Chinese Ceramics

Blue-and-white porcelain showing composure and elegance, jade-like Jun porcelain and White porcelain being exquisite and gleaming, glaze colors in abundance and delicacy, each piece represents a unique beauty, which seems like an attractive woman whispering an ancient myth. Now, we’ll tell the legends of china,“Chinese Ceramics”,are you ready?


Chinese Ceramics课程:前往报名学习

Chinese Ceramics视频慕课课程简介:

Blue-and-white porcelain showing composure and elegance, jade-like Jun porcelain and White porcelain being exquisite and gleaming, glaze colors in abundance and delicacy, each piece represents a unique beauty, which seems like an attractive woman whispering an ancient myth. Now, we’ll tell the legends of china,“Chinese Ceramics”,are you ready?


Chinese Ceramics课程列表:


Unit 1 Introduction to Chinese Ceramics

-1.1 Introduction


--Study Materials

-1.2 Ceramics in Neolithic, East Han and Wei-Jin Dynasties

--Ceramics in Neolithic, East Han and Wei-Jin Dynasties

--Study Materials

-1.3 Sui and Tang dynasties and Song Dynasty ceramics

--Sui and Tang dynasties and Song Dynasty ceramics

--Study Materials

-1.4 Ming and Qing Dynasties

--Ming and Qing Dynasties

--Study Materials

-Unit 1 test

--Unit 1 test

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 2 Cultural Connotations Carried by Chinese Ceramics

-2.1 The Unique Chinese Ceramic Culture

--The Unique Chinese Ceramic Culture

--Study Materials

-2.2 The Historical Development of Chinese Ceramic Making

--The Historical Development of Chinese Ceramic Making

--Study Materials

-2.3 Chinese Ceramic Shape Art

--Chinese Ceramic Shape Art

--Study Materials

-2.4 Chinese Ceramic Painting Art

--Chinese Ceramic Painting Art

--Study Materials

-2.5 Chinese Ceramic Folk Stories

--Chinese Ceramic Folk Stories

--Study Materials

-Unit 2 test

--Unit 2 test

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 3 Inheritance and Innovation of Ceramic Culture

-3.1 CeramicCulture and the Zodiac

--CeramicCulture and the Zodiac

--Study Materials

-3.2 The heritage of traditional ceramic culture

--The heritage of traditional ceramic culture

--Study Materials

-3.3 The development and innovation of ceramic art

--The development and innovation of ceramic art

--Study Materials

-Unit 3 test

--Unit 3 test

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 4 The Primitive Types of Ceramics

-4.1 Gorgeous Colored Pottery

--Gorgeous Colored Pottery

--Study Materials

-4.2 The Method of Making Colored Pottery

--The Method of Making Colored Pottery

--Study Materials

-4.3 Primitive Colored Pottery Ⅰ

--Primitive Colored PotteryⅠ

--Study Materials

-4.3 Primitive Colored Pottery Ⅱ

--Primitive Colored Pottery Ⅱ

--Study Materials

-4.3 Primitive Colored Pottery Ⅲ

--Primitive Colored Pottery Ⅲ

--Study Materials

-4.4 Black Earthenware

--Black Earthenware

--Study Materials

-4.5 White Pottery and Primitive Porcelain

--White Pottery and Primitive Porcelain

--Study Materials

-Unit 4 test

--Unit 4 test

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 5 The Terracotta Warriors and Clay Sculptures of the Qin and Han

-5.1 Terracotta Warriors in Qin Dynasty

--Terracotta Warriors in Qin Dynasty

--Study Materials

-5.2 Potteries in Han Dynasty

--Potteries in Han Dynasty

--Study Materials

-Unit 5 test

--Unit 5 test

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 6 Millennia Celadon Porcelain

-6.1 Dragon kiln and Celadon

--Dragon kiln and Celadon

--Study Materials

-6.2 Yue Kiln and Wuzhou kiln

--Yue Kiln and Wuzhou kiln

--Study Materials

-6.3 Deqing Kiln and Ou kiln

--Deqing Kiln and Ou kiln

--Study Materials

-6.4 Longquan Wares

--Longquan Wares

--Study Materials

-6.5 Yaozhou Wares

--Yaozhou Wares

--Study Materials

-Unit 6 test

--Unit 6 test

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 7 The Tri-Color Glazed Porcelain

