"People should not only appreciate the beauty that created by themselves but also be tolerant with the beauty created by others. The combination of various beauties blesses the world harmonious.
"People should not only appreciate the beauty that created by themselves but also be tolerant with the beauty created by others. The combination of various beauties blesses the world harmonious.
-1.1 Encounter Beauty
--1.1 遇见美
-Chapter test
-2.1 Wake up the discovery of beauty
--2.1 美之觉醒
-2.2 Introduction of western aesthetic thought and aesthetic education thought
-2.3 Introduction of Chinese traditional aesthetic thought and aesthetic education thought
-2.4 The growth and cultivation of modern youth and aesthetic education
-Chapter test
-3.1 The beauty of Chinese characters
--3.1 汉字之美
-3.2 The beauty of calligraphy art
-3.3 The beauty of seal carving art
--3.3 篆刻
-3.4 The beauty of modern design of Chinese characters
-Chapter test
-4.1 Elegant songs through thousands of years
-4.2 The Tang poems of the prosperous times
-4.3 Whisper of shallow sing song ci
-Chapter test
-5.1 A magical Oriental leaf
-5.2 The six main elements of Tea Art
-5.3 Tasting and feeling of tea
-Chapter test
-6.1 The Beauty of Painting
-6.2 Appreciation of Traditional Chinese painting
-6.3 Appreciation of Western painting
-Chapter test
-7.1 Cultural language of sculpture design
-7.2 The artistic language of figure sculpture
-7.3 Art language of religious sculpture
-Chapter test
-8.1 The beauty of the Utensil
--8.1 器具之美
-8.2 The ancient Chinese, Greek and Roman Utensil design culture
-Chapter test
-9.1 The beauty of traditional Chinese architecture
-9.2 The beauty of six schools of Chinese architecture
-9.3 The beauty of western architectural
-9.4 Comparison of the beauty of Chinese and Western architecture
-Chapter test
-10.1 The beauty of urban design
-Chapter test
-11.1 The beauty of traditional Chinese music
-Chapter test
-12.1 The beauty of Dance
-Chapter test
-13.1 The Beauty of Sports
-Chapter test
-14.1 The Beauty of Labour
-Chapter test
-15.1 The beauty of Science and Technology
-Chapter test
-16.1 Aesthetics&Creation
-Chapter test
邱璟,南昌大学艺术与设计学院教授、高级工艺美术师,博士生导师,教育部课程思政教学名师,国家职业技能鉴定命题专家,中国服装设计师协会会员,中国流行色协会会员,江西省专业技术资格评委会评委,江西省委宣传部思想文化创意专家,江西省艺术教育委员会委员,“1%工程”基金理事会理事,江西省高水平本科教学团队带头人,南昌大学教学名师。 近年来主要成果: 1、2021年5月,主持和主讲的在线开放课程《中国民间艺术的奇妙之旅》,获得教育部课程思政示范课程的认定,并入选教育部课程思政教学名师和教学团队。 2、 2020年主持并主讲的课程《民间美术》被评为教育部“首批国家级一流本科课程”。 3、建设了一批在联合国可持续发展目标(UN SDG LEARN)国际平台和教育部国际平台中国大学慕课国际版和学堂在线国际版、好大学、学银在线等多家平台运行的《Traditional Customs and Chinese Arts》(《传统民俗与中华艺术》(中英双语国际课程))和《Chinese Ceramics》(《中国陶瓷》(中英双语国际课程)以及多门省级精品在线开放课程、育人共享课程、数字课程及虚拟仿真实验教学项目。 4、取得了一系列国家级和省级教学成果奖;参加行业内各项竞赛活动,获得了一系列奖项,其中,国家级奖项20余项,省级奖多项。在课程建设、教学改革项目、国家专利、学术论文及各级各类专业和行业竞赛活动中取得100余项成果。
傅妍:留法硕士,多年海外教学工作经历 , 现就职于南昌大学。参与省部级项目多项,编写教材及发表论文多篇