitary gland
which is divided into the anterior and posterior lobes
and the pituitary gland is divided into two halves
The mechanism of the two halves is different
软骨细胞分裂的时候 你的生长激素分泌少了就会是侏儒症
When chondrocyte divides,your growth hormone secretion is less will be dwarfism
如果幼年不停的持续的分泌的话 就会是巨人症
if the continuous secretion of juvenile,it will be gigantism
adult bone has been calcified and re-secreted growth hormone is acromegaly
In addition to promoting growth and development,auxin also promotes protein synthesis
促进氨基酸进入细胞 加速DNA和RNA的合成
promote amino acids into cells,accelerate the synthesis of DNA and RNA
and promote protein synthesis
We just said that these hormones can reach the cytoplasm through the cell membrane
and it can also pass through the nuclear pore to reach the nucleus
so that the synthesis of these DNA and RNA can be accelerated
生成蛋白质 改变这些细胞的生理功能
then the production of proteins,change the physiological function of these cells
The third main function is to promote the decomposition of fat
促进脂肪酸氧化 减少组织的脂肪量
promote the oxidation of fatty acids and reduce the amount of fat in tissues
这个生长激素分泌过多 脂肪分解也过多 就会得酮体症
Too much growth hormone is secreted and too much fat is decomposed,which leads to ketosis
The fourth is the utilization of glucose
Growth hormone can stimulate the secretion of insulin
能够加强糖的利用 能够促进胰岛素的分泌
enhance the utilization of sugar and promote the secretion of insulin
它既有促糖作用 也有抑糖作用
It has both the effect of promoting sugar and the effect of inhibiting sugar
生长激素过量会抑制糖的利用 血糖升高
Excessive growth hormone can inhibit the utilization of sugar,increase blood sugar
and excessive growth hormone can also make the oxidation of fatty acids excessive
抑制糖的氧化 导致垂体性糖尿
inhibit the oxidation of sugar,leading to pituitary glycosuria
So how does auxin work?
生长素到达这个靶器官 生长激素的受体
When auxin reaches this target organ
与这些受体结合就会产生 就能够产生
the receptors of growth hormone bind to these receptors to
produce a series of signal-mediated modes,coupling reactions occur
and auxin mediators can be produced
These auxin mediators can make the insulin-like growth factor of the cells
above the skeleton have such a receptor
这个受体可以说是第二信使 又产生偶联反应
which can be said to be the second messenger,and produce the Euclidean reaction
最后生长发育 促进新陈代谢
and finally grow and develop,promoting metabolism
生长素的分泌调节 我们先来看这个图
Auxin secretion regulation,let's first look at this picture
生长素都是在晚上分泌的 睡觉的时候分泌的
auxin is secreted at night,when sleeping
这个是白天 蓝颜色的是晚上
This is daytime, blue is night,
the secretion of auxin must be regulated in the hypothalamus
all these secretory secretions are secreted by the hypothalamus
The hypothalamus regulates the pituitary
The growth hormone of the pituitary increases or decreases
Finally,it acts on the pituitary
腺垂体就分泌生长激素 生长激素促进激素
The pituitary secretes growth hormone,growth hormone promoting hormone
growth hormone inhibiting hormone
and growth hormone promoting hormone produces a coupling reaction
CAMP then acts on the pituitary gland
Since it is a growth hormone releasing hormone
it releases growth hormone from the pituitary gland
At the same time,these androgens、estrogens and thyroid hormones also promote
the secretion of hormones from the pituitary gland
所以在青少年的时候长的最快 有性激素、
So the fastest growing teenagers have sex hormones
thyroid hormones that strengthen the pituitary gland and secrete growth hormones
第二个是抑制 生长激素抑制激素
The second is inhibition,growth hormone inhibitory hormone
如果在低血糖的时候 饥饿的时候 运动的时候
If we have hypoglycemia,hunger and exercise
we can promote the secretion of growth hormone releasing hormone