-7.1 Tang Tri-Colored Pottery

--7.1 Tang Tri-Colored Pottery

--7.1 Tang Tri-Colored Pottery

-7.1Tang Tri-Colored Pottery

--7.1 Tang Tri-Colored Pottery

--7.1 Tang Tri-Colored Pottery

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

-Unit 7 test

--Unit 7 test

Unit 8 The Age of Porcelain and Five Great Kilns

-8.1 The flourishing age of the Song Dynasty

--8.1 The flourishing age of the Song Dynasty

--Study Materials

-8.2 The flourishing age of the Song Dynasty

--8.2 The flourishing age of the Song Dynasty

--Study Materials

-8.3 Ding Wares

--8.3 Ding Wares

--Study Materials

-8.4 Ru Wares

--8.4 Ru Wares

--Study Materials

-8.5 Guan Wares

--8.5 Guan Wares

--Study Materials

-8.6 Ge Wares

--8.6 Ge Wares

--Study Materials

-8.7 Jun Wares

--8.7 Jun Wares

--Study Materials

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

-Unit 8 test

--Unit 8 test

Unit 9 Blue and White Wares (Qinghua Ci)

-9.1 Reasons for the maturity of Qinghua porcelain in Yuan Dynasty

--9.1 Study Materials

--9.1 Reasons for the maturity of Qinghua porcelain in Yuan Dynasty

-9.2 The Invention of Blue-and-white Porcelain in the Tang Dynasty

--9.2 The Invention of Blue-and-white Porcelain in the Tang Dynasty

--9.2 Study Materials

-9.3 Fine China Ware became the Symbol of ChinaⅠ

--9.3 Fine China Ware became the Symbol of ChinaⅠ

--9.3 Study Materials

-9.3 Fine China Ware became the Symbol of ChinaⅡ

--9.3 Fine China Ware became the Symbol of ChinaⅡ

--9.3 Study Materials

-9.3 Fine China Ware became the Symbol of ChinaⅢ

--9.3 Fine China Ware became the Symbol of ChinaⅢ

--9.3 Study Materials

-9.4 The charm of QinghuaⅠ

--9.4 The charm of QinghuaⅠ

--9.4 Study Materials

-9.4 The charm of QinghuaⅡ

--9.4 Study Materials

--9.4 The charm of QinghuaⅡ

-9.4 The charm of QinghuaⅢ

--9.4 Study Materials

--9.4 The charm of QinghuaⅢ

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 10 Wucai Porcelain

-10.1 Da Ming Wucai

--10.1 Da Ming Wucai

--10.1 Study Materials

-10.2 Wooden engravings influence on Wucai porcelain

--10.2 Wooden engravings influence on Wucai porcelain

--10.2 Study Materials

-10.3 Kangxi Wucai

--10.3 Kangxi Wucai

--10.3 Study Materials

-10.4 Liling Under-glaze multicolored porcelainⅠ

--10.4 Liling Under-glaze multicolored porcelainⅠ

--10.4 Study Materials

-10.4 Liling Under-glaze multicolored porcelainⅡ

--10.4 Liling Under-glaze multicolored porcelainⅡ

--10.4 Study Materials

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 11 Fencai Porcelain

-11.1 The advent of Fencai

--The advent of Fencai

--11.1 Study Materials

-11.2 Fencai Porcelain in the Yong zheng period

--Fencai Porcelain in the Yong zheng period

--11.2 Study Materials

-11.3 Fencai Porcelain in the Qianlong Period

--Fencai Porcelain in the Qianlong Period

--11.3 Study Materials

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 13 Zisha---the Taste of tea

-13.1 Zisha-pottery

--13.1 Zisha-pottery

--Study Materials

-13.2 The Zisha Teapot

--13.2 The Zisha Teapot

--Study Materials

-13.3 The Zisha tea set in the Ming Dynasty

--13.2 The Zisha Teapot

--Study Materials

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 14 Contemporary Chinese Ceramics

-14.1 Development of Contemporary Chinese ceramic art

--14.1 Development of Contemporary Chinese ceramic art

--14.1 Study Materials

-14.2 The internationalization trend of Chinese modern ceramics

--14.2 The internationalization trend of Chinese modern ceramics

--14.2 Study Materials

-14.3 A new style of contemporary ceramic art Ⅰ

--14.3 A new style of contemporary ceramic artⅠ

--14.3 Study Materials

-14.3 A new style of contemporary ceramic art Ⅱ

--14.3 A new style of contemporary ceramic art Ⅱ

--14.3 Study Materials

-14.4 The Trade of the Artisans Ⅰ

--14.4 The Trade of the Artisans Ⅰ

--14.4 Study Materials

-14.4 The Trade of the Artisans Ⅱ

--14.4 The Trade of the ArtisansⅡ

--14.4 Study Materials

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 15 Colorful Cloisonné

-15.1 Unique Cloisonné technique

--15.1 Unique Cloisonné technique

--15.1 Study Materials

-15.2 The Craftsmanship and Development of Cloisonné

--15.2 The Craftsmanship and Development of Cloisonné

--15.2 Study Materials

-15.3 The Problems Facing the Inheritance of Cloisonné

--15.3 The Problems Facing the Inheritance of Cloisonné

--15.3 Study Materials

-15.4 The inheritance and development of Cloisonné

--15.4 The inheritance and development of Cloisonné

--15.4 Study Materials

-Unit 15 Test

--Unit 15 Test

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Unit 16 Chinese ancient ceramics

