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Measures of creativity and creative thinking

Measures of Creativity and Creative Thinking



Welcome back to the course Innovation and Creative Thinking. This session will look at measures of creativity and creative thinking.



How do we measure creativity that reflects froma movie,a piece of fine art, andthe work of a scientist? Let’s see what’s being done at present.



For movie, we may use length of run, money taken in at the Box, awards or reviews.

For art work, current auction price, museum display and frequency of reproduction in publications are common indicators.

For the work of a scientist, it’s very straightforward. We may count journal articles, citations and awards.





The common feature appears to suggest creativity is measured through a collective judgement by a large number of people with expertise in the creative domain, and all are measures of exceptional levels of creativity, that is, the Big C, not individual’s little c.



Let’s do some thought exercises.



Think of someone you know whom you think is particularly creative.


Why do you think so?


Is it because of some distinctive behaviour, lifestyle or ways of talking?


Is it because you’ve seen one of his or her creative works and you thought that it was creative?


Do you think the person would be considered creative by people from other countries and other cultures?


Or is there anything uniquely from the culture of his or her country about creativity?




(Pause for 5 minutes)暂停5分钟


Have the thought exercises led you consider measures of individual’s creativity, the little c?


播视频 – Interview Question

I was once asked a very tricky question during a job interview and it hasn’t left me since:



You are driving in your car on a stormy day. You passed by a bus stop and see three people waiting there.



The first is the perfect woman of your dreams.



The second is an old friend who once saved your life.



The third is a lonely old lady who looks really sick.



If you have only one seat in your car, who will you offer a ride to?



Let’s think about it..



This is a moral and ethical dilemma actually used as part of a job application.



Do you pick up the old woman because she is in critical condition and you should save her first?



Do you take the old friend because he once saved your life and this would be a perfect opportunity for you to pay him back?



However, both choices leave you missing out the woman of your dreams.



The candidate hired (out of 200 applicants), however, had no trouble answering.



He simply said: “I would give the car keys to my old friend, let him drive the old lady to the hospital, and stay behind to wait for the bus with the woman of my dreams.”



His answer left me stunned!



He completely changed my outlook and reminded me to always, “think out of the box!”



“Everyone is born with an instinct of success and ability to make it, but only the one who thinks outside the box succeeds.”






 “Big ideas come from forward thinking people who challenge the norm, think outside the box and invent the world they see inside rather than submitting to the limitations of current dilemmas”



“The limits of the possible can only be defined by going beyond them into the possible.



Arthur C. Clarke






Psychologists have become interested in individual’s creativity since the World War II.  In the early stage of development, many psychologists considered creativity was an integral part of our intelligence and were linked.



In 1955, psychologist Joy Guilford rejected this hypothesis and developed the “Structure of Intellect” theory using a factor analytic technique to separate creative thinking skills from others including intelligence. As part of this model, Guilford identified two distinct forms of thinking. They are divergent thinking and convergent thinking.



What we call the “gold standard” measure of creativity was developed by psychologist E. Paul Torrance building on the work of Guilford. The instrument, Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, psychometrically measures divergent thinking, and other problem-solving skills.



The reliability and validity of the instrument have made Torrance internationally known, and in the psychological literature he is routinely called the “father of creativity research.”



Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking are scored on four scales. They are:

One, fluency which is the total number of interpretable, meaningful and relevant ideas generated in response to stimulus.




Two, originality which is based on each response compared to the total amount of responses from a specific group of test participants. Responses that are given by 5% of the group are unusual and 1 point will be scored while responses that are given by only 1% of the group are unique, 2 points.



Three, flexibility which is based on the number of difference of categories of relevant responses.



Four, elaboration which is based on the amount of detail given in the response.



There are two parts in the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking.

One, verbal. This part consists of five tasks: ask-and-guess, product improvement, unusual uses, unusual questions, and just suppose. For example, participants are shown a picture and asked to respond in writing. They might be shown a situation and allowed to ask questions, or asked to improve products, or simply respond to the prompt “just suppose”.




Two, figural. This part consists of three tasks: picture construction, picture completion, and repeated figures of lines or circles.In picture construction, participants are given a kind of shape and they must make a picture out of the shape.



In the picture completion task and the repeated figures task, participants are given 10 incomplete pictures or figures in which they must construct an image or picture.



Having gone through the Golden Standard instrument, now we will move to explore other tools that are available for everyday use.



Self Assessment Tests



These tests fall within the category of personality tests of creativity, and many of these tests involve self assessments or self reporting of creativity. Participants respond to questions about how creative they feel, or whether they possess certain creative traits or attributes.



Torrance together with her colleague Joe Khatena developed a self-assessment test called the Khatena-Torrance Creative Perception Inventory. It consists of the following two subtests:



One, Something About Myself. It measures artistic inclination, intelligence, individuality, sensitivity, initiative and self strength.

