《主题英语》陪伴你按主题学英语,用英语讲好中国文化故事。 《主题英语》支持你学习环境泛在化、学习内容中西融通、学习途径和效果知行合一。
《主题英语》陪伴你按主题学英语,用英语讲好中国文化故事。 《主题英语》支持你学习环境泛在化、学习内容中西融通、学习途径和效果知行合一。
-1.1 Lexical Chunks Expressing Aims
--1.1 Lexical Chunks Expressing Aims
-1.2 Sentence Patterns for Research
--1.2 Sentence Patterns for Research
-1.3 An Introduction to Essay Writing
--1.3 An Introduction to Essay Writing
-1.4 An Introduction to MOOCs
--1.4 An Introduction to MOOCs
-1.5 Chinese Dragons
-Test 01
-2.1 Lexical Chunks for Dish, Flavor and Cookware
--2.1 Lexical Chunks for Dish, Flavor and Cookware
-2.2 Sentence Patterns for Describing Problems
--2.2 Sentence Patterns for Describing Problems
-2.3 Four Bases for Revising Essays (1): Unity and Support
--2.3 Four Bases for Revising Essays (1): Unity and Support
-2.4 The 8 Great Cuisines of China
--2.4 The 8 Great Cuisines of China
-2.5 Chinese Dumplings
-Test 02
-3.1 Lexical Chunks for Mental Health
--3.1 Lexical Chunks for Mental Health
-3.2 Three Most Common Types of Sentence-skills Errors in Writing
--3.2 Three Most Common Types of Sentence-skills Errors in Writing
-3.3 Point and Support in Essay Writing
--3.3 Point and Support in Essay Writing
-3.4 The Relationship Between Health and Stress
--3.4 The Relationship Between Health and Stress
-3.5 Acupuncture and Other TCM Therapies
--3.5 Acupuncture and Other TCM Therapies
-Test 03
-4.1 Lexical Chunks for Giving Opinions
--4.1 Lexical Chunks for Giving Opinions
-4.2 Dependent-Word Fragments
--4.2 Dependent-Word Fragments
-4.3 Four Bases for Revising Essays (2): Coherence and Sentence Skills
--4.3 Four Bases for Revising Essays (2): Coherence and Sentence Skills
-4.4 Creative Problem Solving
--4.4 Creative Problem Solving
-4.5 Chinese Kung Fu
-Test 04
-5.0 Introduction: Bilingual Education
--5.0 Introduction: Bilingual Education
-5.1 Prefixes Related to Numbers
--5.1 Lexical Learning by Introducing Prefixes Related to Numbers
-5.2 Sentence Patterns for Giving Definitions
--5.2 Sentence Patterns for Giving Definitions
-5.3 How to Give Definitions in Essay Writing
--5.3 How to Give Definitions in Essay Writing
-5.4 The Importance of Language Learning
--5.4 The Importance of Language Learning
-5.5 Chinese Characters
-Test 05
-6.0 Introduction: Love and Marriage
--6.0 Introduction: Love and Marriage
-6.1 Lexical Chunks: Cultural Words Related to Chinese Weddings
--6.1 Lexical Chunks: Cultural Words Related to Chinese Weddings
-6.2 Sentence Pattern: Should Passive Voice be Encouraged in Writing?
--6.2 Sentence Pattern: Should Passive Voice be Encouraged in Writing?
-6.3 How to Write a Supported Opinion Paragraph?
--6.3 How to Write a Supported Opinion Paragraph?
-6.4 Which is Your Idea of Marriage, Love-oriented or Money-oriented?
--6.4 Which is Your Idea of Marriage, Love-oriented or Money-oriented?
-6.5 Chinese Chopsticks
-Test 06
-7.0 Introduction: Budget
-7.1 Lexical Chunks: The Key Word “Deposit”
--7.1 Lexical Chunks: The Key Word “Deposit”
-7.2 Sentence Patterns on Expressing Purposes
--7.2 Sentence Patterns on How to Express Purposes
-7.3 Zooming in Expository Texts
--7.3 Reading and Scaffolding Expository Texts
-7.4 Spend Less? Earn More? Which Is the Better Path?
--7.4 Spend Less? Earn More? Which Is the Better Path?
-7.5 Chinese Seal
-Test 07
-8.1 Lexical Chunks for Space Exploration
--8.1 Lexical Chunks for Space Exploration
-8.2 Sentence Pattern: There be
--8.2 Sentence Pattern: There be
-8.3 Superordinate and Subordinate in Writing
--8.3 Superordinate and Subordinate in Writing
-8.4 Critical Thinking: Why Do We Explore Space?
--8.4 Critical Thinking: Why Do We Explore Space?