and when the protein food content is high, we can secrete growth hormone releasing hormone
The hypothalamus and pituitary gland are one of
the highest levels of endocrine regulation system
so from the beginning to the end,it is here at the laryngeal junction
touching both sides of the laryngeal junction has this thyroid gland
我们看 这个红色的东西就是甲状腺
Let's see,this red thing is the thyroid gland
在这里分布有静脉 有动脉
where there are veins and arteries
Thyroxine secreted by the thyroid gland can act on other endocrine glands through the blood
enlarging the surface of the thyroid gland is such a cell is called acinus
这样的一个细胞就叫作腺泡 是合成分泌
such a cell is called acinus,is the basic functional
unit of synthesizing and secreting thyroid hormones
附着在这个甲状腺 这样一个个腺泡就是来分泌甲状腺激素
Attached to this thyroid gland, such an acinus secretes thyroid hormones
Let's get a general idea of the molecular structure of thyroid hormones
前面我们说生长激素是191个氨基酸残基 和两个双硫键
We said earlier that growth hormone is 191 amino acid residues and two disulfide bonds
All growth hormones are like this
但是甲状腺不一样 它有好几个类型
But the thyroid gland is different, it has several types,
它有四碘甲腺原氨酸 叫T4 三碘甲腺原氨酸 T3 逆三碘甲腺原氨酸 叫rT3
it has tetraiodothyronine,called T4、triiodothyronine,T3、reverse triiodothyronine,called rT3
甲状腺素它不是一种 至少有三种 T4、T3、rT3
Thyroxine is not one,there are at least three T4、T3、rT3
Let's look at the synthesis and release of thyroid hormones
这个看成是一个腺泡 刚刚不是看
This is regarded as an acinus
一个甲状腺上附着着很多腺泡 这个就是一个腺泡
there are many acinus attached to a thyroid.This is an acinus
After activation, this acinus becomes T3 and T4 step by step
The T3 and T4 are released by the lysosome through these enzymes
溶酶体作用释放出去 到血液里面 再经过血液的流动来影响内脏器官的活动
and then flow through the blood to affect the activities of visceral organs
前面这一部分这些 合成然后释放 主要分成两部分 一部分是贮存
The first part,which is synthesized and released,is divided into two parts,one is storage
The second part is the release
刚刚我们看这个过程 把甲状腺激素合成以后
Just after we look at this process, after the synthesis of thyroid hormone
存在这个腺泡里面 存活可以存两到三个月
it exists in this acinus and can survive for two to three months
所以当使用抗甲状腺药物 这个甲状腺激素分泌多了
So when we use antithyroid drugs, the thyroid hormone secretes more
用药时间长才能奏效 够它利用的也就2——3个月
and takes a long time to be effective.Only 2-3 months can it be used
-How to learn in this course/如何学习本门课程
-Introduction /简介
--Intro video from overseas/国外简介视频
-1.1 Cell Structure 细胞结构
--1.1.4 细胞结构_课后练习
-1.2 Cell Transport 细胞的物质转运
--1.2.4 细胞的物质转运_课后练习
-1.3 Cell Signal Transduction 细胞的信息转导
--1.3.4 细胞的信号转导_课后练习
-1.4 Cell Bio-electricity 细胞生物电
--1.4.2 细胞生物电_课后练习
-1.5 Cell and Tissue 细胞与组织
--1.5.4 细胞与组织_课后练习
-1.6 Musculoskeletal System 肌肉骨胳系统
--1.6.1 Skeletal System 骨骼系统_视频
--1.6.2 Skeletal System 骨骼系统_趣味视频
--1.6.3 Skeletal System 骨骼系统_PPT
-2.1 Neuron Communication 神经元信息传递
--2.1.4 神经元信息传递_课后练习
-2.2 Function of Nervous System 神经系统功能
--2.2.4 神经系统功能_课后练习
-2.3 Structure of Nervous System 神经系统结构
--2.3.3 神经系统结构_课后练习
-2.4 Brain Structure 大脑结构
--2.4.2 补充视频_脑/The Brain (In English)
--2.4.3 大脑结构_课后练习
-3.1 Blood 血液
--3.1.3 血液_课后练习
-3.2 Electric System of Heart 心肌生物电
-3.3 Cardiac Circle 心动周期
--3.3.2 心动周期_课后练习
-4.1 Endocrine and Hormones 内分泌与荷尔蒙
--4.1.3 内分泌与荷尔蒙_课后练习2
-4.2 Reproductive system 生殖系统
--Video:Female reproductive system
-Functions and Components/功能与组成
--Introduction to respiratory system
--Respiratory system_function and components
-5.1 Vision 视觉
--5.1.2 视觉_课后练习
-5.2 Hearing 听觉
--5.2.2 听觉_课后练习
-6.1 Chemical Elements 化学元素
-6.2 Carbon and Versatility 碳与分子多样性
--6.2.2 碳与分子多样性_课后练习
-6.3 Macromolecules 生物大分子
-7.1 DNA
--7.1.2 DNA_课后练习
-7.2 DNA Replication DNA复制
--7.2.2 DNA复制_课后练习