-16.1 Appreciation of Chinese ceramics

--16.1 Appreciation of Chinese ceramics

--16.1 Study Materials

-16.2 Explore the origins of ancient ceramics Ⅰ

--16.2 Explore the origins of ancient ceramics Ⅰ

--16.2 Study Materials

-16.2 Explore the origins of ancient ceramics Ⅱ

--16.2 Explore the origins of ancient ceramics Ⅱ

--16.2 Study Materials

-Unit 16 Test

--Unit 16 Test

-Discussion questions

Unit 17 Chinese ceramic decoration art

-17.1 Traditional Chinese Decorative Patterns

--17.1 Traditional Chinese Decorative Patterns

--17.1 Study Materials

-17.2 Application of Traditional Chinese decorative patterns in ceramics

--17.2 Application of Traditional Chinese decorative patterns in ceramics

--17.2 Study Materials

-Unit 17 Test

--Unit 17 Test

-Discussion questions

--Discussion questions

Chinese Ceramics开设学校:南昌大学

Chinese Ceramics授课教师:


邱璟,南昌大学艺术与设计学院教授、硕导,高级工艺美术师,江西省委宣传部思想文化创意专家。主持多门精品在线开放课程,其中《中国民间艺术的奇妙之旅》、《时尚·魅力——大学生魅商修炼手册》在中宣部学习强国平台、中国大学MOOC、智慧树、超星尔雅等多个平台上线运行,《民间美术》为南昌大学“课程思政”示范课程,多部书画类作品被中国现代文学馆永久收藏。主持省级以上教学与科研课题多项,在 CSSCI 等核心以上学术期刊发表学术论文二十余篇,编写、出版多部学术专著、艺术设计类专业教材和国家职业技能鉴定考试复习指导丛书。主要研究领域为视觉传达设计和服装设计。




聂菁,南昌大学基础医学院讲师,硕士。讲授《人体解剖学》、《系统解剖学》、《断层解剖学》等课程。江西省省级精品在线开放课程《断层解剖学》课程负责人。先后在《International Immunopharmacology》、《神经解剖学杂志》、《中国临床解剖学杂志》、《解剖学杂志》等各类期刊发表学术、教学论文十余篇。主持江西省教育厅科研基金课、卫生厅青年基金项目各一项。主持南昌大学校级教改项目两项。参与多项国家自然基金项目、省级自然基金项目和省级教改项目。主要研究方向:人体解剖学教学、神经解剖学研究。






曲敏,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,南昌大学设计学硕士点负责人,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学、清华大学访问学者,江西省高新技术企业认定评审专家。Journal of Smart Product and Service Design副主编、Computers in Industry、International Journal of Production Research审稿人、中国工业设计协会会员、江西省工业设计协会理事、江西省工业设计学会理事。主持省级以上教学、研究课题四项;以第一作者身份发表高水平论文6篇,其中SCI收录4篇、EI收录2篇。设计作品荣获国家及省级奖励十余项。主要研究方向为工业设计、服务设计等。


  1. Chinese Ceramics(Round2)

  2. 我赢职场(2021秋)

  3. 俄罗斯历史(二)(2021秋)

  4. 雷达气象学(2021秋)

  5. 物理化学(下)(2021秋)

  6. 小儿推拿学(2021秋)

  7. 中国陶笛艺术探索(2021秋)

  8. 俄罗斯历史(一)(2021秋)

  9. 蚕体解剖生理学(2021秋)

  10. 燃烧与爆炸(2021秋)

  11. 微观经济学原理(先修课)(2021秋)

  12. 现代礼仪与修养(2021秋)

  13. ARM微控制器与嵌入式系统(2021秋)

  14. 信号与系统分析(2021秋)

  15. 无处不在—传染病(2021秋)

  16. 中国经济概论(2021秋)

  17. 汽车碰撞安全基础(2021秋)

  18. 英语美文悦读 I –人文篇(2021秋)

  19. 《易经》的政治智慧(2021秋)

  20. 人文数学(2021秋)
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