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Identifying Why People May Oppose Your Ideas(明确人们反对你想法的原因)在线视频

Identifying Why People May Oppose Your Ideas(明确人们反对你想法的原因)

Identifying why people may oppose your ideas


Now you can see there are many reasons why people reject your brilliant ideas. What I have mentioned are only some common ones and by no means to be exhaustive. It is therefore important for you to find out why people may oppose your proposal before you sell your idea to them.



To this end, you should analyze two aspects of the situation:

•       the problem and its solution

•       the people involved and affected.


•  问题及其解决方案

•  涉及和受影响的人


Let’s start with the aspect of ‘the problem and its solution’.

To present your solution persuasively, you need to know how the people involved are likely to react to it, so that you can present it in such a way as to prevent opposition. The first step is to list the attributes of the problem and your solution which affect other people. You may ask the following questions:




•       Who does the problem affect?

•       What adverse effects are people experiencing?

•       Which of these adverse effects does the solution remove?

•       Does the solution call for major changes, and who will be affected most?

•       Does the solution have other adverse effects, and for whom?

•       Is the solution unusual, and in what ways?

•       Does its implementation require exceptional cooperation or action by any individuals, and how?

•  谁会受到问题影响?

•  人们正在经历什么不利影响?

•  解决方案能消除哪些不利影响?

•  解决方案是否号召进行重大改革,谁受影响最大?

•  解决方案是否还有其他不利影响,对谁不利?

•  解决方案是否与众不同,在哪些方面?

•  实施是否需要任何人的合作或行动,如何实施?


Having answered the questions, you can now identify ‘the people involved and affected’.



You need to find out how are people likely to react to your proposed solution. You may try to address questions such as:



l   Do any aspects of the problem or its solution have special significance for them? For example, does it reflect badly on their previous decision or performance? Does it compete with their needs for resources?

l   In what way will they want the situation to change and does your solution achieve this?

l   Will they gain or lose with this solution, how and by how much?

l   Will they want to gain something for themselves or others through this solution?

l   Do they hold particularly strong views on any aspect of the problem or its solution?

l   Do they have stereotyped views which favour the traditional approach

l   If you are also one of the people involved, so you need to consider additional factors such as:

l   What is their personal opinion of you? Do any of them have reason to mistrust you?

l   Are your views and theirs likely to differ, by how much, and in what ways?

l   问题或其解决方案的任何方面对他们而言是否有特殊意义?例如,是否反映了他们之前糟糕的决定或表现?是否和他们的资源需求竞争?

l   他们希望以什么方式改变这种情况,而你的解决方案是否能够实现它?

l   他们通过方案将会获得或失去什么,以哪种方式以及程度如何?

l   他们是否希望通过方案为自己或他人获得一些东西?

l   他们是否对问题或解决方案任何方面持有极其强烈的看法?

l   他们是否有倾向于传统方法的刻板观点?

l   如果你也是涉及人员之一,那么你需要考虑额外因素,例如:

l   他们对你的个人看法是什么?他们中有人有理由不信任你吗?

l   你和他们的观点有可能不同吗,程度如何和从哪些方式?


By comparing your answers to all of these questions and the people involved, you will be able to identify all the major sources of opposition. Assuming that your solution is timely, sound and deals with the problem effectively, all of these possible causes of opposition can be avoided by the way you get your creative idea across to them.


返回《Innovation and Creative Thinking (创新与创意思维)》慕课在线视频列表

Innovation and Creative Thinking (创新与创意思维)课程列表:

1. Introduction to Innovation and Creativity (介绍创新与创意)

-Creativity and Innovation

2.Introduction to Challenge Based Learning(介绍以挑战为本的学习)

-Assessment: Challenge Based Learning

3. Creative Problem Solving (创造性解决问题)

-Creative Problem Solving

4. Idea Generation (产生想法)

-Idea Generation

-Problem Framing(问题框架)

5. Strategies, Guidelines and Tools For Idea Generation(培养方法的策略、指引和工具)

-Identifying Why People May Oppose Your Ideas(明确人们反对你想法的原因)

6. Ways To Get Others To Feel Positive About Your Ideas

-The Process of Planning the Presentation (汇报的计划过程)

-Ways To Get Others To Feel Positive About Your Ideas(让他人对你的想法感到积极的方法)

7. Solution Identification and Implementation (方案的确认和实施)

-Solution identification and implementation

8. Solution Identifying and Appraising and Outcome Evaluation(方案的确认、评价和效果评估)

-Solution appraisal and evaluation (方案的评价和审核)

9. Creative Solution (有创意的方案)

-Case study: Telehealth and telecare Initiative (远程医疗和远程照护的首创)

-Case study: Acu-magnetic therapeutic for knee osteoarthritis(磁疗护膝治疗膝骨关节炎)

10. Change and Innovation (改变和创新)

-Change and Innovation

11. Measures of Creativity and Creative Thinking (创意的评估)

-Measures of creativity and creative thinking

12. Creative Thinking in Everyday Life (创意思维在日常生活中的应用)

-Creative thinking in everyday life1

-Creative thinking in everyday life 2

13. Case Study (Selective)个案研究(选学)

-Case study: Making Crispy Vegetables(制作酥脆蔬菜)

-Tutorial: How To Sell Your Ideas To Others(如何向他人推销你的想法)

-Case Study: Heart Rate Variability (心率变异性)

-Case Study: sleep apnoea(睡眠呼吸暂停)

-Case study: sleep apnoea (continued)

-Case Study: Making special fabric (编织特殊织物)

-Case Study: Keep-fit formula for Children (学童Keep-Fit方程式)

Identifying Why People May Oppose Your Ideas(明确人们反对你想法的原因)笔记与讨论


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