当前课程知识点:生理与遗传学基础 > 6. Chemical Elements and bonds 化学元素与化学键 > 6.2 Carbon and Versatility 碳与分子多样性 > 6.2.1 碳与分子多样性_视频
Just now we said that carbon is the most basic and core element of an organism
那么这个碳的一个结构和它分子的多样性 我们来看一看
so let's take a look at the structure of carbon and the diversity of its molecules
First,let's look at the properties of carbon atoms
why carbon atoms can form various substances
首先第一个 这种化合物的长度可以通过碳原子的不断增加而增长
First,the length of this compound can be increased by increasing carbon atoms
比如说这个 在这里再增加一个碳原子 就可以加 加到更长
For example,if we add another carbon atom here, we can add it to a longer one
看这个图 往前面加
Look at this diagram,add it to the front one
加的越多 分子越大 大分子越复杂
The more added,the larger the molecule,the more complex the macromolecule
第二个 碳原子可以增加分支 在这里增加一个共价的碳原子
Second, carbon atoms can be branched up.Here we add a covalent carbon atom
我们每个碳原子 共价的有几个
Each carbon atom has several covalent atoms
它本来只有四个电子 这里再分成四个 它就稳定了
It has only four electrons.Here we divide it into four,and it is stable
There are also carbon atoms that can form double bonds
双键还有很多 还有三键
There are many more double bonds.There are also three bonds
共价的电子对有两个 叫双键
There are two covalent electrons,called double bonds
如果共价的电子有三个对的话 就叫作三键
If there are three covalent electrons,they are called triple bonds
它需要四个 这里共价两个 这个也是 这个单键双键又是另外一种物质
It needs four.Here are two covalent bonds.This one is another substance
This one is similar to this one
我拿掉一个氢原子 成为双键的话又是另外一种新物质
If I take out a hydrogen atom and become a double bond,it is another new substance
还可以形成环形结构 包括 把这一组简化成 就可以形成这样
It can also form a ring structure,including simplifying this group to form a ring structure
你看到这种形式你就知道 每一个顶点是一个碳原子
As you can see in this form,each vertex is a carbon atom
每一个支分出两个氢原子 这是环形结构
and each branch is divided into two hydrogen atoms,which is a ring structure
This can form many kinds of substances in the human body
我们的药物都会写成这种结构 这种分子式
our drugs will be written in this structure,this molecular formula
western medicine bottle these molecular formulas should be written out
这个药是由哪些元素组成的 他们的共价是什么样的
which elements the drug is composed of,what their covalence is
大家看这是什么细胞 脂肪细胞
Let's see what kind of cells this is, fat cells
它的一些成分就是碳氢化合物 这些都是碳氢化合物 碳原子和氢原子
some of its components are hydrocarbons,these are hydrocarbons,carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms
下面介绍一下官能团 这些决定有机化合物化学性质
Here we introduce functional groups,which are the atomic and atomic groups
that determine the chemical properties of organic compounds.We call them functional groups
这是两种性激素 它的分子结构差不多
These are two sex hormones.Their molecular structure is similar
but it determines the difference between men and women
雌二醇这是一个羟基 这里多了一个甲基 这就构成了两种不同的激素
Estradiol is a hydroxyl group,there is an additional methyl,which constitutes two different hormones
它们的分子结构就这么一点点差别 这些官能团
their molecular structure is so slightly different,these functional groups
just this CH3 read what?
虽然我们构成人体的这些元素是很简单的 就这么几个
Although these elements of the human body are very simple,just a few
但是它里面的变化 它的合成是非常复杂非常丰富的
but the changes in it,its synthesis is very complex and rich
-How to learn in this course/如何学习本门课程
-Introduction /简介
--Intro video from overseas/国外简介视频
-1.1 Cell Structure 细胞结构
--1.1.4 细胞结构_课后练习
-1.2 Cell Transport 细胞的物质转运
--1.2.4 细胞的物质转运_课后练习
-1.3 Cell Signal Transduction 细胞的信息转导
--1.3.4 细胞的信号转导_课后练习
-1.4 Cell Bio-electricity 细胞生物电
--1.4.2 细胞生物电_课后练习
-1.5 Cell and Tissue 细胞与组织
--1.5.4 细胞与组织_课后练习
-1.6 Musculoskeletal System 肌肉骨胳系统
--1.6.1 Skeletal System 骨骼系统_视频
--1.6.2 Skeletal System 骨骼系统_趣味视频
--1.6.3 Skeletal System 骨骼系统_PPT
-2.1 Neuron Communication 神经元信息传递
--2.1.4 神经元信息传递_课后练习
-2.2 Function of Nervous System 神经系统功能
--2.2.4 神经系统功能_课后练习
-2.3 Structure of Nervous System 神经系统结构
--2.3.3 神经系统结构_课后练习
-2.4 Brain Structure 大脑结构
--2.4.2 补充视频_脑/The Brain (In English)
--2.4.3 大脑结构_课后练习
-3.1 Blood 血液
--3.1.3 血液_课后练习
-3.2 Electric System of Heart 心肌生物电
-3.3 Cardiac Circle 心动周期
--3.3.2 心动周期_课后练习
-4.1 Endocrine and Hormones 内分泌与荷尔蒙
--4.1.3 内分泌与荷尔蒙_课后练习2
-4.2 Reproductive system 生殖系统
--Video:Female reproductive system
-Functions and Components/功能与组成
--Introduction to respiratory system
--Respiratory system_function and components
-5.1 Vision 视觉
--5.1.2 视觉_课后练习
-5.2 Hearing 听觉
--5.2.2 听觉_课后练习
-6.1 Chemical Elements 化学元素
-6.2 Carbon and Versatility 碳与分子多样性
--6.2.2 碳与分子多样性_课后练习
-6.3 Macromolecules 生物大分子
-7.1 DNA
--7.1.2 DNA_课后练习
-7.2 DNA Replication DNA复制
--7.2.2 DNA复制_课后练习