Two, What Kind of Person Are You? It measures imagination, appeal to authority, self-confidence, inquisitiveness, and awareness of others.




The Creative Achievement Questionnaire was developed by Carson, Peterson and Higgins in 2005.



Participants are asked to check off actual achievements in 10 separate domains of creative accomplishments , such as ‘My work has won a prize in an innovation exhibition.’



The 10 domains are visual arts, music, dance, creative writing, architectural design, humour, theatre and film, culinary arts, invention and scientific inquiry.In each domain, there are 7 different accomplishment items ranked by the level of achievement.



The Runco Ideational Behavioural Scale was developed by Runco, Plucker and Lim in 2000. It asks participants to indicate how much they agree with 23 statements that reflects creative quality.



Some examples of these statements are:



I have many wild ideas.


I think about ideas more often than most people.


I enjoy having leeway in the things I do and room to make up my own mind.


I would take a college course based on original ideas.


I am able to think about things intensely for many hours.


I am good at combining ideas in ways that others have not tried.


I try to exercise my mind by thinking things through.


I have ideas about new inventions or about how to improve things.



Creative Functioning Test was developed by Smith and Carlsson’s in 1987. It measures 2 hypothesized constructs, ideational flexibility and creative strength.



The Test presents a participant with a series of still-life images generated by a professional artist, containing 2 primary objects. The images have a lot of shading and contours, so that it’s fairly easy to see other things in the picture.


Each picture is shown multiple times.



At first, the picture is displayed for an extremely short period of time, just one fifth of a second, and the participants are asked what they thought they saw.



With such a short exposure, the answers at first have nothing to do with the actual image. Then the participants see the same picture again for a bit longer.



The participants don’t know it’s actually the same picture each time, and they typically report seeing different things each time they’re shown the picture, until finally it’s shown long enough that they can tell what the 2 objects are.



The total number of different interpretations of the picture that a participant gives before he/she reports seeing the 2 objects is the measure of ideational flexibility.



Then the same picture is displayed at shorter and shorter times. At first, the participants recognize that it’s the same picture over and over. Eventually, the time presentation is so short that they can’t tell for sure. 



The high creative strength participants start describing other, often idiosyncratic, images during this decreasing series.



The low creative strength ones keep saying that they see the same thing, and only it gets darker or more fuzzy.



Practice makes perfect.  Try to use some of these instruments on your classmates, friends or relatives. You can only tell how good the instrument is after using it.



Thank You and See You Next Week!


返回《Innovation and Creative Thinking (创新与创意思维)》慕课在线视频列表

Innovation and Creative Thinking (创新与创意思维)课程列表:

1. Introduction to Innovation and Creativity (介绍创新与创意)

-Creativity and Innovation

2.Introduction to Challenge Based Learning(介绍以挑战为本的学习)

-Assessment: Challenge Based Learning

3. Creative Problem Solving (创造性解决问题)

-Creative Problem Solving

4. Idea Generation (产生想法)

-Idea Generation

-Problem Framing(问题框架)

5. Strategies, Guidelines and Tools For Idea Generation(培养方法的策略、指引和工具)

-Identifying Why People May Oppose Your Ideas(明确人们反对你想法的原因)

6. Ways To Get Others To Feel Positive About Your Ideas

-The Process of Planning the Presentation (汇报的计划过程)

-Ways To Get Others To Feel Positive About Your Ideas(让他人对你的想法感到积极的方法)

7. Solution Identification and Implementation (方案的确认和实施)

-Solution identification and implementation

8. Solution Identifying and Appraising and Outcome Evaluation(方案的确认、评价和效果评估)

-Solution appraisal and evaluation (方案的评价和审核)

9. Creative Solution (有创意的方案)

-Case study: Telehealth and telecare Initiative (远程医疗和远程照护的首创)

-Case study: Acu-magnetic therapeutic for knee osteoarthritis(磁疗护膝治疗膝骨关节炎)

10. Change and Innovation (改变和创新)

-Change and Innovation

11. Measures of Creativity and Creative Thinking (创意的评估)

-Measures of creativity and creative thinking

12. Creative Thinking in Everyday Life (创意思维在日常生活中的应用)

-Creative thinking in everyday life1

-Creative thinking in everyday life 2

13. Case Study (Selective)个案研究(选学)

-Case study: Making Crispy Vegetables(制作酥脆蔬菜)

-Tutorial: How To Sell Your Ideas To Others(如何向他人推销你的想法)

-Case Study: Heart Rate Variability (心率变异性)

-Case Study: sleep apnoea(睡眠呼吸暂停)

-Case study: sleep apnoea (continued)

-Case Study: Making special fabric (编织特殊织物)

-Case Study: Keep-fit formula for Children (学童Keep-Fit方程式)

Measures of creativity and creative thinking笔记与讨论


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