-8.5 Chinese Era
-Test 08
-9.1 Lexical Chunks for Immigration
--9.1 Lexical Chunks for Immigration
-9.2 Sentence Logic: Negation
--9.2 Sentence Logic: Negation
-9.3 Exemplification in Writing
--9.3 Exemplification in Writing
-9.4 Critical Thinking: Pros and Cons of Multiculturalism
--9.4 Critical Thinking: Pros and Cons of Multiculturalism
-9.5 Chinese Silk
-Test 09
-10.1 Lexical Chunks for Disasters
--10.1 Lexical Chunks for Disasters
-10.2 Sentence Writing: Inanimate Subject
--10.2 Sentence Writing: Inanimate Subject
-10.3 Essay Writing: A Drawing Opening
--10.3 Essay Writing: A Drawing Opening
-10.4 Critical Thinking: Humanity Vs Nature
--10.4 Critical Thinking: Humanity Vs Nature
-10.5 Chinese Classical Garden
--10.5 Chinese Classical Garden
-Test 10
-11.0 Introduction: Reading habits
--11.0 Introduction: Reading habits
-11.1 Lexical Chunks for Favorite Readings
--11.1 Lexical Chunks for Favorite Readings
-11.2 Sentence Patterns for Sharing Reading Experience
--11.2 Sentence Patterns for Sharing Reading Experience
-11.3 From Assumption to Opinion in Essay Writing
--11.3 From Assumption to Opinion in Essay Writing
-11.4 Appreciation of “On Studies” by Francis Bacon
--11.4 Appreciation of “On Studies” by Francis Bacon
-11.5 Four Treasures of the Study
--11.5 Four Treasures of the Study
-Test 11
-12.1 Lexical Chunks for Paraphrasing Advantages & Disadvantages
--12.1 Lexical Chunks for Paraphrasing Advantages & Disadvantages
-12.2 Sentence Patterns for Agreement & Disagreement
--12.2 Sentence Patterns for Agreement & Disagreement
-12.3 Presenting Different Ideas in Essay Writing
--12.3 Presenting Different Ideas in Essay Writing
-12.4 Debating: Lingua Franca--Beneficial or Detrimental?
--12.4 Debating: Lingua Franca--Beneficial or Detrimental?
-12.5 Chinese Antithetical Couplets
--12.5 Chinese Antithetical Couplets
-Test 12
-13.0 Introduction: Unforgettable Events
--13.0 Introduction: Unforgettable Events
-13.1 Lexical Learning by Analyzing Prefix and Suffix
--13.1 Lexical Learning by Analyzing Prefix and Suffix
-13.2 Sentence Patterns for Describing Unforgettable Events
--13.2 Sentence Patterns for Describing Unforgettable Events
-13.3 Flashback in Story Writing
--13.3 Flashback When Writing a Story
-13.4 Interpreting Competitive Culture
--13.4 Interpreting Competitive Culture
-13.5 Chinese Weiqi
-Test 13
-14.1 How do you feel about extreme sports? List your reasons.
--14.1 Lexical Chunks for Extreme Sports
-14.2 How to Use Parallelism
-14.3 How to Write a Concluding Paragraph
--14.3 How to Write a Concluding Paragraph
-14.4 Taking Risks
-14.5 Peking Opera
-Test 14
-15.1 Lexical Chunks for the Relationship between Happiness and Happiness Genes
--15.1 Lexical Chunks for the Relationship between Happiness and Happiness Genes
-15.2 How to Expand the Basic Sentence with Participles and Participle Phrases
--15.2 How to Expand the Basic Sentence with Participles and Participle Phrases
-15.3 Comparison and Contrast
--15.3 Comparison and Contrast
-15.4 The Road to Happiness
-15.5 Chinese Taoism
-Test 15
-16.1 Lexical Chunks for the Linguistic Difference between Men and Women
--16.1 Lexical Chunks for the Linguistic Difference between Men and Women
-16.2 How to Vary Sentences by Using Adverb Modifiers
--16.2 How to Vary Sentences by Using Adverb Modifiers
-16.3 How to Write an Introductory Paragraph
--16.3 How to Write an Introductory Paragraph
-16.4 How to Avoid Misunderstanding between Men and Women
--16.4 How to Avoid Misunderstanding between Men and Women
-16.5 Chinese Idioms
-Test 16
-Final Test
刘茜,中南大学外国语学院讲师。 教学获奖5项: 2014年6月,中南大学第七届教学大赛“三十佳”; 2014年9月,中南大学2013-2014年教学质量优秀奖; 2015年3月,中南大学2014-2015年教学质量优秀奖; 2013年11月,中南大学外国语学院第一届教学大赛二等奖; 2017年2月,湖南省第二届微课大赛二等奖(团体); 主持教学改革及科研项目5项: 2015年11月,湖南省社科基金:“中美高校个性化外语教学与评价比较研究”; 2015年5月,中南大学2015年教学改革研究项目:“人格心理学视阈下的大学英语个性化教学与评估模式构建” ; 2015年7月,中南大学2015年开放式精品示范课堂计划立项项目:大学英语读写译; 2015年9月,中南大学实验室开放基金项目:高级英语写作动态约课与四位一体教学实验; 2013年12月,中南大学外语教育研究所课题“人格心理学视阈下的大学英语视听说个性化教学模式构建”; 教学论文获奖2篇: 2013年10月,“人格心理学视阈下的大学英语个性化教学体系研究与构建”获湖南省大学外语专业委员会2013年度学术年会征文一等奖; 2015年8月,“人格心理学生物性领域研究成果在MOOCs时代大学英语混合式教学中的应用”获中国教育技术协会外语专业委员会第21届学术年会“优秀论文”; 编著教材2部: 《710大学英语四级新题型》,东华大学出版社,副主编,2014年8月; 《新视角基础英语(下)》,中南大学出版社,副主编,2015年4月